Some Generation 1 Baby ponies came with bottles.
Two Color Bottles
- Two Color Bottles
white bottle with yellow screw band, came with Baby Cotton Candy, Baby Gusty, Baby Shady, and Lullabye Nursery.
white bottle with pink screw band, came with Baby Firefly, Baby Lofty, Baby Lickety Split, and Lullabye Nursery
white bottle with lavender screw band, came with Baby Moondancer and Baby Buggy
white bottle with blue screw band, came with Baby Glory
white bottle with light blue screw band, came with Baby Heart Throb
white bottle with aqua screw band, came with Baby Blossom and Baby Ribbon
came with Baby Surprise
Solid Color Bottles
- Solid Color Bottles
lavender bottle, came with Baby Fleecy and Baby Woolly
purplish pink Drink 'n Wet bottle, came with Drink 'n Wet Cuddles
pink bottle came with Baby Pockets and Baby Hoppy and Baby Stargaze
green bottle came with Baby Lucky Leaf and Baby Leafy
Blue bottle came with Baby Stripes and Baby Nectar and Baby Moondream
white bottle, came with Sticky and Sniffles, Jabber and Jebber, Sandcastle and Shovels, Big Top and Toppy, Puddles and Peeks, Speckles and Bunkie, Rattles and Tattles, Doodles and Noodles, Jangles and Tangles, Milkweed and Tumbleweed, Dibbles and Nibbles, and Sniffles and Snookums, Dangles, Yo-Yo, Squirmy, Wiggles, Shaggy, Tappy, Sweet Dreams Crib