Princess Royal Purple
Pony Stats
- Pose: Bride Pose
- Body Colour: Purple
- Hair Colour: Pink with clear tinsel
- Eye Colour: Blue with long eyelashes
- Symbol: Pink and blue carriage
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
A Royal Picnic For Ponyland
One warm summer's day, Princess pony decided to use her special powers to make a picnic all the ponies could enjoy! With a whisk of her glittery tail, she turned the clouds into cotton candy, dripping tasty drops of lemon-flavored rain. Swishing her dazzling cape, she changed the leaves on the trees into raisin-covered cookies. Then, for a crowning touch, Princess pony blinked her beautiful eyelashes and Ponyland pond became a giant bowl of strawberry punch." Let the royal picnic begin", said the pretty Princess with a delighted smile as her thrilled pony friends began to devour the magical, mouth watering feast.
Media Appearances
Backpack with Princess Royal Pink and Princess Royal Purple
See also
Ponies released in this set:
- Princess Royal Pink
- Princess Royal Purple