Lickity Split
From My Little Wiki

G3 Lickity Split

G3 Lickity Split

G3 Lickity Split Symbol
G3 Lickity Split came in a 2 pack with Port-o-Bella.
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sparkleworks Pose
- Body Colour: Purple
- Hair Colour: Blue and light green
- Eye Colour: Brown with light brown
- Symbol: Ice cream sundae
- Hoof Heart: Yellow
- striped hat
- picnic basket
- pie with a slice removed
- pie server with a pie slice on it
- three sandwiches
- three knife/fork/napkin sets
- three clear pink cups
- clear pink bottle of juice
- pink bow brush
- purple bow brush
Backcard Stories
LICKITY SPLIT eats an ice cream sundae every day! One time she built a sundae so high, all the whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles fell down and landed on her head!
Media Appearances
See also