G4 Combs
- G4 Combs
came with Canterlot Castle
came with Rainbow Power Twilight Sparkle
came with Basic Rarity
came with Princess Luna and Rarity
came with Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Easter Fluttershy
came with Pinkie Pie, Lily Blossom and Rainbow Dash, Dewdrop Dazzle, Cupcake, Flitterheart, Plumsweet, Rainbow Flash
came with Basic Pinkie Pie
came with Valentine Pinkie Pie and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
Came with Bridle Friend Twilight Sparkle
Came with Bridle Friend Rarity
came with Lyra Heartstrings
Came with Through the Mirror Sunset Shimmer
came with Basic Fluttershy
came with Applejack, Cheerilee, Blossomforth, Daisy Dreams, Cherry Berry
came with Feathermay
came with Twinkleshine, Honeybuzz
came with Lulu Luck, Snowcatcher
came with Princess Twilight Sparkle & Rainbow Dash
came with Sunny Rays
came with Rarity
came with Rainbow Power Rarity
came with Styling Strands Fluttershy
Large Combs
- Large Combs
came with Fashion Style Rarity (variant color)
came with Fashion Style Rarity (variant color)
came with Celebration at Canterlot Castle
came with Fashion Style Princess Celestia
came with Collector Series Princess Celestia
came with Pony Princess Wedding Castle
came with Fashion Style Rainbow Dash
came with Chinese New Year Pinkie Pie
came with Fashion Style Fluttershy
came with Rainbow Power Fashion Style Rarity
came with Fashion Style Twilight Sparkle
came with Fashion Style Princess Luna
came with Crystal Empire Fashion Style Pinkie Pie
came with Crystal Motion Pinkie Pie
came with Crystal Motion Rarity
came with Crystal Motion Fluttershy
came with Fashion Style Applejack
came with Flip 'n Whirl Raninbow Dash
- Brushes
came with Fashion Style Pinkie Pie
2011 McDonald's Pony Comb Stands
- McDonalds Pony Combs
Red Apple Comb with McDonald's Applejack
Purple Diamond Comb with McDonald's Rarity
Blue Butterfly Comb with McDonald's Fluttershy
Pink Lightning Bolt Comb with McDonald's Rainbow Dash
Purple Star Comb with McDonald's Twilight Sparkle
Yellow Sun Comb with McDonald's Princess Celestia
Blue Balloon Comb with McDonald's Pinkie Pie
Green Flower Comb with McDonald's Cheerilee
McDonald's Pony Comb Clips
- 2012 McDonalds Pony Combs
Red Clip with McDonald's Applejack
Dark Pink Clip with McDonald's Pinkie Pie
Pink Clip with McDonald's Lily Blossom
Purple Clip with McDonald's Twilight Sparkle
Blue Clip with McDonald's Rarity
Yellow Clip with McDonald's Rainbow Dash
Teal Clip with McDonald's Fluttershy
Green Clip with McDonald's Cheerilee
- 2015 Happy Meal Combs
- 2016 Happy Meal Combs
- 2017 Happy Meal Combs