G4 Games
Chutes and Ladders
My Little Pony version of the game came with three blind bag ponies to use as pieces and ponies appear on the board itself.
- Chutes and Ladders
Comes with
- Twilight Sparkle
- Dj Pon-3
- Dr Hooves
- Derpy
Egmont Kärnan
Egmont Kärnan is a company specializing in games, activities and colouring books. [1]
Published by Kärnan AB in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Comes with
- Pinkie Pie
- Rarity
- Twilight Sparkle
- Lyra Heartstrings
I regnbågsspelet tävlar de fyra ponnyerna Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Lyra Heartstrings om vem som kommer först fram till slottet. Följer du regnbågen hoppar du framåt på spelplanen. Hamnar du i vattenfallet riskerar du att flyta bakåt på spelplanen. Har du tur kan någon av dina ponnyvänner hjälpa dig ur vattenfallet. Den som först kommer fram till slottet vinner spelet.
"In the rainbow game compete the four ponies Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Lyra Heartstrings about who comes first to the castle. If you follow the rainbow you jump forward on the board. If you end up in the wateryou run the risk to float back on the field. If you are lucky, one of your pony friends can help you out of the waterfall. The first one to arrive at the castle wins the game."
Published by Kärnan AB.