Firefly Pose
Copyright 1983.
This pose can't wear most pony wear.
Ponies in the Firefly Pose
Blossom (Peru)
Flutterbye (Argentina)
Heart Throb (Argentinia, green hair)
Heart Throb (Argentina, red hair)
Heart Throb (South Africa)
Masquerade (Argentina)
Medley (Argentina, lavender hair)
Medley (Argentina, red hair)
Medley (France)
Medley (Greece, blue body)
Medley (Greece, yellow body)
Medley (Mexico)
Medley (Peru)
Moonstone (Brazil)
North Star (Brazil)
Paradise (Argentina)
Skydancer (France, both coral and pink stripe versions)
Skydancer (Italian)
Skydancer (Peru)
Sprinkles (Brazil)
Starshine (Brazil)
Starshine (France, rainbow hair)
Starshine (France, purple and white hair)
Starshine (Greece)
Starshine (Italy, rainbow hair)
Starshine (Italy, tropical rainbow hair)
Starshine (Peru)
Starshine (South Africa)
Surprise (Argentina, yellow hair)
Surprise (Argentina, green hair)
Surprise (Argentina, blue hair)
Tickle (Argentina, white hair)
Tickle (Argentina, red hair)
Truly (Brazil)
Whizzer (Argentina)
- need loose photos of:
Peppermint Crunch Pose
Hoof marked copyright 1987 and mouth closed.
Ponies in the Peppermint Crunch Pose
Peppermint Crunch (Mexico Variant I)
Peppermint Crunch (Mexico Variant II)