Second Edition Show Stable
The Second Edition of the Show Stable for the international market was pink and had stickers and instruction sheets in different languages depending on where you lived.
[hide]Second Edition Show Stable (European) English

This set uses the same basic Show Stable building. It was released in 1990 and may be regarded as the international version of the US Home Sweet Home set, but with a few colouration differences. This Show Stable also came with Lemon Drop and Brandy like the original.
It came with:
Brandy the Dog
Second Edition Show Stable (European) German
Pink Pony Haus
The Second Edition Show Stable release was also available with a German language instruction sheet and stickers above the front doors which have the Mein Kleines Pony logo and the "Pony Haus" title.
It came with:
- German Language Stickers
- German Language Instructions
- Pink Pony Haus Accessories
Second Edition Show Stable (European) Dutch
The Second Edition Show Stable release was also available with a Dutch language instruction sheet and stickers above the front doors.
- Dutch Language Stickers
- Dutch Language Instructions
Second Edition Show Stable (European) Italian
La Casa dei Pony
The Second Edition Show Stable release was also available with a Italian language instruction sheet and stickers above the front doors which have the English My Little pony logo and the "La Casa dei Pony" title.
- Italian Language Stickers
- Italian Language Instructions
- Pink Pony Haus Accessories
- Instructions
- Box Photos
Second Edition Show Stable (European) Spanish
Establo Residencia
The Second Edition Show Stable release was also available with a Spanish language instruction sheet and stickers above the front doors.
- Spanish Language Stickers
- Spanish Language Instructions