Cotton Candy
- 1 Pony Stats
- 2 Back Card Stories
- 3 Media Appearances
- 4 Brazilian Cotton Candy
- 5 Brazilian Os Fofinhos Cotton Candy
- 6 French Cotton Candy
- 7 Greek Cotton Candy
- 8 Indian Cotton Candy
- 9 Italian Cotton Candy
- 10 Macau Cotton Candy
- 11 Mexican Cotton Candy
- 12 Peru Cotton Candy
- 13 Retro Cotton Candy
- 14 Spanish Cotton Candy
- 15 See also
Pony Stats
- Pose: Collectors Pose
- Body Colour: Pink
- Hair Colour: Pink
- Eye Colour: Lavender
- Symbol: Group of white spots
Cotton Candy is a G1 My Little Pony released in 1983 even though her hoof says 1982. Her body is light pink with slightly lighter pink hair and her eyes are lavender. Her symbol is lots of small white blobs that look kind of like snow. On the same year she was released 3 times. The first time she came out as a FF pony.
Later she came out as a CF pony, like all the G1 ponies to follow. As a CF pony, her hooves are more round. Her CF version's body color was a bit darker than the FF version, and her eyes are a darker purple.
FF Cotton Candy came with a purple orginal comb and a purple ribbon.
CF Cotton Candy also came with a purple original comb and a purple ribbon.
MO Cotton Candy also came with a purple original comb and a purple ribbon
- Cotton Candy Accessories
- .jpg
Back Card Stories
Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the ponies' backcards, including all errors.
UK Backcard Story
Cotton Candy loves sweet things; sweet nectar from the flowers, sweet honey from the bees, sweet grass from the valley. However, she is also a bit lazy and tries to find her treats a little too close to home. Blossom's flower garden is always a tempting place to grab a snack.
Media Appearances
Cotton Candy was the only one of the original six ponies to ever make a TV appearance, featuring briefly in the first ever My Little Pony Special. Her voice was played by Laura Dean.
She was also a major character in the UK My Little Pony comic, being the first Ponyland nurse.
She was also in the Book The magic nut tree, The trolls and the Castle of Darkness, The Cross weather Witch, A shock at The Stable Show
Brazilian Cotton Candy
Brazilian Os Fofinhos Cotton Candy
French Cotton Candy
- with pink hair
- with white hair
- with blue hair
- CC body with a twilight head - prototype
Greek Cotton Candy
Indian Cotton Candy
- made by playskool
Italian Cotton Candy

Macau Cotton Candy
- peach body with pink hair
- peach body with white hair
- pink body with pink hair
Mexican Cotton Candy
- FF
- CF
- Auriken
Peru Cotton Candy
Retro Cotton Candy

G1 Cotton Candy was reissued for My Little Pony's 25th Anniversary. She was packaged along with Blue Belle and Butterscotch.
Spanish Cotton Candy
- Piggy with regular colours
- Piggy with white hair