Twist and Style Petal Parlor
- In the United Kingdom it was released with Zipzee and an extra breezie Snippity Snap
- Released everywhere else with Zipzee
Daffidazey and Zipzee came with the playset Twist and Style Petal Parlor in 2006.
Pony Stats
- Pose: Daffidazey Pose
- Body Colour: White
- Hair Colour: Pink, orange, yellow, blue and purple
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Pink flower
- Hoof Heart: Pink
- Accessories
Also came with Sweet Sparkle, Fairy Dust, Jade Garden, Sunny Daze V4, Lovey Dovey, Puzzlemint and Valentines Sweetie Belle
Backcard Stories
Media Appearances
Animated pony Stats
- Body Colour: White
- Hair Colour: Pink, orange, yellow, blue and purple
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Pink flower
Daffidazey starred in The Princess Promenade. She served as the owner and beautician of the Petal Parlor in the movie, cleaning up Spike after his 1000 year slumber. She was shown to need glasses, initially mistaking Spike for a pony until she put them on.
- Twist & Style Petal Parlor 2006 with Zipzee
- Twist & Style Petal Parlor Bonus pack 2006 with Snippity Snap - this was available on the International market only.
She was released with the Twist and Style Petal Parlour
- Pony Stats
- Pose: Zippy Zinnia Pose
- Body Colour: Yellow
- Hair Colour: Yellow & Orange
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Orange and white flower
- Antennae Colour: Pink
Backcard Stories
Media Appearances
Animated Pony Stats
- Body Colour: Yellow
- Hair Colour: Yellow and Orange
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Orange and white flower
- Antennae Colour: Yellow
Zipzee starred in Princess Promenade, The Runaway Rainbow and A Very Pony Place. She's prone to powerful seasonal allergies that cause problems with her love of flowers. Usually inseparable from her friends Tiddly Wink and Tra-La-La, she volunteered to take over planning for Ponyville's Spring Promenade when Wysteria became princess.
Zipzee appeared as a puppet alongside several other Breezies in My Little Pony Live: World's Biggest Tea Party.
See also:
Snippity Snap
She was released in the United Kingdom with the Twist and Style Petal Parlour
- Pony Stats
- Pose: Dancing Daffodil Pose
- Body Colour: Pink
- Hair Colour: Pink and Orange
- Eye Colour: Green
- Symbol: Yellow and pink butterfly surround by 5 tiny yellow dots
- Antennae Colour: Yellow
Backcard Stories
See also: