Enterplay Series 1 Checklist
〈 1. Twilight Sparkle (and foil F20) Image: s1-2.jpg|2. Rarity (and foil F19) Image: s1-3.jpg|3. Fluttershy (and foil F21) Image: s1-4.jpg|4. Applejack (and foil F16) Image: s1-5.jpg|5. Pinkie Pie Image: s1-6.jpg|6. Rainbow Dash Image: s1-7.jpg|7. Spike Image: s1-8.jpg|8. Princess Celestia Image: s1-9.jpg|9. Princess Luna Image: s1-10.jpg|10. Apple Bloom Image: s1-11.jpg|11. Scootaloo Image: s1-12.jpg|12. Sweetie Belle Image: s1-13.jpg|13. Princess Cadance Image: s1-14.jpg|14. Shining Armor Image: s1-15.jpg|15. Granny Smith Image: s1-16.jpg|16. Cheerilee Image: s1-17.jpg|17. Big Machintosh Image: s1-18.jpg|18. Zecora Image: s1-19.jpg|19. Snips & Snails Image: s1-20.jpg|20. The Cakes Image: s1-21.jpg|21. Braeburn Image: s1-22.jpg|22. The Wonderbolts Image: s1-23.jpg|23. Silver Spoon & Diamond Tiara Image: s1-24.jpg|24. Hoity Toity & Photo Finish Image: s1-25.jpg|25. Mayor Mare & Time Turner Image: s1-26.jpg|26. Cranky Doodle Dandy & Matilda Image: s1-27.jpg|27. DJ PON-3 & Octavia Image: s1-28.jpg|28. Mare Do Well & Daring Do Image: s1-29.jpg|29. Golden Harvest & Lyra Heartstrings Image: s1-30.jpg|30. Prince Blueblood
Moments of Friendship
Foil Cards
Elements of Harmony (6-Card Subset)
Royal Wedding (9-Card Subset
Foil Parallel Cards
Discord 6-Card Puzzle Set
- Only available in Collector's Binder
- F29. Twilight/Chaos!
- F30. Pinkie/Chaos!
- F31. Loyalty Shmoyalty
- F32. Rarity meets 'Tom'
- F33. Arrivederci, Fluttershy!
- F34. Applejack in Chaos!
Special Foils
- Not available in packs
- F35. Applejack
- F36. Pinke Pie
- F37. Rainbow Dash
- F38. Fluttershy
- F39. Twilight Sparkle
- F40. Rarity
- F41. "I just don't know what went wrong"
- F42. DJ PON-3 & Octavia
- F43. Untitled
Gold Series
- available in packs
- G1. Princess Celestia
- G2. Princess Luna
- G3. Princess Cadance
- G4. Twilight Sparkle
- not available in packs, in 30-count box only
- G5. Princess Cadenza
- G6. Discord
- G7. Nightmare Moon
- G8. Queen Chrysalis
Pop-Up Standees
- 1. Applejack
- 2. Rainbow Dash
- 3. Pinkie Pie
- 4. Twilight Sparkle
- 5. Rarity
- 6. Fluttershy
- 7. Sweetie Belle
- 8. Scootaloo
- 9. Apple Bloom