Golden Glow
Golden Glow has one release with a factory error variant and a second pony that shares the Golden Glow name and Golden Light likeness.
- Golden Glow Releases
[hide]Year Five (2001)
Golden Glow I
- Release Year: 2001
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Unicorns with Magic Wings
- Notes: Golden Glow has a factory error variant. The gold paint on her horn and symbol oftens discolors to green.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch: Goudglans (Gold Shine)
- Finnish:
- French: Eclat D'Or (Gold Shard)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Fulmine D'Oro (Golden Lightning)
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: G2 Unicorn Pose
- Body Color: Pale Pink with Gold Horn
- Hair Color: Golden Yellow with Gold Tinsel
- Eye Color: Periwinkle with White Crystal
- Symbol: Golden Wings
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their adventures.
- 1 Golden Glow flies free and majestically in the fantasy world of My Little Pony.
- 2 Look, inside the wings there are magic glitters that makes them fly!
- 3 Take the wings off Golden Glow to make a wonderful hair-clip.
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- 1 Goudglans vliegt vrij an slertijk rond in de fate wereld van My Little Pony.
- 2 Kijk, de vleugels bevatten magische glittersterretjes waarmee de pony's kunnun vliegen!
- 3 Neem de vleugels van Goudglans en gebruik ze als haar-clip voor jezelf!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- 1 Gold Shine flies around free of nonsense in the fate world of My Little Pony.
- 2 Look, the wings contain magical glitter stars that allow the ponies to fly!
- 3 Take Gold Shine’s wings and use them as a hair clip for yourself!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs merveilleuses aventures.
- 1 Eclat d'Or ast une majestueuse licorne avec ses ailes scintillantes et sa criniére aux reflets d'or.
- 2 Regarde! Ses ailes sont magiques, elles contiennent des étoiles pallentées!
- 3 Enléve les ailes du corps d'Éclat d’Or, elles deviennent une splendide barrette pour toi!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their wonderful adventures.
- 1 Gold Shard is a majestic unicorn with its sparkling wings and its mane with golden reflections.
- 2 Look! Its wings are magical, they contain pale stars!
- 3 Remove the wings from Gold Shard’s body, they become a splendid hairclip for you!
- Collezionali e gioca con Loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nelle loro meravigliose avventure.
- 1 Fulmine d'oro è un regale unicomo che vole tra fantastico mondo del My Little Pony con le sue al scintillanti els criniera d'oro.
- 2 Guarda: ie al hanno al loro interno magici brillantini che le fanno volare!
- 3 Sfila le ali dal corpo di Filmine d’oro e diventiranno un bellissimo fermaglio per te!
English Translation:
- Collect them and play with Them: your My Little Ponies in their wonderful adventures.
- 1 Golden Lightning is a regal unicorn who flies into the fantasy world of My Little Pony with his sparkling golden mane.
- 2 Look: they have magical glitter inside that makes them fly!
- 3 Remove the wings from the body of Golden Lightning and they will become a beautiful hair clip for you!
Factory Error Golden Glow I
- Release Year: 2001
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Unicorns with Magic Wings
- Notes: This error is packaged in Silver Glow-style packaging with Copper Glow’s wings. She is otherwise the same as Golden Glow I.
- Accessories
Year Six (2002)
Golden Glow II
- Release Year: 2002
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Unicorns with Magic Wings
- Notes: Golden Glow II shares only the Golden Glow name and shares her physical likeness with Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light. Please refer to Golden Light for her details.
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Six (2002) | ||
Hobby Ponies |
Globe Trotter • Mimosa • Medicin • Eve • Precious | |
Changing Mane and Tail Ponies | ||
Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies | ||
Purse Ponies | ||
Musical Ponies | ||
Princess Ponies |
Her Majesty Ballerina • Her Majesty Great Romance Her Majesty Pearl • Her Majesty Flower • Her Majesty Star | |
Magician Ponies |
Magic Butterfly (Sky Skimmer) • Magic Diamond Glow Magic Dragonfly • Magic Butterfly (green) • Magic Star Swirl | |
Unicorn Ponies with Magic Wings |
Diamond Glow • Golden Glow (version II) | |
Playset Ponies |
Countryside Pony (came with Holiday at the Countryside) • Beach Pony (came with Holiday at the Beach) |
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Ponies in the 2001 Unicorns with Magic Wings Series:
Other Ponies in the 2002 Unicorns with Magic Wings Series: