My Little Pony House
From My Little Wiki
(Redirected from Mansion)
- Release Year: 2003
- Availability: Europe – possibly France only
- Series: Playset Ponies
- Notes: The included ponies have no official English names. They are simply referred to as “Big Pony” and “Baby Pony” on the package.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Het Huis van My Little Pony; Mama & Babypony (The House of My Little Pony; Mom & Baby Pony
- French: La Maison de Mon Petite Pony; Maman Bonheur & Bébé Nid Douillet (My Little Pony House; Mommy Happiness & Baby Nest Cozy)
- Italian: La Casetta dei Pony; Pony Grande & Baby Pony (The Pony House; Big Pony & Baby Pony)
Big Pony Stats
- Pose: Dainty Dove Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Coral and Yellow
- Eye Color: Periwinkle with White Crystal
- Symbol: White House with Three Heart-Shaped Smoke Puffs from Chimney
- Pony Features
Baby Pony Stats
- Pose: Baby Sunbeam Pose
- Body Color: Baby Pink
- Hair Color: Turquoise and Purple
- Eye Color: Pale Blue with White Crystal
- Symbol: Turquoise Baby Bottle with Five Hearts Along Outside
- Pony Features
Backcard Stories
English Translation:
English Translation:
English Translation:
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Year Seven Playsets: