Art Pony Pose
From My Little Wiki
Revision as of 05:39, 30 June 2011 by Gallifreyan pony (talk | contribs)
Also known as the Core I pose.
The body of this style of pony was designed to fit with a range of plastic molded clothing, and to denote this the (non-Event and non-Art) ponies had a coat hanger symbol as their hoof mark, rather than the usual G3 Hoof Heart.
The same basic body shape can be seen in a Unicorn version of the pose, Sweetie Belle Pose, and the Pegasus version, Star Song Pose; there was also an open-mouthed version, Makeup Scootaloo Pose.
List of Ponies in the Art Pony Pose

The Underwater Pony is an example of this pose
- 2008 Comic Con Pony
- 2009 Comic Con Pony
- 2010 Comic Con Pony
- 2011 Comic Con Pony
- Art Pony I
- Cheerilee
- Egyptian Pony
- Junko Pony
- MLP Fair 2008 UK Pony
- MLP Fair 2008 US Pony
- MLP Fair 2009 Pony
- MLP Fair 2010 Pony
- Pinkie Pie VII
- Pop Art Pony
- Rainbow Dash IV
- Royal Bouquet II
- Scootaloo II
- Strawberry Swirl II
- Toola Roola
- Triple Treat III
- Tropical Surprise II
- Twinkle Hope
- Underwater Pony