From My Little Wiki
- Release Year: 2003
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Wednesday Afternoon Ponies
- Notes: This is Gardener’s only G2 release.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Tuinier (Gardener)
- French: Jardinier (Gardener)
- Italian: Allegrella (Allegrella)
- Regional MIBs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Morning Glory Pose
- Body Color: Orange
- Hair Color: Yellow and Green
- Eye Color: Pale Blue with White Crystal
- Symbol: Lime Green Wheelbarrow
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share their adventures.
- The garden of the Ponies need to be watered! Take the watering can and water the lawn together with Gardener!
- And when you have finished working in the garden, help the Gardener to put all the tools in the wheelbarrow!
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- De tuin van de pony's moeten dringend besproeid worden met water. Neem je gietertje en begiet de tuin samen met Tuinier!
- De My Little Pony Tuinier bergt na de dagtaak al zijn spullen op in zijn kruiwagen die echt rijdt en gaat naar huis!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- The ponies' garden urgently needs to be watered. Take your watering can and water the garden together with Gardener!
- The My Little Pony Gardener puts away after the day's work put all his stuff in his wheelbarrow that actually drives and goes home!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours.
- Il fait chaud, le jardin a besoin d'être arrosé ! Aide Mon Petit Poney à porter l'arrosoir et arrose avec lui les jolies fleurs !
- Ensuite, Mon Petit Poney Jardinier range tous ses outils dans sa brouette qui roule vraiment!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures.
- It's hot, the garden needs watering! Help My Little Pony carry the watering can and water the pretty flowers with him!
- Then, My Little Pony Gardener stores all his tools in his wheelbarrow which really rolls!
- Collezionali e gioca con loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nelle loro meravigliose avventure.
- Il giardino dei Pony ha bisogno di essere innaffiato! Prendi l'innaffiatolo e bagna il prato insieme ad Allegrella!
- E quando hai finito di lavorare nel giardino, aiuta Allegrella a riporre tutti gli attrezzi nella carriola!
English Translation:
- Collect them and play with them: your My Little Ponies on their wonderful adventures.
- The Pony Garden needs watering! Take the watering can and water the lawn together with Allegrella!
- And when you're done working in the garden, help Allegrella put all the tools in the wheelbarrow!
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Ponies in the Wednesday Afternoon Series: