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Places to check out!
Community forums and reference sites.
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*[http://www.mlparena.com My Little Pony Arena]
==My Little Pony Trading Post==
*[http://www.mlptp.net My Little Pony Trading Post]
[http://www.mlptp.net My Little Pony Trading Post]
[[File:TP2022.png|thumb|Current MLPTP Design]]
[[File:TP2005.png|thumb|2005 MLPTP Design]]
[[File:Framemlptplogo2.jpg|thumb|Original MLPTP Design]]
The My Little Pony Trading Post is the longest-running online discussion forum for MLP collectors worldwide, created in 1996. Originally located at mlptp.com, the forum permanently moved to mlptp.net in 2005. It has undergone many changes throughout the years, both in design and leadership. In 2022, the forum adopted its pink and aqua theme with its own mascot, designed by MLPTP administrator MustBeJewel and brought to life by renowned MLP artist Marco Albiero. A naming contest was held, and Posty is the winning name.
Posty was brought to life in toy form in 2023 with the help of [[HQG1C]] and limited to 300 pieces. Supporters were able to choose their own Posty number and received a package of TP goodies with their pony.
<gallery caption="Posty Pony Package" widths="200" heights="200">
File:Posty01.png|Posty Pony
File:Posty06.png|Yellow-Orange Ribbon
File:Posty03.png|Clear Glitter Stand
File:PostyCardFr.png|Posty Certificate, Front
File:PostyCardR.png|Posty Certificate, Back
File:PostySt.png|Posty Sticker Sheet
File:Posty04.png|Large Round G1-Style Posty Sticker
File:Posty05.png|Diecut Glitter Posty Sticker
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==My Little Pony Arena==
[http://www.mlparena.com My Little Pony Arena]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/mlparena/ MLP Arena Facebook Group]
[[File:Arena.gif|thumb|MLP Arena Logo]]
The My Little Pony Arena was created in 2003 as an alternative to the MLPTP, whose site admin had disappeared, leaving the forum to become infested with spam.  The MLP Arena offers a faster-paced forum environment than the MLPTP. It too connects collectors worldwide through discussion, buying/selling/trading, and swaps. Most community members maintain memberships on both forums, and both forums have run harmoniously since the MLPTP moved to its .net home in 2005, as mentioned above.
The MLP Arena has its own mascot, as well, unofficially called "Lady Arena." She was designed by sirithfin, and many pony customizers and artists have created their own versions of her over the years. She can be seen on the left side of the Arena logo.
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*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1143125015828604/ 40th Anniversary - Retro MLP]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/284497518615731/ Bad B/S/T - MLP & Other Toys]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1833438723651886/ Brush and Comb Identification for Dolls and Other Toys]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1477330905700474/ Cutie Mark Crew]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/dollandtoyid/ Doll & Toy Identification Help]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/ghostofthedolltoyid/ Ghost Of The Doll: Toy ID]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/hqg1c/ HQG1C - Collectors Club]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/652503065227499/ Midwest G1 My Little Pony Exchange]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/570257203105117/ MLP Collectors Group]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/331807787026036/ MLP Nirvana]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MLP.RTT/ MLP Restoration Tips & Tricks]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/mylittlephony/ My Little Phony]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/G2MLP/ My Little Pony G2 Collectors]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/2065608950389795/ My Little Pony G3 or G3.5 Generation❤❤]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/637737116430215/ My Little Wiki: The Missing Entries]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/171671343390425/ MyLittlePonyAccessories.Weebly]
*[https://www.facebook.com/groups/2861714550648229/ Retro Rainbows: My Little Pony & More [Collecting Community]]
<br style="clear:both">
*[http://www.mylittleponynews.com/ My Little Pony News] A great blog on what's going on in the MLP world!
*[https://www.mlpmerch.com/ MLP Merch]
*[http://www.equestriadaily.com/ Equestria Daily] My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic news from around the internet compiled into one easy website.
A blog covering upcoming releases for MLP toys and merchandise, as well as products currently available.
*[http://www.equestriadaily.com/ Equestria Daily]
''My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic'' news from around the web compiled into one easy website.
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== Customs/Restoration ==
*[http://mlppreservationproject.webstarts.com/ The My Little Pony Preservation Project]
The MLP Preservation Project is here to help with all your pony restoration needs! This is the result of years of planning, research, the collaboration of dozens of collectors, and My Little Pony love. All the best cleaning and fixing information for ponies, playsets, and accessories is here in one easy to find place!
=== Supplies ===
*[https://www.etsy.com/shop/CustomDollHairAu Custom Doll Hair]
**Australia-based business.
**Offers many different hair types, as well as supplies.
*[https://custompony.ecrater.com/c/2288623/nylon-hair?&srn=0 CustomPony.com]
**MLP community member-owned!
**Offers a variety of thicker denier, wefted nylon hair colors to match many original pony colors.
*[https://www.thedollhairemporium.co.uk/ The Doll Hair Emporium - formerly RetroDolls UK]
**UK-based business.
**MLP community member-owned!
**Offers some matches by Pony by dropdown menu.
*[https://dollplanet.com/ The Doll Planet US]
**Many hair types and colors, as well as supplies, for restoration and customization.
**Offers a blog featuring customization tips and artist spotlights.
*[https://dollyhair.com/collections/nylon-doll-hair Dollyhair]
**Nylon hair in a wide range of colors for restoration and customization.
**Under new ownership - now POC-owned/woman-owned!
**Also sells supplies and other hair types, but nylon is most commonly used for MLP.
*[https://mylittlecustom.com/ My Little Custom]
**UK-based business.
**MLP community member-owned!
**Offers the same nylon MLP colors that Dollyhair offers.
**Offers many other supplies and hair types.
*[https://www.restoredoll.com/ RestoreDoll]
**Longest operating hair supplier known to the MLP community.
**Specializes in KatSilk saran hair, but offers many other types.
**Wide variety of colors and hair types.
*[https://shimmerlocks.com/index.php?route=product/catalog&fc=60 Shimmer Locks]
**Nylon hair in a wide range of colors for restoration and customization.
**MLP community member-owned!
**Color matches searchable by Pony name.
**Also sells supplies and other hair types, but nylon is most commonly used for MLP.
*[http://dollyhair.com/ Dolly Hair]  
=== Guides & Tutorials ===
THE place to buy hair for custom/restore pony projects
*[http://www.aikarin.com/mlp/ Aikarin.com]
**MLP community member-owned!
**Offers many cleaning and customizing tips.
**Site has not been updated since 2009.
*[https://sites.google.com/site/mlphaircolorguide/home The MLP Hair Color Matching Guide]
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20070205123653/www.geocities.com/dizzydava/Customizing_101.htm Customizing 101 - ARCHIVED]
This site lists the Dollyhair colors for G1 and G4 pony hair. Useful for restoration projects.
**ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
**MLP community member-owned!
**Great tips for beginning customizers.
*[http://mlppreservationproject.webstarts.com/ The My Little Pony Preservation Project]
**Tried and true methods of restoration and preservation gathered from years of research and community collaboration.
**MLP community member-owned!
**Tips for everything MLP - from ponies to playsets to accessories!
*[https://www.mlphairmatch.com/ StarbriteSprinkles' My Little Pony Hair Color Matching Guide]
**MLP community member-owned!
**Helpful in restorations and customization.
**Dollyhair color matches for Generations 1, 2, and 4
**Generations 3, 5, and retro releases coming soon.
**Color matches searchable by Pony name.
**Also cross-brand matches for Dollyhair nylon colors.
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==All Generations==
==All Generations==
*[http://www.intothesea.com/MyLittlePony/MLPMain.htm Where the Rainbow Ends]
*[http://heckyeahponyscans.tumblr.com/ Heck Yeah Pony Scans]
*[http://mlpland.com/?l=2&p=home/ MLP Land: An Identification Website] (Dutch and English)
A tumblr account devoted to scans of MLP paper media.
*[http://mlpland.com/?l=2&p=home/ MLP Land: An Identification Website]
Pony ID and news, available in Dutch and English languages.
*[https://data.mlpmerch.com/ MLP Merch Databases]
New ponies and merchandise added all the time. Create your own wish list and checklist.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20160413150649/http://www.mylittleponynews.com/ My Little Pony News - ARCHIVED]
All-gen friendly blog covering new releases, community events, and more. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20160310190645/http://mlp.imagesofher.com/ My Little Pony Rereleases Encyclopedia - ARCHIVED]
A guide to G3 and G4 pony rereleases. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20090214022512/http://ponyville.org/ Ponyville.org - ARCHIVED]
A blog/guide to G3 and G4 Ponyville and mini figures. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20130511052329/http://www.intothesea.com/MyLittlePony/MLPMain.htm Where the Rainbow Ends - ARCHIVED]
All-gen news, guides, checklists, and more. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
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*[http://www.kimsites.net/dreamvalley/ Dream Valley] all of US G1 ponies and a few variants
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20050223114550/http://www.50mbp.com/2001/50links.html 50 Most Beautiful Ponies - ARCHIVED]
*[http://www.elisanet.fi/myrskytar/ Myrskytar's Finnish Language Page]
Many years ago, Spoosh ran a contest on the MLPTP to decide the 50 most beautiful G1 ponies. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[http://www.greatponies.com/ Lady Twilight's My Little Pony Website] great accessory guide
*[http://www.etherella.com/scrapbook2/index.html Etherella's My Little Pony Scrapbook] Comprehensive information on UK releases.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20161029203353/https://www.kimsites.net/dreamvalley/index.html Dream Valley - ARCHIVED]
*[http://miominipony.mlparena.com/Italianresource%20main.htm the mmp italian resource] Italian Variant info
Dream Valley was the first comprehensive pony ID site on the web. While it was revolutionary for its time, MUCH OF THE INFORMATION IS OUTDATED. It is listed here for historical and nostalgic reasons only.  ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[http://mylittlelilico.blog.co.uk/ My Little Lilico] Unicorn Variant Guide
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20061205060407/http://www.greatponies.com/ Lady Twilight's My Little Pony Site - ARCHIVED]
G1 pony accessory info. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://mlpseriesresource.tumblr.com/ Gusty365's MLP Series Resource]
A tumblr blog of gifs and screengrabs from the series, as well as episode guide.
*[https://mylittleponyaccessories.weebly.com/ My Little Pony Accessories]
Detailed photos of G1 and G2 accessories, as well as MOC photos.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20070706113852/http://www.mylittleponycollector.com/ My Little Pony Collectors - ARCHIVED]
Similar to Dream Valley, operated by another collector. Also features links to many old MLP-related sites. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://mlpfactfile.blogspot.com/ My Little Pony Fact File]
A blog dedicated to the popular UK/European Fact File binder.
*[https://www.etherella.com/scrapbook/ The My Little Pony Scrapbook]
Your guide to the G1 line in the UK and Europe.
*[https://mylittleponystickergallery.weebly.com/ My Little Pony Sticker Gallery]
A branch of My Little Pony Accessories, pony and playset stickers are here.
*[https://www.ponylandtours.com/PetitePocket/PetitePocketIndex.html Petite Pocket]
Ponyland Tours' guide to Petite Ponies.
*[https://ponygeddon.wordpress.com/ Ponygeddon!]
A blog dedicated to all things G1 - scans, photos, and more.
*[https://www.ponylandpress.com/ Ponyland Press]
Pony ID and photos, series info, and care tips.
*[http://www.ponylandtours.com/ Ponyland Tours]
*[http://www.ponylandtours.com/ Ponyland Tours]
*[http://www.ponylandtours.com/PetitePocket/PetitePocketIndex.html Petite Pocket] Petite Pony Resource
Pony and accessory ID, backcard library, and the Petite Pocket.
*[http://shel-tponies.com/PPCATALOG/PPCatMain.html Shel-T Ponies] Princess Pony Variants
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20221129185608/http://www.elisanet.fi/myrskytar/ Stormyttäri's pony pages - ARCHIVED]
Finnish language G1 ID and blog. Easily translated through Chrome browser. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20160309051922/http://wendellwasher.com/samples/storyboards/mlpseaponies/sbdmlpsea-109.htm Wendell Washer Storyboards - ARCHIVED]
Wendell Washer's ''Rescue at Midnight Castle'' storyboards. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
==== Nirvana ====
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20190727044849/https://www.angelfire.com/alt2/altbirthflowers/altbirthflowers.html Alternate Birthflower Ponies - ARCHIVED]
All about "alternate" birthflower ponies. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://www.angelfire.com/art/peachyfairymoose/argentinaadultindex.html Argentina Ponies]
Photos of Argentina ponies. Outdated, long loading time.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20230130214646/https://sites.google.com/site/poniesofcolombia/home Colombian Pony Corner - ARCHIVED]
All about Colombian ponies.  ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20240724185819/http://www.mexicanponyparadise.com/ Mexican Pony Paradise - ARCHIVED]
PeppermintTruly's guide to Mexican My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken. Must have the Ruffle extension to see frames.
*[https://mylittleponyspain.weebly.com/ Mi Pequeño Pony G1 España]
A guide to Mi Pequeño Pony, Spanish My Little Pony.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20100517151954/http://miominipony.com/ Once Upon a Rainbow - ARCHIVED]
A guide to Mio Mini Pony, Italian My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20190915061849/http://www.miominipony.mlparena.com/Italianresource%20main.htm MMP Italian Resource - ARCHIVED]
Another guide to Italian My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
*[https://pinkkittywinks.wixsite.com/mlparenagallery MLP Arena Nirvana Gallery]
The MLP Arena's extensive Nirvana Pony image gallery, as well as links to all Nirvana Spotlights.
*[http://www.princessvariants.com/ Shel-T's Princess Pony Variants]
A guide to all the weird and wonderful Princess Pony variants.
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20130722134409/http://www.freewebs.com/unicornucopiamlp/greekponies.htm Unicornucopia's Greek Pony Guide - ARCHIVED]
A basic guide to Greek My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
<br style="clear:both">
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*[https://generationdiamant.wixsite.com/monpetitponey Génération Diamant]
French language guide to G2. Easily translatable through the Chrome browser.
*[http://lavenderlagoon.weebly.com/ The Lavender Lagoon]
*[https://moonshimmers.weebly.com/ Moonshimmer's My Little Pony G2]
*[http://gen2.aien-hime.com/ Rainbow Forest]
*[http://www.angelfire.com/80s/ponymarket/ Ponyland Market's My Little Pony Second Generation Guide]
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20181014193259/http://gen2.aien-hime.com/ Rainbow Forest Gen2 ID Site - ARCHIVED]
ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
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*[http://www.strawberryreef.com/ Strawberry Reef G3 My Little Pony Resource Guide]
*[http://www.ponytopia.com/ Silverfall's Ponytopia] No longer updated; lots of G3 info
*[http://mlp.imagesofher.com/index.php/ Re-release Encyclopedia]
*[http://www.strawberryreef.com/ Strawberry Reef G3 My Little Pony Resource Guide] Contains all generation content with a major focus on G3
*[http://ponyville.org// Ponyville.org] about G3 and G4 pony figurines
*[http://www.mlptp.net/forums/g3-reference-library/61036-table-contents-start-here.html MLTP G3 Library]
*[http://www.horsma.org/ Horsma] Please note this website is in Finnish but is easy to maneuver.
*[http://www.horsma.org/ Horsma] Please note this website is in Finnish but is easy to maneuver.
**[http://www.horsma.org/Ponien_tavaroiden_tunnistus.htm Here] is a direct link to their great accessory guide.
**[http://www.horsma.org/Ponien_tavaroiden_tunnistus.htm Here] Direct link to accessory guide
*[http://www.janysejaud.com Janyse Jaud] Voice of Pinkie Pie in almost all the G3 movies
*[http://www.janysejaud.com Janyse Jaud] Voice of Pinkie Pie in almost all the G3 movies
*[http://www.tabithastgermain.com/ Tabitha St.Germain] Voice of numerous characters in G3 and G4
*[http://www.tabithastgermain.com/ Tabitha St.Germain] Voice of numerous characters in G3 and G4
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*[http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic_Wiki Friendship is Magic Wiki]
*[https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic_Wiki Friendship is Magic Wiki]
*[http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/ASM_Toy_Fair ASM Toy Fair Images]
*[http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/ASM_Toy_Fair ASM Toy Fair Images]
*[http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/My-Little-Pony-Friendship-is-Magic/128739440491261 Facebook My Little Pony *Friendship is Magic* page] A Fan run Facebook Page.
*[http://sibsy.deviantart.com/gallery/ Sibsy's Deviant Art Page] A storyboard artist for FiM
*[http://sibsy.deviantart.com/gallery/ Sibsy's Deviant Art Page] A storyboard artist for the new HUB mlp tv show. Some specific images she has drawn of the new ponies *[http://sibsy.deviantart.com/art/MLP-II-168052684?q=1&qo=1 here] and [http://sibsy.deviantart.com/art/MLP-156303140?q=1&qo=1 here], alos [http://sibsy.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2tgoi2 here]. These are in her own style and more akin to fan art of the new style.
*[http://fyre-flye.deviantart.com/journal/29378260/ Lauren Faust] Creative steward of FiM's DeviantArt Page.  
*[http://fyre-flye.deviantart.com/journal/29378260/ Lauren Faust] Creative steward of MLP 2010's Deviant Art Page.  
*[https://dpntalent.com/talent/tara-strong/ Tara Strong] Voice of Twilight Sparkle.  
*[http://www.mkbmemorial.com/TOTS/main/index.html Tara Strong] Voice of the main character in the new mlp show.  
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==Hasbro & Fandom Culture==
*[http://www.hasbro.com/mylittlepony/en_US/ Hasbro]
*[https://mylittlepony.hasbro.com/en-us Hasbro]
*[http://www.mylittleponycon.com/ 2011 My Little Pony Fair and Convention]
*[http://www.mylittleponycon.com/ 2022 My Little Pony Fair and Convention]
*[http://www.mlpmerch.com/ MLP Merch] New & Upcoming Pony Merch

Latest revision as of 20:09, 14 January 2025

Community forums and reference sites.


My Little Pony Trading Post

My Little Pony Trading Post

Current MLPTP Design
2005 MLPTP Design
Original MLPTP Design

The My Little Pony Trading Post is the longest-running online discussion forum for MLP collectors worldwide, created in 1996. Originally located at mlptp.com, the forum permanently moved to mlptp.net in 2005. It has undergone many changes throughout the years, both in design and leadership. In 2022, the forum adopted its pink and aqua theme with its own mascot, designed by MLPTP administrator MustBeJewel and brought to life by renowned MLP artist Marco Albiero. A naming contest was held, and Posty is the winning name.

Posty was brought to life in toy form in 2023 with the help of HQG1C and limited to 300 pieces. Supporters were able to choose their own Posty number and received a package of TP goodies with their pony.

My Little Pony Arena

My Little Pony Arena

MLP Arena Logo

The My Little Pony Arena was created in 2003 as an alternative to the MLPTP, whose site admin had disappeared, leaving the forum to become infested with spam. The MLP Arena offers a faster-paced forum environment than the MLPTP. It too connects collectors worldwide through discussion, buying/selling/trading, and swaps. Most community members maintain memberships on both forums, and both forums have run harmoniously since the MLPTP moved to its .net home in 2005, as mentioned above.

The MLP Arena has its own mascot, as well, unofficially called "Lady Arena." She was designed by sirithfin, and many pony customizers and artists have created their own versions of her over the years. She can be seen on the left side of the Arena logo.



A blog covering upcoming releases for MLP toys and merchandise, as well as products currently available.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic news from around the web compiled into one easy website.



  • Custom Doll Hair
    • Australia-based business.
    • Offers many different hair types, as well as supplies.

  • CustomPony.com
    • MLP community member-owned!
    • Offers a variety of thicker denier, wefted nylon hair colors to match many original pony colors.

  • The Doll Planet US
    • Many hair types and colors, as well as supplies, for restoration and customization.
    • Offers a blog featuring customization tips and artist spotlights.

  • Dollyhair
    • Nylon hair in a wide range of colors for restoration and customization.
    • Under new ownership - now POC-owned/woman-owned!
    • Also sells supplies and other hair types, but nylon is most commonly used for MLP.

  • My Little Custom
    • UK-based business.
    • MLP community member-owned!
    • Offers the same nylon MLP colors that Dollyhair offers.
    • Offers many other supplies and hair types.

  • RestoreDoll
    • Longest operating hair supplier known to the MLP community.
    • Specializes in KatSilk saran hair, but offers many other types.
    • Wide variety of colors and hair types.

  • Shimmer Locks
    • Nylon hair in a wide range of colors for restoration and customization.
    • MLP community member-owned!
    • Color matches searchable by Pony name.
    • Also sells supplies and other hair types, but nylon is most commonly used for MLP.

Guides & Tutorials

  • Aikarin.com
    • MLP community member-owned!
    • Offers many cleaning and customizing tips.
    • Site has not been updated since 2009.

  • Customizing 101 - ARCHIVED
    • ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.
    • MLP community member-owned!
    • Great tips for beginning customizers.

  • The My Little Pony Preservation Project
    • Tried and true methods of restoration and preservation gathered from years of research and community collaboration.
    • MLP community member-owned!
    • Tips for everything MLP - from ponies to playsets to accessories!

  • StarbriteSprinkles' My Little Pony Hair Color Matching Guide
    • MLP community member-owned!
    • Helpful in restorations and customization.
    • Dollyhair color matches for Generations 1, 2, and 4
    • Generations 3, 5, and retro releases coming soon.
    • Color matches searchable by Pony name.
    • Also cross-brand matches for Dollyhair nylon colors.

All Generations

A tumblr account devoted to scans of MLP paper media.

Pony ID and news, available in Dutch and English languages.

New ponies and merchandise added all the time. Create your own wish list and checklist.

All-gen friendly blog covering new releases, community events, and more. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

A guide to G3 and G4 pony rereleases. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

A blog/guide to G3 and G4 Ponyville and mini figures. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

All-gen news, guides, checklists, and more. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.


Many years ago, Spoosh ran a contest on the MLPTP to decide the 50 most beautiful G1 ponies. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

Dream Valley was the first comprehensive pony ID site on the web. While it was revolutionary for its time, MUCH OF THE INFORMATION IS OUTDATED. It is listed here for historical and nostalgic reasons only. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

G1 pony accessory info. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

A tumblr blog of gifs and screengrabs from the series, as well as episode guide.

Detailed photos of G1 and G2 accessories, as well as MOC photos.

Similar to Dream Valley, operated by another collector. Also features links to many old MLP-related sites. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

A blog dedicated to the popular UK/European Fact File binder.

Your guide to the G1 line in the UK and Europe.

A branch of My Little Pony Accessories, pony and playset stickers are here.

Ponyland Tours' guide to Petite Ponies.

A blog dedicated to all things G1 - scans, photos, and more.

Pony ID and photos, series info, and care tips.

Pony and accessory ID, backcard library, and the Petite Pocket.

Finnish language G1 ID and blog. Easily translated through Chrome browser. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

Wendell Washer's Rescue at Midnight Castle storyboards. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.


All about "alternate" birthflower ponies. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

Photos of Argentina ponies. Outdated, long loading time.

All about Colombian ponies. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

PeppermintTruly's guide to Mexican My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken. Must have the Ruffle extension to see frames.

A guide to Mi Pequeño Pony, Spanish My Little Pony.

A guide to Mio Mini Pony, Italian My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

Another guide to Italian My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.

The MLP Arena's extensive Nirvana Pony image gallery, as well as links to all Nirvana Spotlights.

A guide to all the weird and wonderful Princess Pony variants.

A basic guide to Greek My Little Pony. ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.


French language guide to G2. Easily translatable through the Chrome browser.

ARCHIVED - links and images may be broken.



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