Pony Garden Playcase

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United States (American English) Box
Stock Photo from Pamphlet

Released in 1997, the Pony Garden Playcase playset is one of the first two G2 playsets. While the Spanish release includes a variant of Seabreeze, the North American and other European playsets did not. There are no differences in the playsets, themselves.

The Garden Playcase is a modified 1994 Littlest Pet Shop Zoo Playset. Most notably, the zoo's double front gate is replaced with a single door that folds down to a stone- and floral-patterned courtyard. Also, the center divider in the playcase is plastic, whereas the divider in the Zoo playset is cardboard with a plastic trees and grass frame.

The front third of the playset is purple with a pink fold-down door and entry façade and a golden yellow handle. It is framed by molded purple brick columns with floral stickers at their bases. The pink door has a molded G2 pony in a garden on the outside and folds down to a stamped cobblestone and floral courtyard. The courtyard has six pegs on each outside edge to hold the playset’s two included fences. The entry façade is a pink molded garden scene with an oval G2 logo sticker surrounded by flowers in the center. Outside of the US, the sticker does not include the brand name. A pink latch with a butterfly sticker allows the door to open or lock closed.

The middle third is a molded aqua garden divider with a fence detail on each side. The center is open for ponies to pass through, and butterfly and flower stickers adorn each side. The divider’s front side also features a rainbow arch sticker over the fence and a large pink flower at the top center of the arch.

The back third is fuchsia with two golden yellow doors with sliding latches. The back is stamped with a climbing flower and brick design with a butterfly sticker. The doors are molded with an elaborate climbing flowers design and have oval stickers featuring different Core 4 ponies in each top and bottom half of each door. When folded for storage, the case has two sliding aqua latches on its right side to keep it closed.

Inside the front third of the case, there is a golden yellow shelf above the door for accessory storage or play. Many butterfly and rug stickers are on the walls and floors. Inside the back third of the case, another golden yellow shelf is set above the doors. The back third features bird and butterfly stickers, as well as a garden fountain sticker. The bottom of the Playcase box features a cardboard picnic playmat that can be cut out to use with the playset.

The playset has two different accessory color variations that are a combination of blue and pink.

Release Info

  • Release Year: 1997 – Holiday
  • Availability: North America & Europe
  • Series: Playsets

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • British English: Pony Garden Carry Case
  • Danish/Norwegian:
  • Dutch: Ponytuinen Speelkoffertje (Pony Gardens Play Case) OR Tuin Speelset (Garden Playset)
  • Finnish:
  • French:
  • French Canadian: Jardin en Mallette (Garden in a Briefcase)
  • German: Pony Spielhaus (Pony Playhouse)
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Bauletto del Parco Incantato (Enchanted Park Chest)
  • Spanish: JardÍn Ponylandia (Ponyland Garden)
  • Spanish Mexican: Jardin de los Ponys (Garden of the Ponys)
  • Swedish:

Playset Info

Playset Instructions, Page 1
Playset Instructions, Page 2
Playset Stickers, Page 1
Playset Stickers, Page 2
Cardboard Picnic Playmat

Playset Stats

Pony Stats

Spanish Sea Breeze

Only the Spanish Playcase includes a pony. For pony stats, please refer to Seabreeze's Wiki page.


Backcard Stories

American English

My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens. The ponies are magical friends who can't wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU! Side of Box • "Spread out" your picnic blanket for a delightful time! • A pie "magically" appears from inside the picnic basket! • Open the entrance for a fabulous time in their magical world!

British English

My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponyland. The ponies are magical friends who can't wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU! Side of Box • "Spread out" your picnic blanket for a delightful time! • A pie "magically" appears from inside the picnic basket! • Open the entrance for a fabulous time in their magical world!


Dutch English Translation
My Little Pony staat op je te wachten in de Vriendschapstuinen! Alle schattige kleine pony's die daar wonen, zijn tovervriendinnetjes die jou mee willen nemen naar hun sprookjesachtige wereld vol verrassingen. Het enige waar My Little Pony nog op wacht, ben JIJ!

Side of Box

  • Houd samen met de andere pony's een supergezellige picknick!
  • "Tover" een taart te voorschijn uit de picknickmand!
  • Open de ingang voor een avontuur in hun sprookjeswereld!
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! All the cute little ponies who live there are magic friends who want to take you to their fairytale world full of surprises. The only thing My Little Pony is waiting for is YOU!

Side of Box

  • Have a super fun picnic with the other ponies!
  • "Magic" a cake out of the picnic basket!
  • Open the entrance for an adventure in their fairytale world!


French English Translation
Ma Petite Pouliche t'attend dans le Jardin de l'Amitié. Comme elles sont desamies magiques, les pouliches veulent partager avec toi leurs aventures fascinantes, afin de te faire découvrir beaucoup de surprises et de réaliser tes réves. Amene-toi. les Petites Pouliches sont là!

Side of Box

  • Étends la couverture de pique-nique et régale-toi!
  • Une tarte surgit du panier de pique-nique comme par magie!
  • Ouvre la porte et entre dans un monde magique et amusant!
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Garden of Friendship. As they are magical friends, the fillies want to share their fascinating adventures with you, in order to make you discover many surprises and make your dreams come true. Come on. The Little Pony are here!

Side of Box

  • Lay out the picnic blanket and enjoy!
  • A pie magically pops out of the picnic basket!
  • Open the door and enter a magical and fun world!


Italian English Translation
Benvenuta nel Giardino dell'Amicizia, il magico des My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti, stai sempre con loro; i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!

Side of Box

  • Distendi sul prato la coperta per il picnic.
  • Una torta golosa appare dal canestro per magia.
  • Apri il cancello ed entra in un magico mondo.
Welcome to the Friendship Garden, the magical des My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures, always stay with them; the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical World!

Side of Box

  • Lay out the picnic blanket on the lawn.
  • A delicious cake magically appears from the basket.
  • Open the gate and enter a magical world.


Spanish English Translation
¡Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en los Jardines de la Amistad! Los ponys son amigos mágicos con quienes compartir emocionantes aventuras. Unete a ellos para sorprenderte y convertir tus sueños en realidad. ¡Diviértete con Mi Pequeño Pony!

Side of Box

  • ¡Extiende el mantel para que comience la diversión!
  • ¡El pastel aparece como por arte de magia!
  • ¡Abre la puerta para ingresar al magico mundo!
My Little Pony awaits you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends with whom you can share exciting adventures. Join them as they surprise you and make your dreams come true. Have fun with My Little Pony!

Side of Box

  • Lay out the tablecloth to let the fun begin!
  • The cake appears as if by magic!
  • Open the door to enter the magical world!

Canadian Card English
French Canadian
Mexican Spanish

See Also

Other 1997 Playsets: