Stardust and Moondust
From My Little Wiki
[hide]Stardust and Moondust
- Release Year: Winter 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Note: As is common with G2 baby releases, it is not specified which is which. Thus, they are named left to right as they appear in their package.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch:
- Finnish:
- French: Confetti et Cotillon (Confetti and Party Favor)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian:
- Norwegian:
- Spanish: Pony Celeste y Pony Lucero (Sky Blue Pony and Bright Star Pony)
Stardust Stats
- Pose: Baby Tickle Heart Pose
- Body Colour: Light Pink
- Hair Colour: Seafoam Green Forelock, Violet Mane, Aqua Tail
- Eye Colour: Lavender with Green Crystal
- Symbol: Three Turquoise Daisies and Five Dots
Moondust Stats
- Pose: Baby Sunbeam Pose
- Body Colour: Dark Pink
- Hair Colour: Seafoam Green Forelock, Aqua Mane, Violet Tail
- Eye Colour: Lavender with Green Crystal
- Symbol: Three Turquoise Daisies and Five Dots
Back Card Stories
Stardust and Moondust love magic. They disguise themselves in order to reunite their fairy friend with his friends for celebrations. Friendship Gardens then becomes filled with fairies that sing and dance with the ponies.
Pony Celeste y Pony Lucero son mágicas. Les encanta disfrazarse de hadas y reunir a sus amigas para hacer una fiesta. El jardín se llena de brillantes hadas que ríen y bailan con los ponys.
English Translation: Sky Blue Pony and Bright Star Pony are magical. They love dressing up as fairies and gathering their friends to have a party. The garden is filled with bright fairies who laugh and dance with the ponies.
Media Appearances