Little Pretty Puppy Perfuma

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Perfuma (Perfume Pets)

Perfuma is a scented aqua puppy with aqua hair that came in a pink perfume bottle. She is part of the Perfume Pets set.

Worth 1 Paw Point.

International: Jasmy

Toy Variants

U.S. Perfuma

Perfuma's Symbol
Perfuma's Underside w/ Copyright
Perfuma's Neck w/ Copyright
Perfuma's MIP
Perfuma's Backcard

Perfuma Stats

  • Scent: Jasmine
  • Pose: Sitting with both paws raised
  • Body Colour: Aqua
  • Hair Colour: Aqua
  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Symbol: Yellow Perfume Bottle


Backcard Story

Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the backcards, including all errors.

Perfuma put on her favorite jasmine perfume and joined her friends for a picnic in the park! After the treats of chocolate bones and catnip cookies, Perfuma blew her whistle: "Time for games! First, the 4-legged race, then the ball fetch, then the tree climb." Everyone had a wonderful time eating and playing the day away!

International Perfuma (Jasmy)

The international version of Perfuma is called Jasmy. The only difference is in the packaging.

Jasmy's MIP
Jasmy's MIP Backcard

Media Appearances

Perfuma appeared in the 1990 Mattel Catalog (pages 87, 91, 94). She came with different perfume bottle than the aqua one she is shown with.[2] Perfuma also makes an appearance in the Mattel 1990 Holiday Toy Guide[3] and in the Mail Order Pamphlet[4].

See also


  1. Jump up International Little Sweets/Peppy Backcard
  2. Jump up Mattel 1990 Girls Toys Catalog
  3. Jump up Mattel 1990 Holiday Toy Guide
  4. Jump up Pamphlet Order Form