Merry Moments
- Release Year: 1999
- Availability: Europe, possibly North America
- Series: Secret Surprise Friends
- Notes: Merry Moments has only this one G2 release.
- Regional MOCs
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish: Glædestrale (Beam of Joy)
- Dutch: Plaatje Plezier (Picture Fun)
- Finnish: Päivänsäde (Daily Rain)
- French: Fleur Bleue (Blue Flower)
- German:
- Greek: ΧΑΡΟΥΛΑ – Charoula (Joy)
- Italian: Allegra (Cheerful)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish: Pony Recuerdos (Pony Memories)
- Swedish: Glädjesträle (Beam of Joy)
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Green
- Hair Color: Magenta
- Eye Color: Light Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Yellow Photo Album with Fuchsia Outline, Open with Five Fuchsia-Outlined Yellow Photos, Five Fuchsia Hearts and Six Yellow Curved Lines Above Album
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun - the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
- You can put the pictures into your special locket and saddle picture frames.
Merry Moments is very sentimental. She loves to take pictures of fun moments and carries her favourite photos in her locket.
Glædestråle er sentimental. Hun elsker at tage billeder af sjove øjeblikke, og hun bærer sine yndlingsbilleder i sin medaljon.
English Translation: Joy beam is sentimental. She loves to take pictures of funny moments and she wears her favorite pictures in her locket.
Welkom in Ponyland, de magische wereld van My Little Pony! Hier spelen de Pony's en beleven zij allerlei fantastische avonturen! Kom erbij, ze zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes! En... sluit vriendschap voor het leven!
- Je kunt de plaatjes in je speciale medaillon of in de zadellijstjes bewaren.
Plaatje Plezier is een beetje sentimenteel. Ze maakt foto's van alles en iedereen die ze leuk vindt. In haar medaillon zitten haar allerliefste foto's.
English Translation: Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here the Ponies play and experience all kinds of fantastic adventures! Come join us, they love new friends! And... make friends for life!
- You can store the pictures in your special locket or in the saddle frames.
Picture Fun is a bit sentimental. She takes pictures of everything and everyone she likes. Her locket contains her favorite photos.
Päivänsäde on tunteellinen. Hän rakastaa hauskojen hetkien ikuistamista ja pitää suosikkivalokuviaan medaljongissaa.
English Translation: Daylight is emotional. She loves capturing fun moments and keeps her favorite photos in a locket.
Fleur Bleue est une grande sentimentale. Elle aime prendre des photos des bons moments et se promène entuite avec ses photos préférées dans son médaillon.
English Translation: Blue Flower is a great sentimentalist. She loves taking photos of good times and walks around with her favorite photos in her locket.
Benvenuta nel Giardino dell'Amicizia; il magico mondo dei My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti! Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!
- Scopri l'immagine nascosta colorando la foto con una matita.
Allegra Pony Magica Sorpresa è molto sentimentale. Le piace moltissimo scattare foto nei momenti più allegri. Conserva le sue foto preferite nel suo magico medaglione.
English Translation: Welcome to the Garden of Friendship; the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures! Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical world!
- Uncover the hidden image by coloring the photo with a pencil.
Cheerful Pony Magical Surprise is very sentimental. She really likes taking photos in the happiest moments. She keeps her favorite photos of her in her magical locket.
¡Bienvenida a Ponylandia, el mundo de Mi Pequeño Pony! Aquí los ponys juegan juntos y viven emocionantes aventuras. ¡Únete a ellos!... A los ponys les encantará que te conviertas en su nueva amiga.
- Puedes colocar las fotos en el marco especial de la silla de montar.
Pony Recuerdos es muy sentimental. Le encanta hacer fotos de los momentos más divertidos y lleva sus fotos favoritas en su silla de montar.
English Translation: Welcome to Ponyland, the world of My Little Pony! Here the ponies play together and have exciting adventures. Join them!... The ponies will love that you become their new friend.
- You can place the photos in the special saddle frame.
Pony Memories is very sentimental. She loves taking photos of the funniest moments and takes favorite photos of her in her saddle.
Glädjestråle är lite sentimental. Hon älskar att ta foton av roliga händelser. Hon har alltid sitt favoritfoto i sin berlock.
English Translation: Beam of Joy is a bit sentimental. She loves taking photos of fun events. She always has her favorite photo in her charm.
Media Appearances
See Also
Other ponies in the 1999 Secret Surprise Friends series:
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Three (1999) | ||
♥ Nationwide distribution in the USA ended in 1999, but which ponies were available is still debated. Distribution and sales continued in Europe through 2003 and the brand relaunch of Generation 3. ♥ | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Flash • Hip Holly • Merry Moments • Satin Slipper | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Princess Ponies |
Princess Crystal • Princess Ivy • Princess Morning Glory • Princess Silver Swirl • Princess Trixiebelle • Princess Twinkle Star | |
Royal Lady Ponies |
Lady Cupcake • Lady Light Heart • Lady Moonshine • Lady Sky Skimmer | |
Royal Friends |
Mystery Ball with Princess Sweet Berry and Lady Sky Skimmer • Royal Wedding with Princess Morning Glory and Prince Clever Clover | |
Holiday Ponies | ||
Playsets |
Sweet Berry's Magic Kitchen • Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunsparkle • Magic Rainbow Forest with Sunsparkle • Royal Castle Ballroom with Princess Morning Glory |