From My Little Wiki
Here's to a new level of sharing!
Adding to the library
- At the moment, anything you add is just a click away from being downloaded, so if that concerns you, don't add your file.
- If you lack a scanner:
- I have successfully scanned books with an iphone and ipad via TinyScanner
- The max file size is 8mb, if your file is too big:
- here is a nice tool for shrinking pdf file sizes
- Here is a tool I use for cropping pdfs in case your scans include the whole scanner bed
- Upload pdfs as you would image files via Upload under "Toolbox" from the navigation column
- Here is the basic format for inserting a pdf file:
- [[File:my-little-pony-adventure-book.pdf|page=1|1000px]]
Below however I have linked the pdf directly to a jpg of the book itself for now.
(Long term however, I'm giving a hard look at the software used on