Flutter Poses
There are four different G1 flutter pony poses.
Rosedust Pose - Standing Flutter Pose
Honeysuckle Pose - Walking Flutter Pose
Wing Song Pose - Looking Flutter Pose
Cloud Puff Pose - Leaning Forward Flutter Pose
Rosedust Pose

All feet flat on the ground, head tilted slightly up to the right.
Copyrighted 1986.
Ponies in the Rosedust Pose
Honeysuckle Pose

Left back hoof and right front hoof are flat on the ground. Left front leg is stretched forward with front of hoof touching ground. Right back leg is stretched back and hoof does not touch the ground. Head is tilted slightly up to the left.
Copyrighted 1986.
Ponies in the Honeysuckle Pose
Wing Song Pose

In this pose, three hooves are flat on the ground. The front left leg is slightly bent with the hoof tip touching the ground. The head is turned to the left.
Copyrighted 1987.
Ponies in the Wing Song Pose
Cloud Puff Pose

This pose is leaning forward with head pointing straight up. None of the hooves are flat on the ground.
Copyrighted 1987.
Ponies in the Cloud Puff Pose
HQG1C Modified Flutters