Scrumptious is a G1 So Soft Pony.

Pony Stats
- Pose: Gingerbread Pose
- Body Colour: White
- Hair Colour: Green
- Eye Colour: Green
- Symbol: Pink and green watermelon slice
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
US Backcard Story

Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the ponies' backcards, including all errors.
It was a very hot summer day and the ponies were thinking of a way to keep cool. "Let's have a snack while we decide what to do," suggested Scrumptious. She twitched her nose, and heaping plates of juicy watermelon slices appeared! "This is so refreshing," Twist said as she placed a piece of watermelon on her forehead to cool her brow. Scrumptious had an idea! She placed the watermelon on the ground, blinked her eyes... and the watermelon grew and g-r-e-w and GREW until it was a pink and green mountain. "Let's play inside," Scrumptious urged. Bouncy jumped on a seed and slid down a watermelon rind slide into a pool of tasty juice. "What a wonderful way to stay cool," Shady exclaimed as the ponies played inside the magical playground.