Category:Glitter Celebration Ponies

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Kimono, One of the First G3 Releases
G3 Hoof Heart

The G3 Glitter Celebration Ponies set was released from 2003 to 2004 and is one of the first two sets in the G3 line. Glitter Celebration Ponies all feature iridescent tinsel in their hair. Each pony features a Hoof Heart, which is supposed to be indicative of which foot contains the magnet required to activate certain playset features. However, many early releases were sold with the Hoof Heart printed on the incorrect hoof, most often the hoof that faced outward in the package, otherwise known as the pony's "display side."

Glitter Celebration Ponies were often combined with other promotional items, such as stickers, the A Charming Birthday VHS, and other ponies. Early releases include a brush and charm with friendship ribbon, as well as a pamphlet promoting other My Little Pony products. The charm promotion was discontinued with the Spring 2004 wave. Each single pony package has two Pony Points, which could be redeemed for exclusive mail order items.

In 2004, the Glitter Celebration set was merged with others to become the Perfectly Pony assortment.

Wave 1 – Summer 2003

Wave 2 – Autumn 2003

Wave 3 – Spring 2004

Wave 4 – Autumn 2004

Perfectly Pony Wave 1 – Summer 2004

Perfectly Pony Wave 2 – Autumn 2004

Perfectly Pony Wave 3 – Spring 2005

Perfectly Pony Wave 4 – Autumn 2005

Pages in category "Glitter Celebration Ponies"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.