Little Pretty Puppy Rosette

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Rosette (Perfume Pets)

Rosette is a scented dark pink puppy with dark pink hair that came in a blue perfume bottle. She is part of the Perfume Pets set and her color, not symbol, directly relates to her scent - rose.

Worth 1 Paw Point.

U.S.: Rosette
International: Rosy

Toy Variants

U.S. Rosette

Rosette's Symbol
Rosette's Underside w/ Copyright
Rosette's Neck w/ Copyright
Rosette's MIP
Rosette's MIP Backcard

Rosette Stats

  • Scent: Rose
  • Pose: Sitting with both paws up
  • Body Colour: Dark Pink
  • Hair Colour: Dark Pink & Curly
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Symbol: White Flowers


Backcard Story

Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the backcards, including all errors.

"I love flowers, " said Rosette, "especially roses." She wandered outside to her favorite hideaway spot, the rose garden. She sniffed the blooms and rubbed her cheek agaisnt their silky softness. She rolled on the fallen petals until she smelled as sweet as a rose herself! From then on, wherever Rosette went, there was a scent of roses in the air!

International Rosette (Rosy)

The international version of Rosette is called Rosy. The only difference is in the packaging.

Rosy's MIP
Rosy's MIP Backcard

Media Appearances

Rosette appeared in the 1990 Mattel Catalog (pages 87, 91, 94, 95)[2], the Mattel Girls Toys 1990 Repro Art Book[3], and in the Mail Order Pamphlet[4].

Item number: 7775

See also


  1. Jump up International Little Sweets/Peppy Backcard
  2. Jump up Mattel 1990 Girls Toys Catalog
  3. Jump up Mattel Girls Toys 1990 Repro Art Book
  4. Jump up Pamphlet Order Form