Little Pretty Kitties vs. CurlyKittens (Lady LovelyLocks)
Little Pretty Kitties may look similar to the CurlyKittens from the Lady LovelyLocks toyline (trademarked by Those Characters From Cleveland & sold through Mattel) but they do not share the same figure molds as is often claimed. Mattel did not reuse CurlyKitten molds for their Little Pretties.[1]
When closely examined it becomes clear that they do not share the same molds but it is likely that Curly Kittens functioned as a heavy influence - Mattel designers may have taken the existing Curly Kittens concept and improved upon the entire design. The combs are also noticeably similar in that they share the same placement of flowers, leaves, and swirls in the design.
CurlyKittens appeared in Mattel's 1989 Toy Fair Dealer Catalog [2]. Little Pretty Pets appeared in both the 1990 and 1991 Catalogs[3].
Unlike Little Pretty Kitties, CurlyKittens came in only two poses - Sitting and Lying Down - and neither match Little Pretty Kitty poses.
[hide]Sitting Pose Comparison
CurlyKittens in Sitting Position: CreamyCoat, PinkyPaws, SapphireShy
Overall Size
- CurlyKittens in the sitting pose are overall smaller than Little Pretty.
Facial Features
- CurlyKittens eyes are flat where Little Pretty are curved.
- Whiskers have entirely different placement & the CurlyKittens' extend to almost touch the eyes.
- Nose is a different shape.
- CurlyKittens have chins.
- CurlyKitten ears are spaced further apart, the interior is painted, & the ears face forward to a greater degree than Little Pretty ears.
- CurlyKitten eyes are smaller and pupil is shaped different.
- CurlyKittens have a much larger area of rooted hair on the head that extends almost to the neck.
- CurlyKitten hair is significantly softer than Little Pretty hair and feels cottony.
- CurlyKittens bangs are more substantial & have tinsel.
- CurlyKittens do not have beauty marks.
- Little Pretty bodies are much cleaner, defined, and proportional than CurlyKittens.
- Front paws are shaped differently - CurlyKittens have four toes on each paw and Little Pretties have three. Little Pretty holds their right paw over the left paw whereas CurlyKittens have their right paw further forward than the left.
- Head Attachment is different.
- The back of the neck on CurlyKittens reads "1988 T.C.F.C., INC." & Little Pretty reads "Mattel, INC. 1989"
- CurlyKittens have a ring with a large hole on their underside whereas Little Pretty has clearly defined legs and bottoms of paws.
- CurlyKittens read "1988 T.C.F.C., INC." & Little Pretty reads "Mattel, INC. 1989"
Lying Down Pose Comparison
CurlyKittens in Lying Down Position: PeachyPuff, PurplePurr, SunnySoft
Overall Size
- CurlyKittens in the lying down pose are overall smaller than Little Pretty.
Facial Features
- CurlyKittens eyes are flat where Little Pretty are curved.
- Whiskers have entirely different placement & the CurlyKittens' extend to almost touch the eyes.
- Nose is a different shape.
- CurlyKittens have chins.
- CurlyKitten ears are spaced further apart, the interior is painted, & the ears face forward to a greater degree than Little Pretty ears.
- CurlyKitten eyes are smaller and pupil is shaped different.
- CurlyKittens have a much larger area of rooted hair on the head that extends almost to the neck.
- CurlyKitten hair is significantly softer than Little Pretty hair and feels cottony.
- CurlyKittens bangs are more substantial & have tinsel.
- CurlyKittens do not have beauty marks.
- Little Pretty bodies are much cleaner, defined, and proportional than CurlyKittens.
- Front paws are shaped differently - CurlyKittens have four toes on each paw and Little Pretties have three. Little Pretty in the lying down position have their front right paw over the left paw whereas CurlyKittens have their left front paw over the right.
- Head Attachment is different.
- The back of the neck on CurlyKittens reads "1988 T.C.F.C., INC." & Little Pretty reads "Mattel, INC. 1989"
- CurlyKittens have a ring with a large hole on their underside whereas Little Pretty has clearly defined legs and bottoms of paws.
- CurlyKittens read "1988 T.C.F.C., INC." & Little Pretty reads "Mattel, INC. 1989"
Comb Comparison
Little Pretty combs and CurlyKitten combs are very similar in their flower design.
Both feature double flowers at the top of the arch, leaves around the flowers, and swirls in generally the same area.
CurlyKitten combs have an additional set of bell shaped flowers in their design, an arch along the teeth of the comb, and no handle. The combs are smaller, pearlized, and have copyright marks on one side (not shown in photos).
The Little Pretty comb design is a bit larger, has a handle, and cleaner overall.