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G1 Hopscotch

G1 Hopscotch's Symbol
Hopscotch is a G1 pony, sold in certain European countries including the UK.
- Names
- Spanish: Juguetón
Pony Stats
- Pose: Posey Pose
- Body Colour: Pale blue
- Hair Colour: Purple
- Eye Colour: Purple
- Symbol: Pink hopscotch board
- Dark pink ribbon
Backcard Stories
Media Appearances
She was also in the Book The magic nut tree.
Italian Hopscotch
Spanish Hopscotch
Spanish: Juguetón
Spanish Hopscotch Variant I
- Marked Spain
Spanish Hopscotch Variant II
- no country marked
Mobile with Dream Castle, Cherries Jubilee, Majesty, Gypsy, Honeycomb, Snowflake and Posey