G3 Applejack
From My Little Wiki
G3 Applejack

G3 Applejack
Applejack was one of the many pony names from G1 that Hasbro decided to recycle, bringing the name back for G3.
[hide]Pony Stats
- Pose: Rainbow Dash Pose
- Body Colour: Red
- Hair Colour: Green and yellow
- Eye Colour: Green and yellow with red apple symbol
- Symbol: Red apple on green and yellow checked picnic blanket
- Hoof Heart: Green
Backcard Stories
If your looking for APPLEJACK, you can almost always find her in Pony Park, having a picnic next to Rainbowberry's fountain! She loves to pack a basket full of yummy treats and share them with her friends. Sometimes she takes her basket to Pony Beach, and goes for a swim after lunch!
Media Appearances
Animated Pony Stats
- Body Colour: Dark orange
- Hair Colour: Green with yellow streak in mane
- Eye Colour: Green
- Symbol: Red apple in diamond
Applejack starred in Friends Are Never Far Away, A Very Minty Christmas, The Princess Promenade, Pinkie Pie and the Lady Bug Jamboree and cameo in Meet the Ponies.
Picnic Celebration
- Picnic Celebration 2003
- Picnic Accessories
Tea Party
- Tea Set 2003 with Spring Fever
Teaparty with Applejack and Spring Fever
- Teaparty Accessories
Ponies released in the Slice of life series are:
- Razzaroo
- Moondancer
- Applejack
- Spring Fever