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This glossary contains translations to pony speak.  Which can be a difficult code to break if you are on the outside ;)
This glossary contains translations of pony speak, which can be a difficult code to break if you are on the outside. ;)
== Collecting Acronyms ==
:Big Brother – a [[Generation 1]] series of boy ponies that are larger than the typical G1 pony and have feathered hooves. See [[:Category:Big Brother Ponies|Big Brother Ponies]].
:Blind Bag – typically referencing the miniature, non-brushable pony figures that became popular in [[Generation 4]] but began with [[Generation 3]] [[Ponyville Ponies]] and continues in the present generation.
:beddy-bye-eye, refers to the collection of babies whose eyes could close when you laid them on their sides. See [[:Category: Beddy-Bye-Eye Baby Ponies|Beddy-Bye-Eye Baby Ponies]]
:Beddy Bye Eyes – a [[Generation 1]] set of baby ponies whose eyes open and close when standing and lying down, respectively. See [[:Category: Beddy-Bye-Eye Baby Ponies|Beddy Bye Eyes Baby Ponies]].
:Brush 'n Grow – a [[Generation 1]] series of ponies with extra long manes whose tails can be lengthened by pulling them and shortened by turning the ponies' heads back and forth. See [[:Category:Brush_%27n_Grow_Ponies|Brush 'n Grow Ponies]].
:Concave Foot – description of the round indent on the bottom of [[Generation 1]] ponies' feet, specifically used to differentiate [[:Category:Collector Ponies|Collector Ponies]] by year of release.
:collectors pose, the pose that the first set of ponies were all made in. See [[Collectors Pose]].
:Collectors Pose – the first [[Generation 1]] pose, most famously used for the first set of six [[Generation 1]] ponies. See [[Collectors Pose]].
: Dream Beauty/Beauties – a spinoff line from [[Generation 1]] featuring larger, hard plastic and more horse-like ponies, marketed as "all grown up My Little Ponies'; likely [[Hasbro]]'s attempt to compete with Kenner's Fashion Star Fillies line.
:Drink 'n Wet – a [[Generation 1]] set of baby ponies that each include two cloth diapers with designs that appear when wet; the pony "drinks" water from her bottle to achieve this effect. See [[Drink 'n Wet Ponies]].
:''Equestria Girls'' – refers to the ''[[Friendship Is Magic]]'' spinoff toy line and animation specials that turns the G4 ponies into humanoid characters in high school; likely [[Hasbro]]'s response to Mattel's successful ''Monster High.'' Actively produced 2013-2020.
:Flat Foot – description of the bottoms of the [[Year One (1982-1983)]] ponies' feet (also used for [[Peachy]]'s first release), later changed to the concave shape that most other [[Generation 1]] ponies' feet have.
:friendship is magic, the [[G4 TV and Movies|G4 TV show]]
:''Friendship Is Magic'' – referring to [[Generation 4]] [[G4 TV and Movies|animation]] and toys, though usually specific to the animation.
:fancy pants, a baby pony who has a whole diaper for a symbol
:Fancy Pants – a [[Generation 1]] set of baby ponies with printed diapers for symbols. See [[Baby Fancy Pants Ponies]].
:Fashion Style –  used to describe the large-sized [[Generation 3]] and [[Generation 4]] ponies that were sold with different hair styling accessories and outfits. See [[Fashion Style]].
:first tooth baby ponies. See [[First Tooth Baby Ponies]]
:First Tooth – a [[Generation 1]] set of baby ponies with a molded single tooth protruding from their upper lips. See [[First Tooth Baby Ponies]].
:the first generation of My Little Ponies, 1980s
:[[Generation 1]] - the first generation of My Little Pony, 1982-1995.
:the second generation of My Little Ponies, 1990s
:[[:Category: Generation 2|Generation 2]] – the second generation of My Little Pony, 1997-2003.
:the third generation of My Little Ponies, 2000s
:[[Generation 3]] – the third generation of My Little Pony, 2003-2011.
:the VERY restyled ponies of late G3, 2009/2010
:[[:Category:Generation 3.5|Generation 3.5]] – the redesigned third generation of My Little Pony that introduced the core character concept with [[Core 7]], 2009-2010.
:the 2010 ponies
:[[Generation 4]] – the fourth generation of My Little Pony, also referred to as ''[[Friendship Is Magic]]'', 2010-2021 (though G4-style toys are no longer in production, merchandise featuring the [[Mane 6]] is still actively produced)
:[[:Category:Generation 4.5|Generation 4.5]] – the redesigned fourth generation of My Little Pony introduced with the release of the ''[[Pony Life]]'' series that served as a filler between the end of ''[[Friendship Is Magic]]'' and ''[[A New Generation]]/[[Make Your Mark]]'', 2020-2021.
:[[:Category:Generation 5|Generation 5]] – the fifth generation of My Little Pony, 2021-present. See ''[[My Little Pony: A New Generation]]'' and ''[[My Little Pony: Make Your Mark]]''.
:mint in box
:Mint in Box – description of an out-of-production pony that is like new in its box and has never been opened.
:mint in package
:Mint in Package – description of an out-of-production pony that is like new in its package and has never been opened.
:merry go round ponies, see [[Merry Go Round Ponies]]
:Merry Go Round – a [[Generation 1]] set of ponies who look like carousel horses with their costumes incorporated into their molds. See [[Merry Go Round Ponies]].
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:magic message, ponies with heat sensitive symbols See [[Magic Message Ponies]]
:Magic Message – a [[Generation 1]] set of ponies with heat-sensitive symbols that reveal a hidden symbol underneath the special blue, green, or red paint on their symbols. See [[Magic Message Ponies]].
:mail order
:Mail Order - refers to any pony who was available only through a mail order promotion. See [[:Category:Mail_Order|Mail Order Ponies]].
:mint on card
:Mint on Card – description of an out-of-production pony that is like new on its card and has never been opened.
:[[My Pretty Pony]] – MLP's predecessor, a large, hard plastic pony with brushable hair and winking eyes, wiggling ears, and a swishing tail.
:non beddy-bye-eye, specifically refers to ponies who have BBE versions in the US, and NBBE else where
:Non-Beddy Bye Eyes – a term that refers specifically to [[Generation 1]] baby ponies who have both BBE and NBBE releases.
:Newborn Cutie - G3.5 baby ponies
:No Country – refers to a [[Generation 1]] pony with no country marking on the bottom of its' hooves, usually an indication that it was produced in Spain.
:no country, a pony with no country marking on its' hooves, which means usually it is a secret made in Spain pony
:Newborn Cutie – a spinoff line of [[:Category:Generation 3.5|Generation 3.5]] ponies as babies, also featuring a couple of nameless "mom" ponies.
:New in Box/New in Package – describes a pony that is new and has not been opened, sometimes used interchangeably or in conjunction with MIB/MIP/MOC and NRFP/NRFB.
:New Look - another common name for the G3.5 redesigned G3 ponies
:New Look – different term for the [[:Category:Generation 3.5|Generation 3.5]] redesigned ponies.
:near mint
:Near Mint – a term used to describe an out-of-production pony that is as close as possible to being fresh-out-of-package.
:Never Removed from Package/Box – describes a pony that has never been opened, sometimes used interchangeably or in conjunction with MIB/MIP/MOC and NIB/NIP.
:non so-soft, specifically refers to ponies who have SS versions in the US, and NSS else where
:Non-So Soft – a term that specifically refers to [[Generation 1]] ponies who have both So Soft and Non-So Soft releases.
:one of a kind, used to describe customized ponies
:One-of-a-Kind – usually describes customized ponies but can also refer to prototypes or other rare ponies of which only one is known to exist
:Ponyville – a spinoff [[Generation 3]] line that featured miniature, non-brushable ponies and playsets. See [[Ponyville Ponies]].
:Stands for South African, in reference to G1 ponies exclusive to [[South Africa]].
:South African – [[Generation 1]] [[Nirvana]] ponies produced in [[South Africa]].
:Sweetheart Sister – a spinoff series of [[Generation 1]] ponies that are supposed to be teenaged ponies. They have a taller and more slender appearance than the standard G1 pony. See [[Sweetheart Sister Poses|Sweetheart Sister Ponies]]
:super long hair, sets of G3 and G35 ponies with extra long hair
:Super Long Hair – a series of [[Generation 3]] and [[:Category:Generation 3.5|Generation 3.5]] ponies with extra-long manes and tails, most often including princess crowns as accessories.
:so-soft, the flocked or furry G1 ponies. See [[G1 So Soft Ponies]]
:So Soft – a series of [[Generation 1]] ponies with nylon flocking covering their entire bodies, except eyes, giving them a soft feel. See [[G1 So Soft Ponies]].
:So Soft Baby Pony – [[Generation 3]] plush-bodied baby ponies with plastic heads. See [[G3 So Soft Ponies|G3 So Soft Ponies]].
:Soft Sleepy Newborn – a set of [[Generation 1]] baby ponies that are extra large with baby accessories and featuring Beddy Bye Eyes. See [[Soft Sleepy Newborns]].
:twice as fancy, refers to ponies whose symbols run all over their bodies rather than only their rumps
:Twice As Fancy – a [[Generation 1]] series of ponies with symbols that cover their backs and sides; also used to describe other generations' all-over symbolled ponie, though not used in any official capacity. See [[Twice As Fancy Ponies]].
:twinkle eye
:Twinkle-Eyed – a [[Generation 1]] set of ponies with iridescent plastic gemstones for eyes. See [[Twinkle Eyed Ponies]].
:Toys R Us, relevant because a few ponies are sold exclusively at Toys R Us.
:Toys R Us – used when referencing toys that were exclusive to this toy seller.
== Vocabulary ==
== Collecting Vocabulary ==
:refers to ponies made in and/or exclusive to argentina
:refers to ponies made in and/or exclusive to [[Argentina]].
:refers to a collection consisting entirely of one pony, or alternates of one pony, collectors sometimes build armies of their favorite pony.  
:refers to a collection consisting entirely of one pony, or alternates of one pony, collectors sometimes build armies of their favorite pony.  
:refers to ponies made in and/or exclusive to Australia.
:refers to ponies made in and/or exclusive to [[Australia]].
:a pony destined to be customized do to the losing combination of her poor condition and/or her lack of scarcity.
;blind bag
;[[Blind Bag Ponies|blind bag]]
:Euro exclusive small pony toys that come in an opaque bag, so which pony you will receive will be a surprise. The gained huge popularity in G4. Although G3.5 versions were made. Some of the toys themselves are available in North America, but in different packaging. See the [[G4 Blind Bag Ponies]] or [[G3.5 Blind Bag Ponies]] sections.
:Euro exclusive small pony toys that come in an opaque bag, so which pony you will receive will be a surprise. The gained huge popularity in G4. Although G3.5 versions were made. Some of the toys themselves are available in North America, but in different packaging. See the [[G4 Blind Bag Ponies]] or [[G3.5 Blind Bag Ponies]] sections.
;[[Dolly Mix]]
:someone who a is a fanatic of the new [[Friendship is Magic]] G4 My Little Pony show. Generally male and not a fan of previous pony generations. They hang out in places like [http://www.equestriadaily.com/ Equestria Daily]
;dolly mix
:sold in the blind bag style (see above), but the toys were retro and depicting G1 ponies. They were sold at the end of G3.
:sold in the blind bag style (see above), but the toys were retro and depicting G1 ponies. They were sold at the end of G3.
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:a toy that is not made by Hasbro, but is made to look in some way like a Hasbro My Little Pony. See the [[Fakies]] section.
:a toy that is not made by Hasbro, but is made to look in some way like a Hasbro My Little Pony. See the [[Fakies]] section.
;[[G1 So Soft Ponies|flocking]]
:the fur coating on G1 so soft ponies. See the [[:Category: G1 So Soft Ponies|So Soft Ponies]] section.
:the fur coating on G1 so soft ponies. See the [[:Category: G1 So Soft Ponies|So Soft Ponies]] section.
:refers to ponies of exotic (international exclusive) origins. Generally limited to G1, the pony range from very slight variation to a US equivalent pony, or totally weird such as with [[Spain|Piggy Ponies]].
:refers to ponies of exotic (international exclusive) origins. Generally limited to G1, the pony range from very slight variation to a US equivalent pony, or totally weird such as with [[Spain|Piggy Ponies]].
:a new pony that is almost like a copy of an earlier release of the same pony. First [[Reissue Ponies]] were published by Hasbro in 2008. Since 2018 the manufacturer has been Basic Fun. An experienced eye can see the difference between an original G1 pony and a reissue pony just by the appearance, but the most certain way to identify these is to look at the hooves: The factory markings (including the year) are at the bottom of the hooves.
:a synonym to reissue; something is produced again.
:refers to ponies (or merchandise) that resemble an older generation but are produced after that particular generation. For example, G1 ponies were produced between 1982 and 1995 so a retro G1 is something that imitates G1 ponies but is produced after 1995. The similarity may be slight, but it is there. Also repro ponies and reissue ponies are retro and in their case the similarity is clearest.
== FiM Lore & Culture Vocabulary ==
;20% Cooler
:A phrase originally employed by [[G4 Rainbow Dash|Rainbow Dash]] and a favorite repetition amongst G4 fans
;blank flank
:not having a cutie mark; i.e. the identifying symbol on a pony's flank has yet to appear
:The pony equivalent of a fistbump. Employed by bronies
:A portmanteau of "bro" and "pony" used to describe someone who a is a fanatic of [[Friendship is Magic]]. Generally male and not a fan of previous pony generations. They often congregate in places like [http://www.equestriadaily.com/ Equestria Daily]
;cutie mark
:in prior generations collectors  called the identifying art on ponies' flanks "symbols", the term "cutie mark" was first used on products released in Generation 3.  [Its first on screen used was in the ''[[Meet the Ponies]]'' short "Toola Roola: Mixed-Up Painting Party".]  It was more heavily used in Generation 4.
:instead of saying everybody, the characters in G4 media say "everypony"
:Essentially the female counterpart to "Brony"; however, a pegasister may have some interest in previous pony generations
:Acronym for "Pony Music Video", a type of YouTube music video featuring My Little Pony in some way, including clips from TV series and original artwork
:The act of adding the prefix "pony" to preexisting words; see ponysona
:A pony version of one's self, a portmanteau of "pony" and "persona". While not exclusive to G4 culture, it is featured most prominently here

Latest revision as of 17:28, 2 January 2025

This glossary contains translations of pony speak, which can be a difficult code to break if you are on the outside. ;)

Collecting Acronyms

Big Brother – a Generation 1 series of boy ponies that are larger than the typical G1 pony and have feathered hooves. See Big Brother Ponies.
Blind Bag – typically referencing the miniature, non-brushable pony figures that became popular in Generation 4 but began with Generation 3 Ponyville Ponies and continues in the present generation.
Beddy Bye Eyes – a Generation 1 set of baby ponies whose eyes open and close when standing and lying down, respectively. See Beddy Bye Eyes Baby Ponies.
Brush 'n Grow – a Generation 1 series of ponies with extra long manes whose tails can be lengthened by pulling them and shortened by turning the ponies' heads back and forth. See Brush 'n Grow Ponies.
Concave Foot – description of the round indent on the bottom of Generation 1 ponies' feet, specifically used to differentiate Collector Ponies by year of release.
Collectors Pose – the first Generation 1 pose, most famously used for the first set of six Generation 1 ponies. See Collectors Pose.
Dream Beauty/Beauties – a spinoff line from Generation 1 featuring larger, hard plastic and more horse-like ponies, marketed as "all grown up My Little Ponies'; likely Hasbro's attempt to compete with Kenner's Fashion Star Fillies line.
Drink 'n Wet – a Generation 1 set of baby ponies that each include two cloth diapers with designs that appear when wet; the pony "drinks" water from her bottle to achieve this effect. See Drink 'n Wet Ponies.
Equestria Girls – refers to the Friendship Is Magic spinoff toy line and animation specials that turns the G4 ponies into humanoid characters in high school; likely Hasbro's response to Mattel's successful Monster High. Actively produced 2013-2020.
Flat Foot – description of the bottoms of the Year One (1982-1983) ponies' feet (also used for Peachy's first release), later changed to the concave shape that most other Generation 1 ponies' feet have.
Friendship Is Magic – referring to Generation 4 animation and toys, though usually specific to the animation.
Fancy Pants – a Generation 1 set of baby ponies with printed diapers for symbols. See Baby Fancy Pants Ponies.
Fashion Style – used to describe the large-sized Generation 3 and Generation 4 ponies that were sold with different hair styling accessories and outfits. See Fashion Style.
First Tooth – a Generation 1 set of baby ponies with a molded single tooth protruding from their upper lips. See First Tooth Baby Ponies.
Generation 1 - the first generation of My Little Pony, 1982-1995.
Generation 2 – the second generation of My Little Pony, 1997-2003.
Generation 3 – the third generation of My Little Pony, 2003-2011.
Generation 3.5 – the redesigned third generation of My Little Pony that introduced the core character concept with Core 7, 2009-2010.
Generation 4 – the fourth generation of My Little Pony, also referred to as Friendship Is Magic, 2010-2021 (though G4-style toys are no longer in production, merchandise featuring the Mane 6 is still actively produced)
Generation 4.5 – the redesigned fourth generation of My Little Pony introduced with the release of the Pony Life series that served as a filler between the end of Friendship Is Magic and A New Generation/Make Your Mark, 2020-2021.
Generation 5 – the fifth generation of My Little Pony, 2021-present. See My Little Pony: A New Generation and My Little Pony: Make Your Mark.
Mint in Box – description of an out-of-production pony that is like new in its box and has never been opened.
Mint in Package – description of an out-of-production pony that is like new in its package and has never been opened.
Merry Go Round – a Generation 1 set of ponies who look like carousel horses with their costumes incorporated into their molds. See Merry Go Round Ponies.
My Little Pony
Magic Message – a Generation 1 set of ponies with heat-sensitive symbols that reveal a hidden symbol underneath the special blue, green, or red paint on their symbols. See Magic Message Ponies.
Mail Order - refers to any pony who was available only through a mail order promotion. See Mail Order Ponies.
Mint on Card – description of an out-of-production pony that is like new on its card and has never been opened.
My Pretty Pony – MLP's predecessor, a large, hard plastic pony with brushable hair and winking eyes, wiggling ears, and a swishing tail.
Non-Beddy Bye Eyes – a term that refers specifically to Generation 1 baby ponies who have both BBE and NBBE releases.
No Country – refers to a Generation 1 pony with no country marking on the bottom of its' hooves, usually an indication that it was produced in Spain.
Newborn Cutie – a spinoff line of Generation 3.5 ponies as babies, also featuring a couple of nameless "mom" ponies.
New in Box/New in Package – describes a pony that is new and has not been opened, sometimes used interchangeably or in conjunction with MIB/MIP/MOC and NRFP/NRFB.
New Look – different term for the Generation 3.5 redesigned ponies.
Near Mint – a term used to describe an out-of-production pony that is as close as possible to being fresh-out-of-package.
Never Removed from Package/Box – describes a pony that has never been opened, sometimes used interchangeably or in conjunction with MIB/MIP/MOC and NIB/NIP.
Non-So Soft – a term that specifically refers to Generation 1 ponies who have both So Soft and Non-So Soft releases.
One-of-a-Kind – usually describes customized ponies but can also refer to prototypes or other rare ponies of which only one is known to exist
Ponyville – a spinoff Generation 3 line that featured miniature, non-brushable ponies and playsets. See Ponyville Ponies.
South African – Generation 1 Nirvana ponies produced in South Africa.
Sweetheart Sister – a spinoff series of Generation 1 ponies that are supposed to be teenaged ponies. They have a taller and more slender appearance than the standard G1 pony. See Sweetheart Sister Ponies
Super Long Hair – a series of Generation 3 and Generation 3.5 ponies with extra-long manes and tails, most often including princess crowns as accessories.
So Soft – a series of Generation 1 ponies with nylon flocking covering their entire bodies, except eyes, giving them a soft feel. See G1 So Soft Ponies.
So Soft Baby Pony – Generation 3 plush-bodied baby ponies with plastic heads. See G3 So Soft Ponies.
Soft Sleepy Newborn – a set of Generation 1 baby ponies that are extra large with baby accessories and featuring Beddy Bye Eyes. See Soft Sleepy Newborns.
Twice As Fancy – a Generation 1 series of ponies with symbols that cover their backs and sides; also used to describe other generations' all-over symbolled ponie, though not used in any official capacity. See Twice As Fancy Ponies.
Twinkle-Eyed – a Generation 1 set of ponies with iridescent plastic gemstones for eyes. See Twinkle Eyed Ponies.
Toys R Us – used when referencing toys that were exclusive to this toy seller.

Collecting Vocabulary

refers to ponies made in and/or exclusive to Argentina.
refers to a collection consisting entirely of one pony, or alternates of one pony, collectors sometimes build armies of their favorite pony.
refers to ponies made in and/or exclusive to Australia.
a pony destined to be customized do to the losing combination of her poor condition and/or her lack of scarcity.
blind bag
Euro exclusive small pony toys that come in an opaque bag, so which pony you will receive will be a surprise. The gained huge popularity in G4. Although G3.5 versions were made. Some of the toys themselves are available in North America, but in different packaging. See the G4 Blind Bag Ponies or G3.5 Blind Bag Ponies sections.
Dolly Mix
sold in the blind bag style (see above), but the toys were retro and depicting G1 ponies. They were sold at the end of G3.
a toy that is not made by Hasbro, but is made to look in some way like a Hasbro My Little Pony. See the Fakies section.
the fur coating on G1 so soft ponies. See the So Soft Ponies section.
refers to ponies of exotic (international exclusive) origins. Generally limited to G1, the pony range from very slight variation to a US equivalent pony, or totally weird such as with Piggy Ponies.
a new pony that is almost like a copy of an earlier release of the same pony. First Reissue Ponies were published by Hasbro in 2008. Since 2018 the manufacturer has been Basic Fun. An experienced eye can see the difference between an original G1 pony and a reissue pony just by the appearance, but the most certain way to identify these is to look at the hooves: The factory markings (including the year) are at the bottom of the hooves.
a synonym to reissue; something is produced again.
refers to ponies (or merchandise) that resemble an older generation but are produced after that particular generation. For example, G1 ponies were produced between 1982 and 1995 so a retro G1 is something that imitates G1 ponies but is produced after 1995. The similarity may be slight, but it is there. Also repro ponies and reissue ponies are retro and in their case the similarity is clearest.

FiM Lore & Culture Vocabulary

20% Cooler
A phrase originally employed by Rainbow Dash and a favorite repetition amongst G4 fans
blank flank
not having a cutie mark; i.e. the identifying symbol on a pony's flank has yet to appear
The pony equivalent of a fistbump. Employed by bronies
A portmanteau of "bro" and "pony" used to describe someone who a is a fanatic of Friendship is Magic. Generally male and not a fan of previous pony generations. They often congregate in places like Equestria Daily
cutie mark
in prior generations collectors called the identifying art on ponies' flanks "symbols", the term "cutie mark" was first used on products released in Generation 3. [Its first on screen used was in the Meet the Ponies short "Toola Roola: Mixed-Up Painting Party".] It was more heavily used in Generation 4.
instead of saying everybody, the characters in G4 media say "everypony"
Essentially the female counterpart to "Brony"; however, a pegasister may have some interest in previous pony generations
Acronym for "Pony Music Video", a type of YouTube music video featuring My Little Pony in some way, including clips from TV series and original artwork
The act of adding the prefix "pony" to preexisting words; see ponysona
A pony version of one's self, a portmanteau of "pony" and "persona". While not exclusive to G4 culture, it is featured most prominently here