G3 Hats
General Hats
- Hats
Came with Port-o-Bella
Came with Study Break with Shenanigans
Came with Lickity Split
Came with Fashion Fun with Rainbow Dash
came with Toola-Roola
- Hats
Came with G3 Snowflake
Came with Sno-Glo
Came with Mittens II
Came with Mistletoe, Baby Ribbons and Bows, G3 Mintyand Candy Cane
Came with Toboggan
Came with Marshmellow Coco and Baby Jingle Jangle
Came with Chilly Breezes
- Hats
Came with Yesterdaisy
Came with Baby Butter Drop
Came with Baby Penny Candy
Came with Summer Shores
Came with Baby Ocean Dreamer
Came with G3 Butterscotch
Came with Gardenia Glow
came with Toodleloo
came with Spring Treat
Came with Star Swirl
Came with Pick-a-Lilly
Came with Avalonia
Came with Gigglebean
- Hats
Came with Crystal Crown
Came with Royal Ribbon
Came with Disney Princess Pinkie Pie and from Disney Build-A-Pony
Came with Disney Princess Sparkleworks and from Disney Build-A-Pony
Came with Disney Princess Minty and from Disney Build-A-Pony
Came with Disney Princess Kimono and from Disney Build-A-Pony
Dress-up and Party
- Hats
came with Minnie Mouse outfit
Came with Rainbow Sunrise
Came with Pinkie Pie
Comes with Breezie
Comes with Bumbleberry
came with RC on the Go Scootaloo