Sundance was a very important pony. In G1 she was Megan's one special pony, they were released together. Sundance's importance reached past G1 and her name was upcycled into both G2 and G3.

Pony Stats
- Pose: Shy
- Body Colour: White
- Hair Colour: Pink (curly)
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Pink Heart Pattern
Back Card Stories
Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the ponies' backcards, including all errors.

US Backcard Story
Everyday is a "sunny side up" day to Megan and Sundance! Brave and beautiful Megan and her spirited pony Sundance love to go where the rainbow takes them... in search of new friends and exciting adventures!
The colorful rainbow reaches down and then carries them up, up... all the way up to the Dream Castle. While visiting all their pony friends, Megan and Sundance enjoy sharing fun stories and good times.
Media Appearances
Sundance starred in the second My Little Pony Special, "Escape From Catrina", in which she was voiced by Laura Dean.
She also featured in the My Little Pony Movie.
Spanish Sundance

SS Sundance

TAF Sundance

Sundance was re-released in 1989 as a Twice as Fancy Pony. She also has hair that changes colour in the sun, like the Sunshine Ponies.
Argentinean Sundance