Canopy Bed with Light Heart
Released in 1997, the Canopy Bed with Light Heart playset is one of the first two G2 playsets and the first of many "carrying case" style playsets in the G2 line. It includes Light Heart in a Magic Motion pose.
The playset is primarily pink and purple with magenta and coral morning glories with green or teal leaves around the pillow and on the headboard and footboard. A white cloud sits atop the headboard posts, and a rainbow ribbon springs open when the rainbow button on the pillow is pressed.
[hide]Release Info
- Release Year: 1997 – Holiday
- Availability: North America & Europe
- Series: Playsets
Regional Names (English Translation)
- British English: Pony Magic Playset with Light Heart
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch: Lichthartje een Hemelbed met Toverdak (Light Heart a Canopy Bed with Magic Roof) OR Lichthartje's Toverspeelset (Lightheart’s Magic Playset)
- Finnish:
- French: Coquine (Naughty)
- French Canadian: Jeu Magique et Farceur (Magic and Prankster Game) OR Lit Magique avec Farceur (Magic Bed with Prankster)
- German: Pony Traumherz mit Magischem Himmelbett (Pony Dreamheart with Magic Canopy Bed)
- Greek:
- Italian: Gioietta con Magico Letto a Baldacchino (Little Jewel with Magic Canopy Bed) OR Magico Giardino con Luce (Magical Garden with Light)
- Spanish:
- Spanish Mexican: Pony Mágico Dulce Corazón (Sweet Heart Magic Pony) OR Cama con Dosel con Dulce Corazón (Sweet Heart Canopy Bed)
- Swedish:
- Regional MIBs
Playset Info
Playset Stats
Pony Stats
For pony stats, please refer to Light Heart's Wiki page.
Backcard Stories
- Backcard Gallery
American English
My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!
Bed becomes a carrying case when closed.
She really lies down, then wakes up when you push her tail!
Touch the button…a rainbow appears above the bed!
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
British English
Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Open to reveal a canopy bed! Close it and it’s a carrying case
Lay Light Heart on her bed for a nap! Push her tail down and she wakes up for playtime.
When she lays on her pillow, a rainbow magically appears over her bed!
Canadian Card English – INCOMPLETE
Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Dutch | English Translation |
Welkom in de speeltuinen vol Mijn Kleine Pony's en plezier! Hier spelen de Pony's en beleven zij allerlei fantastische avonturen! Kom erbij, ze zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes! En... sluit vriendschap voor het leven!
Leg Lichthartje op haar bed voor een dutje! Druk op haar staart en ze wordt wakker om te gaan spelen! Als ze op haar kussen ligt, vershijnt er als bij toverslag een regenboog boven haar bed! |
Welcome to the playgrounds full of My Little Ponies and fun! Here the Ponies play and experience all kinds of fantastic adventures! Come join us, they love new friends! And... make friends for life!
Put Little Heart on her bed for a nap! Press her tail and she wakes up to play! When she lies on her pillow, a rainbow magically appears above her bed! |
French | English Translation |
Bienvenue dans le Jardins de l'Amitié, le monde merveilleux de Mon Petit Poney. Ici, les petits poneys jouent tous ensemble et vivent de fabuleuses aventures! Viens t'amuser avec eux et deviens leur amie pour la vie! | Welcome to the Gardens of Friendship, the wonderful world of My Little Pony. Here, the little ponies all play together and live fabulous adventures! Come have fun with them and become their friend for life! |
French Canadian – INCOMPLETE
French Canadian | English Translation |
Bienvenue dans le Jardin de l'Amitié du royaume enchanté Ma Petite Pouliche! Les pouliches aiment jouer ensemble et partager leurs aventures fascinantes! Alors, joins-toi à elles, puisqu'elles adorent se faire des amis pour la vie!
Welcome to the Friendship Garden of the enchanted kingdom My Little Pony! Fillies love to play together and share their fascinating adventures! So, join them, since they love to make friends for life!
Italian | English Translation |
Benvenuta ne Giardino dell'Amicizia; il magico mondo dei My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti/Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!
Metti Gioietta sul suo lettino per un pisolino, tira giù la sua coda si alzerà in piedi pronta a giocare. Quando si sdraia sul cuscino un magico arcobaleno appare sul suo lettino. |
Welcome to the Garden of Friendship; the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures/Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical World!
Put Little Jewel on her bed for a nap, pull down her tail and she will stand up ready to play. When she lies down on the pillow a magical rainbow appears on her bed. |
Mexican Spanish – INCOMPLETE
Mexican Spanish | English Translation |
¡Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en los Jardines de la Amistad! Los ponys son amigos mágicos con quienes compartir emocionantes avennaras. Unete a ellos para sorprenderte y convertir tus sueños en realidad. ¡Diviértere con Mi Pequeño Pony!
My Little Pony awaits you in the Gardens of Friendship! The ponies are magical friends with whom you can share exciting adventures. Join them as they surprise you and make your dreams come true. Have fun with My Little Pony!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year One (1997) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Berry Bright • Clever Clover • Morning Glory • Petal Blossom • Sky Skimmer | |
Magic Motion Friends | Ivy • Sundance | |
Playsets |
Canopy Bed with Light Heart • Pony Garden Playcase |
See Also
Other 1997 Playsets: