Greenie Grumbleweed
From My Little Wiki

Greenie Grumbleweed grumbles at Baby Glory.
Greenie Grumbleweed is a recurring character in the G1 comic books. He is made entirely from green leaves. There are other Grumbleweeds as well, some who are green like Greenie and some who are autumn colors.
Baby Glory was the first pony to meet Greenie Grumbleweed when she found his leaf house in the forest. Despite his grumbling and fierce demeanor Greenie proved to be a good friend to the ponies, particularly the baby ponies. The Baby Pony Club uses Greenie's leaf-house as their secret clubhouse.
Please note this list is not comprehensive.
- In "My Little Pony" #5" Baby Glory meets Greenie Grumbleweed for the first time.