Golden Light
From My Little Wiki

G2 Princess Golden Light

G2 Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light
alternate English: Lumiere
General Pony Stats
- Body Colour: Yellow
- Hair Colour: Yellow or purple
- Eye Colour: Blue
Princess Golden Light

G2 Princess Golden Light

G2 MOC Princess Golden Light (with accessory color variations)
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Colour: Yellow
- Hair Colour: Yellow with gold tinsel
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Gold swirly 'sun' surrounded by golden stripes or 'rays of light'
Backcard Stories
Princess Golden Light is cheerful. She brightens everyone's day.
Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light

G2 MOC Golden Light
Pony Stats
- Pose: Morning Glory Pose
- Body Colour: Yellow
- Hair Colour: Yellow or purple
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Gold swirls in square shape
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
Golden Light loves wandering carefree in the meadows. But she changes hair for important events... and becomes very elegant! Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
Ponies released in this set are:
- Changing mane and tail Night Star
- Changing Mane and Tail Sky Skimmer
- Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle
- Changing Mane and Tail Sweet Berry
- Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light
- Changing Mane and Tail Light Heart