Whizzer is a G1 Twinkle Eyed Pony.

Pony Stats
- Pose:
- Body Colour: Pink
- Hair Colour: Purple/blue/green/pale green
- Eye Colour: Lavender jewels
- Symbol: Five pink and purple propeller beanies
Backcard Stories
Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the ponies' backcards, including all errors.
US Backcard Story

Today was the day of the big race! Whizzer's eyes twinkled as she joined the others behind the starting line. "Ready, set... GO!" Magic Star called, waving her wand to start the race. The ponies were off in a flash, soaring into the bright blue sky. Whizzer flew as fast as her pegasus wings would carry her. Soon, she was far ahead of the others. She whisked around Mr. Sun, performed a spectacular double loop around the rainbow's arch then pranced towards the red ribbon finish line. The audience cheered as Whizzer ripped through the ribbon, the others still far behind. Buttons presented Whizzer with the winning prize - a beanie made from moonbeams, flashing comet tails, and a glittering stardust propeller. Then Buttons tied blue satin ribbons in the manes of all the ponies who ran the race. The day ended with a celebration feast of Fizzy's ice cream sodas, Cupcake's tiny cakes and Gingerbread's cookies.
Media Appearances
Whizzer starred the My Little Pony & Friends TV series. Her voice was played by Jeannie Elias.
UK Whizzer Sticker
Argentinian Whizzer
- Medley pose with a orange body and rainbow hair