Dragonfly was released three times in the G2 line, twice as Dragonfly and once at Buttercup.
- Dragonfly Releases
Year Five (2001)
Lady Dragonfly
- Release Year: 2001
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Royal Lady Ponies
- Notes: Lady Dragonfly’s vanity mirror moves when the silver button at the top is pushed. She has Magic Motion B.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch: Koningin Libelle (Queen Dragonfly)
- Finnish:
- French: Reine Libellule (Queen Dragonfly)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Violetta (Violet)
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Moon Shadow Pose
- Body Color: Light Purple
- Hair Color: Violet with Silver Tinsel
- Eye Color: Periwinkle with White Crystal
- Symbol: Silver Dragonfly with Two Small Hearts in Each Top Wing
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures.
- 1 Lady Dragonfly is just about to go out with her friends. She puts on her beautiful hair-clips in front of the mirror!
- 2 Look: the mirror is magic. Push the jewel and the mirror moves!
- 3 When she returns home again, she bows her head and puts the hair-clips back in the dressing-table.
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- 1 Koningin Libelle maakt zich klaar voor het grote My Little Pony-bal!
- 2 Kijk, de kaptafel is betoverd! Druk op de parel en de spiegel beweegt!
- 3 Druk op de staart van Koningin Libelle. Ze zal haar hoofd buigen om haar kostbare haarspelden uit te doen na het bal!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- 1 Queen Dragonfly gets ready for the big My Little Pony ball!
- 2 Look, the dressing table is enchanted! Press the pearl and the mirror moves!
- 3 Press Queen Dragonfly's tail. She'll bow her head to take off her precious hairpins after the ball!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours.
- 1 Reine Libellule se prépare pour aller au grand bal de Mes Petits Poneys!
- 2 Regarde, sa coiffeuse est magique | Appuie sur le joyau et le miroir bouge!
- 3 Appuie sur la queue de Reine Libellule, elle bougers la tête pour enlever ses somptueuses barrettes après le bal!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures.
- 1 Queen Dragonfly is getting ready to go to the big My Little Ponies ball!
- 2 Look, her hairdresser is magical | Press the jewel and the mirror moves!
- 3 Press Queen Dragonfly's tail, she will move her head to remove her sumptuous barrettes after the ball!
- Collezionáli e gioca con loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nelle loro meravigliose avventure.
- 1 Violetta si prepara per andare al Gran Ballo dei My Little Pony.
- 2 Guarda: lo specchio é magico. Premendo la gemma lo specchio si muove.
- 3 Premi la coda di Violetta, abbasserà il capo per togliersi i suoi sontuosi fermagli dopo il ballo.
English Translation:
- Collect and play with them: your My Little Ponies on their wonderful adventures.
- 1 Violet gets ready to go to the My Little Pony Grand Ball.
- 2 Look: the mirror is magic. By pressing the gem the mirror moves.
- 3 Press Violet's tail, she will lower her head to take off her sumptuous hair clips after the dance.
Year Six (2002)
Magic Dragonfly
- Release Year: 2002
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Pony Magicians
- Notes:
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch: Toverlichtje (Magic Light)
- Finnish:
- French: Voeu de Libellule (Dragonfly Wish)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Magie di Violetta (Violet’s Magic)
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Light Purple
- Hair Color: Violet with Silver Tinsel
- Eye Color: Pale Purple with White Crystal
- Symbol: Silver Dragonfly with Two Small Hearts in Each Top Wing
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Touch the magic amulet with the magic wand and the amulet’s magic colours will light up. When you read the meaning of the single colour which will remain on the amulet, Magic Dragonfly magically turns into someone else.
- Green light: Magic Dragonfly wants to go shopping: give her the green bag, where she can put all her secret things!
- Yellow light: Magic Dragonfly becomes a bee: giver her the yellow fancy dress to wear!
- Red light: Magic Dragonfly becomes an Angel: put the magical wings on her back!
- Blue light: Magic Dragonfly wants to be combed: comb her beautiful hair with the blue comb!
- White light: Magic Dragonfly is getting married: put the white wedding ring on her leg!
- Houd het toverstokje tegen het amulet van Toverlichtje ... de kleurrijke lichtjes op het amulet springen aan en Toverlichtje neemt een andere gedaante aan! Ontdek de magie van Toverlichtje door de betekenis te achterhalen van het lichtje dat blijft branden.
- Het lichige is groen. Geef haar het groene handtasje waarin zw al haar spulletjes kan opbergen. Haar wens gaat in vervulling: Toverlijke kan nu uitgebreid gaan winkelen!
- Het lichtje is geel. Als ze haar gele verkleedjurkje aantrekt gaat de wens van Toverlichtje in vervulling Ze is veranderd in een honingbij!
- Het lichtje is rood. Bevestig de magische, rode vleugels rond het lichaam van Toverlichtje. Haar wens gaat is vervulling: ze is nu een engel!
- Het lichtje is blauw. Kam de haren van Toverlichtje met de magische, blauwe haarkam. Haar wens gaat in vervulling: z is nu sen echte ster!
- Het lichtje is wit. Toverlichtje gaat trowwen. Schuif de witte trouwring over haar been!
English Translation:
- Hold the magic wand against the amulet of Magic Light ... the colorful lights on the amulet turn on and Magic Light takes on a different form! Discover the magic of Magic Light by finding out the meaning of the light that stays on.
- The light is green. Give her the green handbag in which she can store all her things. Her wish comes true: Magical can now go shopping!
- The light is yellow. When she puts on her yellow fancy dress, Magic Light's wish comes true. She has turned into a honey bee!
- The light is red. Attach the magical red wings around Magic Light's body. Her wish comes true: she is now an angel!
- The light is blue. Comb Magic Light's hair with the magical blue hair comb. Her wish comes true: she is now a real star!
- The light is white. Magic Light is getting married. Slide the white wedding ring over her leg!
- Pose la baguette magique sur l'amulette de Voeu de Libellule ... les couleurs se mettent a clignoter, et Voeu de Libellule, par un tour de magie va se transformar. Chaque lumière realise un Voeu de Libellule. Découvre se que signifie la lumière qui reste éclairée sur l'amulette!
- Le lumière est verte: Mets lui son sac vert à l'intérieur duquel, elle glissera ses secrets. Son voeu est réalisé. Voeu de Libellule va faire du shopping!
- La lumiere est jaune: Mets lui sa robe jaune fantaisie, son voeu est réalisé, Voeu de Libellule devient une abelle!
- La lumiere est rouge: Mets lui ses ailes magiques rouges, son voeu est réalisé, Voeu de Libellule devient un ange!
- La lumiere est bleue: Coiffe la avec le peigne magique bleu, son voeu est réalisé, Voeu de Libellule devient une Star!
- La lumière est blanche: Mets lui son alliance, son voeu est réalisé, Voeu de Libellule va se marier!
English Translation:
- Place the magic wand on the Dragonfly Wish amulet... the colors begin to flash, and Dragonfly Wish, through a magic trick, will transform. Each light makes a Dragonfly Wish come true. Find out what the light that remains illuminated on the amulet means!
- The light is green: Give her her green bag inside which she will slip her secrets. His wish came true. Wish Dragonfly goes shopping!
- The light is yellow: Put her in her fancy yellow dress, her wish is granted, Wish of Dragonfly becomes a beauty!
- The light is red: Give him his red magic wings, his wish is granted, Wish of Dragonfly becomes an angel!
- The light is blue: Style her with the blue magic comb, her wish is granted, Dragonfly Wish becomes a Star!
- The light is white: Put his wedding ring on him, his wish has come true, Wish of Dragonfly is getting married!
- Guarda che magia con Magie di Violetta! Appoggia la bacchetta magica sull'amuleto di Magie di Violetta ... l'amuleto si illuminerà con tante luci multicolore, e Magie di Violetta si trasformerà per te! Scopri le trasformazione di Magie di Violetta, leggendo il significato dell'unica luce che rimara accesa sull'amulato!
- Luce verde: Magie di Violetta va a fare falle indossare lo romantica tracolla verde, dove puo riparre tutti i suoi piccoli segret!
- Luce gialla: Mage di Violetta si trasforma in Ape: falle indossare l'allegro vestito colorato!
- Luce rossa: Magie di Violetta si trasforma in Angelo: falle indossare le ali magiche!
- Luce blu: Magie di Violetta si trasforma in Star: pettinale i capelli con il pettinino blu incluso!
- Luce bianca: Magie di Violetta si sposa falle indossare l'anello nuziale!
English Translation:
- Look at the magic with Violet’s Magic! Place the magic wand on the Violet’s Magic amulet... the amulet will light up with many multicolored lights, and Violet’s Magic will transform for you! Discover the transformations of Violet's magic by reading the meaning of the only light that remains lit on the amulet!
- Green light: Violet’s Magic goes to make her wear the romantic green shoulder bag, where she can store all her little secrets!
- Yellow light: Violet’s Magic transforms into Ape: make her wear the cheerful colorful dress!
- Red light: Violet’s Magic transforms into an Angel: make her wear the magical wings!
- Blue light: Violet’s Magic transforms into a Star: comb her hair with the blue comb included!
- White light: Violet’s Magic gets married make her wear the wedding ring!
Year Seven (2003)
- Release Year: 2003
- Availability: Europe
- Series: New Hair Feature Ponies
- Notes: Buttercup’s backcard pictures her as a turquoise pony with purple hair instead of the purple-bodied Dragonfly reissue that was produced.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch: Waterjuffer (Damselfly)
- Finnish:
- French: Libellule (Dragonfly)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Treccina (Braid)
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Light Purple
- Hair Color: Violet with Silver Tinsel Mane, Violet with Silver Tinsel OR Blue Tail
- Eye Color: Pale Purple with White Crystal
- Symbol: Silver Dragonfly with Two Small Hearts in Each Top Wing
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their adventures.
- Buttercup has a long long coloured mane that you can dress up with the included pins. You can also use the pins in your hair!
- You can change Buttercup’s tail. Pull the tail to remove it and insert the other tail included in the packing!
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- Waterjuffer heeft heel erg lange manen om allerlei leuke kapsels mee uit te proberen! Je kan ook voor jezelf een leuk kapsel bedenken met haar haarspelden!
- Verander de kleur van haar staart dankzij de extra staartset!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- Damfly has a very long mane to try out all kinds of fun hairstyles! You can also think of a nice hairstyle for yourself with her hairpins!
- Change the color of her tail thanks to the extra tail set!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs merveilleuses aventures.
- Libellule a de très très longs cheveux pour réaliser plein de coiffures différentes! Ses barettes pourront même aller dans tes cheveux!
- Tu peux changer la couleur de sa queue grâce à la seconde queue incluse!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their wonderful adventures.
- Dragonfly has very, very long hair to create lots of different hairstyles! Its barrettes can even go in your hair!
- You can change the color of his tail with the included second tail!
- Collezionali e gioca con Loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nelle loro meravigliose avventure.
- Treccina ha una lunghissima criniera colorata che puoi abbellire con le mollettine incluse. Puoi usare le mollettine anche sui tuoi capelli!
- Puoi cambiare la coda di Treccina. E sufficiente tirare per estrarla e inserire l'altra coda inclusa nella confezione!
English Translation:
- Collect them and play with Them: your My Little Ponies in their wonderful adventures.
- Braid has a very long colored mane that you can embellish with the included clips. You can use clips on your hair too!
- You can change Braid's tail. Simply pull to extract it and insert the other tail included in the package!
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Ponies in the 2001 Royal Lady Ponies Series:
Other Ponies in the Pony Magicians Series:
Other Ponies in the New Hair Feature Series: