Whimzee operates the Dream Machine and maintains the delicate balance between positrons and negatrons by fulfilling children’s dreams. Very caring, she has heart-felt debates with herself before choosing a dream for each little sleeper. She has her own strange but delightful sense of logic, and her heart of gold leads her everywhere. Poseable 5½” Whimzee has glow in the dark hair, clothing and star comb. Comes with figure stand and dream crystal necklace.
There is also a variant release of Whimzee that had a darker lavender lamé material used, with dark purple circles on her headband and dress. This was in both the Dream Points and Dreamtail releases, not in the Record version.
- Lavender headband
- Lavender dress
- Pink stockings
- Purple moon shoes
- Accessories
Series 1: Dream Points
Dream Points were printed on the bottom of boxes for a promotional reward program similar to My Little Pony Horseshoe Points. Some boxes also had stickers included.
- Accessories
Series 2: Vinyl Records / Pink Cassettes
Series 2 dolls came with a promotional vinyl record, or a pink cassette tape if you were in Germany.
- Accessories
Series 3: Dreamtails
Series 3 dolls came with one random "Dreamtail", which was a lock of Glow-in-the-Dark hair attached to a pink hairclip.
- Accessories