G3 Pinkie Pie

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Pinkie Pie was first released as one of the Glitter Celebration Ponies in summer 2003.

Pinkie Pie was re-released in the Diva pose towards the end of 2003 (she didn't reach the UK until the very end of December/start of January 2004).

Pinkie Pie was made one of the Core 7.


English: Pinkie Pie
French (Canada): Amandine
Spanish: Pinkie



Media Appearances

Pinkie Pie in "Postively Pink".
Pinkie Pie in MLP Twinkle Wish Adventure.

Animated Pony Stats

  • Body Colour: Pink
  • Hair Colour: Light pink
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Symbol: Two blue balloons and one yellow balloon

Pinkie Pie has starred in almost all of the G3 My Little Pony cartoons and DVDs, including A Charming Birthday, Dancing in the Clouds, Friends Are Never Far Away, A Very Minty Christmas, The Princess Promenade, Pinkie Pie and the Lady Bug Jamboree, The Runaway Rainbow, Greetings From Unicornia, A Very Pony Place, The World's Biggest Tea Party, Meet the Ponies, Waiting for the Winter Wishes Festival, Sweetie Belle's Gumball House Surprise and Twinkle Wish Adventure, in all of which her voice was played by Janyse Jaud.

Later, she featured in the two episodes released on DVD with the G3.5 Family Convertible Playsets. In those, her adult voice was played by Gigi Abraham, and her Newborn voice by Dana Flitman.


Year One (2003)

Glitter Celebration Wave 1 Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie MIB
Pinkie Pie MIB multi language packaging

Glitter Celebration Ponies release 2003 pose pinkie pie I

Special Edition

In 2003, a promotion for the My Little Pony toyline Hasbro sold a limited amount of numbered ponies on Ebay through the ebay seller WorldinAdvance. There were 50 of each pony sold and they were numbered 1-50 with an official foil sticker placed on their packaging. These ponies also came with a certificate.

Glitter Celebration Wave 2 Pinkie Pie

Diva Pinkie Pie
G3 Pinkie Pie Symbol

Pony Stats

  • Pose: Diva Pose
  • Body Colour: Pink
  • Hair Colour: Fading pink with iridescent tinsel
  • Eye Colour: Two-tone blue with pink heart symbol
  • Symbol: Two blue balloons and one yellow balloon surrounded by blue and yellow confetti
  • Hoof Heart: Blue


Pink bow brush and pony charm.

Backcard Stories

Every day is full of surprises for this young pony. PINKIE PIE loves to spend part of every day trying something she has never tried before!

Ponies released in this set are:

Backcard Story

If there is something new going on in Ponyville, you can be sure PINKIE PIE is there! This young pony is full of curiosity, and likes to try new things - as long as somebody else tries them first!

  • Pop some popcorn (my favorite snack!)
  • Play hide-and-seek with Daisyjo
  • Roller skate through Pony park!

Licensing Show Pinkie Pie

G3 Licensing Show Pinkie Pie, loose

Licensing Show Pinkie Pie (commonly referred to as LSPP) is a limited release with the text "Licensing Show Hasbro 2003" added to her cutie mark. She is otherwise identical to Glitter Celebration Pinkie Pie I.

LSPP was released in the following ways:

1. As a promotional item for the spring 2003 toy licensing show, reportedly limited to 300 bagged figures.

2. Mistakenly packaged as a normal G3 Pinkie Pie I and sold in retail stores, primarily Toys R Us.

Licensing Show Pinkie Pie was not intended for general release, and only approximately five "boxed" LSPPs are known to the collecting community. As such, she is one of the rarest and most sought-after G3 ponies.

Year Two (2004)

Disney Princess Pinkie Pie

G3 Disney Princess Pinkie Pie
  • Disney Princess Pinkie Pie 2004

pinkie pie I

Other Disney Princess Ponies

Backcard Story


Every day is full of magic at the Disney Theme Parks. These Little ponies are excited about meeting their favorite Princess. Will it be Belle, Cinderella, Aurora or Ariel?

Pinkie Pie Perfect Hair Set

G3 Perfect Hair Pinkie Pie
  • Perfect Hair Set 2004

pinkie pie II

Pie Party Fun with Pinkie Pie

MIB Pie Party Fun

pinkie pie III 2004


  • blue bow and matching blue skirt
  • pink comb
  • pie
  • pie server with a slice

Backcard Story

It's such a beautiful day, PINKIE PIE has decided to have a picnic lunch outside! She's packed tasty sandwiches and a scumption berry pie - it'll be extra delicious, because PINKIE PIE baked it herself!

Ponies released in this set are:

Year Three (2005)

Whimsical Winter with Pinkie Pie

  • Whimsical Winter 2005

pinkie pie II dress-up daywear pony

Ponies released in this set are:

Pinkie Pie and Baby Bellaluna


pinkie pie I

Easter Pinkie Pie 2005

  • Easter Egg 2005

pinkie pie III

Backcard Story

  • Pinkie Pie is ready for spring in a special bunny outfit! It's just the thing to wear as she tends her springtime garden. She loves to gather colorful blossoms and arrange them into sweet bouquets!

Ponies released in this set are:

Discount Pinkie Pie

Also known as Big Lots discount single or Family Dollar Store pony

Year Four (2006)

Styling Pony Pinkie Pie

Styling Pinkie Pie
  • Single 2006. Has 2 different versions.

Ponies released in this set are:

Year Five (2007)

Collector's Edition Tin Pinkie Pie

  • Collector's editon tin 2007

pinkie pie II Collector's Edition Tin in 2007 with Cherry Blossom, Minty, Daisyjo and Rainbow Dash.

Sharing Tea with Pinkie Pie and Minty

  • Sharing Tea 2007

pinkie pie IV

Ponies released in this set are:

Australian Exclusive Pinkie Pie 4 Pack

100 7212.JPG

pinkie pie IV

  • each pony has no hoof heart and a white magnet cover

Favorite Friends Wave 1 Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie 3d symbol.JPG
  • Single with 3d symbols 2007 - Summer release

pinkie pie V

Ponies released in this set are:

Pony Party with Pinkie Pie

G3-pinkie-pie (1).JPG
  • Pony Party 2007

pinkie pie VI

Pony Fair Exclusive Pinkie Pie

Pony Fair 2007 Pinkie Pie
  • Pony Fair Exclusive 2007

Pinkie Pie VI Offered exclusively to people attending the US MLP Fair in Memphis, TN and the UK Ponycon.

  • came with pink bow brush
  • This version of Pinkie Pie featured much larger and more elaborate symbols. The symbol on her right side is based off of her usual balloon symbol, while her left side symbol is a design of large leaves in different shades of pink. She also had additional detailing on the front of her face and the bottoms of her legs, as well as pink shading on the top of her head, her rump, and the bottoms of her legs.

Sing and Dance Pinkie Pie


Join in the fun with your new best friend as she dances, sings, tells stories, plays games, and more! Whether you're shimmying and singing along to your favorite Pinkie Pie song, or playing interactive games together, Sing & Dance Pinkie Pie pony is there to share the fun! Her mouth actually moves when she sings! And you can sing along with the included songbook! As she plays, her eyes blink and she turns her head. And when she dances, her skirt and tail swish along. You'll also hear her say all sorts of fun phrases, including, 'Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!' 'Let's dance together!' and 'Playing with you tickles me pink!' With three engaging modes of play, there's tons of fun you two can have together! Includes 4 'C' batteries.

She was also packaged with bonus ponies Thistle Whistle and Sew-and-So, sold only at Target.

Year Six (2008)

Pinkie Pie's Party

  • Party Dress up set 2008

pinkie pie VII

Valentine's Day Pinkie Pie 2008

  • Valentine 2008

pinkie pie VII

Backcard Stories


Pinkie Pie is everyone's best friend! She's always dreaming up something fun to do that will keep everyone laughing and smiling all day long!

The ponies LOVE Valentine's Day and make it extra special for each other with hearts, flowers and candy!

Favorite Friends Wave 2 Pinkie Pie

stock photo

Pinkie was released in the basic "core 7" pose.

pinkie pie VII came with party hat

Favorite Friends Wave 3 Pinkie Pie


pinkie pie VII comes with kite


  • Tinsel in mane and tail

Favorite Friends Wave 4 Pinkie Pie

PP makeup symbol.JPG
  • Favorite Friends Henna Design 2008

pinkie pie VII

Favorite Friends Wave 5 Pinkie Pie


pinkie pie VII name on leg

Pinkie Pie's Special Day

  • Special Day with dvd 2008
Pinkie Pie's Special Day MIB
Pinkie Pie's Special Day

pinkie pie VII

25th Birthday Celebration Collector Pinkie Pie


pinkie pie VII

Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle


pinkie pie VII

Winter Pinkie Pie

  • Winter 2008

pinkie pie VIII

Toy Fair Press Kit Pinkie Pie

pinkie pie VII

This was a limited release for sales representatives during the Toy Fair of 2008. It includes G3 Pinkie Pie and reissue G1 Cotton Candy. Both ponies were available in stores, but this specific packaging was exclusive for the Toy Fair 2008.

Pinkie-Pie-Cotton-Candy-25th-Anniversary-2-Pack Stock Photo.jpg

Australian Exclusive Pinkie Pie 3 Pack

pinkie pie VII

100 8216.JPG

Year Seven (2009)

Core Friend Pinkie Pie


Valentine's Day Pinkie Pie 2009

MIB Valentine's Pinkie Pie 2009 stock photo
  • Valentine 2009

pinkie pie VII

Easter Pinkie Pie 2009

MIP Easter Pinkie Pie 2009
  • Easter Egg 2009

pinkie pie VII

Discount Pinkie Pie

  • Discount chain release 2009.

pinkie pie VII

2 Pack with Scootaloo

pinkie pie VII


  • Costco 4-pack

Mexican Pinkie Pie

This variant of Pinkie Pie is in the Walking Pose. Strangely, she has no symbol. She came with a flower hair clip, a bow tie hair clip, a comb, and a magic wand. unlike the US Pinkie Pie, this Pinkie Pie is smaller and made of hard plastic.


See also

Ponies released in this set are:

Other pages: