G1 Comic Books

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In the UK there were two distinct MLP comics running during the G1 years.

"My Litte Pony" started in 1985 and ran fortnightly, with extra issues bringing it up to a weekly publication during the summer months. The first issue was sold during the summer of 1985.

"My Little Pony and Friends" started in 1987 and was published bi-monthly. It cost around double the price but also had a larger page count.

There were also Seasonal Specials every three months.

Both comics ran comic strips and short stories featuring the ponies and assorted new characters, (largely of a fairytale nature such as mermaids and fairies), puzzles and advertisments, and for the duration of the Activity Club there was a special page for club members featuring coded messages only club members had the means to decipher. The major difference between the two comics was that "My Little Pony and Friends" also featured other Hasbro toy lines in their own comic strips, such as Gloworms, Potato Head Kids, Fairy Tail Birds and Moondreamers, it also lasted long enough to feature the seven ponies from the My Little Pony Tales TV series.

My Little Pony Comic Covers

My Little Pony Comic Seasonal Special Covers

My Little Pony and Friends Comic Covers

Free Gifts (from either comic)

Italian Comics

See also