Sailing Boat
From My Little Wiki
- Release Year: 2003
- Availability: Europe – possibly France only
- Series: Playset Ponies
- Notes: As is common with G2, it is not specified on the package which twin is which. This set follows the collector community standard of naming them left to right as they appear in the package – Coral being the pink twin and Ocean the orange.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Zeilboot; Matroosje en Zeilertje (Sailboat; Little Sailor and Little Sailor)
- French: Bateau à Moteur; Océane et Nénuphar (Motorboat; Ocean and Water Lily)
- Italian: La Barca dei Pony; Corallina e Oceano (The Pony Boat; Coral and Ocean)
[hide]Coral Stats
- Pose: Baby Dew Pose
- Body Color: Mauve
- Hair Color: Aqua Forelock, Pink Mane, and Yellow Tail
- Eye Color: Pale Blue with Blue Crystal
- Symbol: Blue Polka Dotted Pool Tube Float
- Pony Features
Ocean Stats
- Pose: Baby Honey Berry Pose
- Body Color: Peach
- Hair Color: Sky Blue
- Eye Color: Pale Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Blue Polka Dotted Pool Tube Float
- Pony Features
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their adventures.
- Coral and Ocean are on holiday at their boat. Their new bathing-suits are really nice!
- The boat really works!
- The boat really works! Put the boat into the water, and switch the knob to ON position – Located on the stern of the boat. Look how it sails!
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- Matroosje en Zeilertje zijn op vakantie aan zee. Ze zien er echt fantastitsch uit in hun niewe zwempakjes!
- De boot vaart echt!
- De boot vaart echt! Zet de schakelaar op de achtersteven van de boot op ON en plaats de boot in het water. Kijk! Hij vaart echt!
English Translation:
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and experience many fun adventures with them!
- Sailor and Sailor are on vacation at the sea. They look really fantastic in their new swimsuits!
- The boat really sails!
- The boat really sails! Turn the switch on the back of the boat to ON and place the boat in the water. Look! It really sails!
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours.
- Océane et Nénuphar sont en vacances dans leur nouveau maillot de bain.
- Le bateau avance vraiment!
- Le bateau avance vraiment! Positionne le bouton situé à l'arrière du bateau sur "ON". Mets le bateau dans l'eau, regarde comme il avance vite!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures.
- Océane and Nénuphar are on vacation in their new swimsuits.
- The boat really moves!
- The boat really moves! Set the button on the back of the boat to "ON". Put the boat in the water, watch how fast it moves!
- Collezionali e gioca con loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nelle loro meravigliose avventure.
- Corallina e Oceano sono in vacanza al mare. Con i loro costumi nuovi sono davvero carini!
- La barca funziona davvero!
- La barca funziona davvero! Sposta l'interruttore posto sulla poppa della barca su ON e mettila in acqua. Vedrai come naviga!
English Translation:
- Collect and play with them: your My Little Pony in their wonderful adventures.
- Coral and Ocean are on vacation at the seaside. With their new costumes they are really cute!
- The boat really works!
- The boat really works! Move the switch on the stern of the boat to ON and put it in the water. You will see how it sails!
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Year Seven Playsets: