Equestria Girl Hats
[hide]Equestria Girls Hats
came with Basic Applejack
came with Applejack Stamp Set
came with Applejack Dress Up
came with Rockin' Hairstyle Applejack
came with Equestria Girls Collection Applejack
came with Deluxe Trixie
came with Dress Up Trixie
came with Twilight Sparkle 2 Pack
came with Through the Mirror Twilight Sparkle
came with Ponymania Queen Chrysalis
came with Basic Pinkie Pie
came with Dress Up Rarity
came with Crystal Gala Rarity
came with Sporty Style Applejack
came with Violet Blurr
came with Pixel Pizzaz
came with Crystal Gala Fluttershy
came with Geometric Gloriosa Daisy
came with Crystal Gala Gloriosa Daisy
came with Sporty Style Sunset Shimmer
came with Sporty Style Sunset Shimmer
Headphones/Headset Microphones
came with Rainbow Rocks Rainbow Dash
came with Neon Rainbow Dash
came with Rainbow Rocks Pinkie Pie
came with Mane Event Pinkie Pie
came with Rainbow Rocks Applejack
came with Neon Applejack
came with Rainbow Rocks Rarity
came with Neon Rarity
came with Rainbow Rocks Fluttershy
came with Neon Fluttershy
came with Time to Shine Sunset Shimmer
came with Rainbow Rocks Twilight Sparkle
came with Deluxe Twilight Sparkle
came with Neon Twilight Sparkle
came with Neon DJ Pon-3 and Canterlot High DJ Pon-3
came with Sporty Style Rainbow Dash
came with Sporty Style Sunset Shimmer
came with Sporty Style Sugarcoat
came with Sporty Style Indigo Zap
came with Sporty Style Pinkie Pie
came with Sporty Style Rarity
came with Sporty Style Lemon Zest
came with Sporty Style Sunny Flare
came with Motocross Bike
came with Slumber Party Twilight Sparkle and came with Slumber Party Pinkie Pie
came with Slumber Party Twilight Sparkle
came with Slumber Party Pinkie Pie
Hairbows etc.
came with Dress Up Pinkie Pie
came with Sporty Style Sunny Flare
came with Adagio Dazzle