G4 Flower Wishes
Flower Wishes is a G4 Earth Pony. She first appeared as a background pony in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, where she was referred to as Daisy. In the show, she often appears alongside Roseluck and Lily Valley.
Media Appearances
Animated Pony Stats
- Body Color: Pink
- Hair Color: Lime Green
- Eye Color: Green
- Symbol: Two daisies
Flower Wishes, or Daisy, is a background pony normally used as an extra or to fill crowd scenes. She has had a few minor speaking appearances, such as in "The Ticket Master", where she offers to assist Twilight Sparkle with gardening in return for tickets to go to the Grand Galloping Gala.
Blind Bag Flower Wishes
Flower Wishes was released as a blind bag pony in the first blind bag set and again in the eighth set as a translucent pony. Her figurine and collector card depict her as a recolor of Pinkie Pie.
Favorite Collection
Flower Wishes was one of several characters to be featured as a Playful Pony-sized toy in the first Favorites Collection. Her cutie mark is covered in glitter.
Cutie Mark Magic
Water Cuties
- Body Colour: Pink
- Hair Colour: Chartreuse
- Eye Colour: Green
- Symbol: Two White Daisies
- QR Hoof Heart: Red

Cutie Mark Crew