G4 Blind Bag Ponies

G4 Blind Bag Ponies are pony toys that take the form of fully molded figurines that approximately half the size of a Playful Pony figure. Blind bag Ponies tend to more closely resemble the characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic due to their molded hair, but as well as the majority of G4 merchandise, they still have only one cutie mark either on left or right side of the flank.
The term Blind Bag Pony refers to the packaging that the figurine comes in (opaque "surprise" packaging that prevents the user from determining which pony is inside), but related figurines can also be found in Sets, Collections, as part of the games or other MLP merchandise, so in this this article all of them will also be referenced just as "figurines".
All figurines from blind bags (and some others too) comes with matching collector card, featuring the name and artwork of the pony, and a brief description about the pony's personality, almost always - about her/him favorite activity.
Altogether, at the moment of October 2014 there are:
- 10 different Blind Bags waves released so far (with wave 11 expected at stores in nearest future), 15 Sets, 5 Collections
- 46 different molds
- 306 different, distinguished by molds, style, cuitie marks and colors figurines, 66 of which can be found only in Sets or Collections.
- 174 unique Ponies, one particular Zebra, a gryphon, three Breezies, a few second-plane characters, Smarty Pants doll and of course Derpy ;)
Sources of Figurines
Besides blind bags, figurines have been released as a part of a Miniature Sets, including anywhere from three to six ponies. Most revolve around a specific theme. Those figurines are more likely to have unique, individual molds, rather than being recolors and thus, are more likely to be accurate to the show. Some of the molds used for these figurines have been used in later Blind Bag Waves for re-releases or as recolors for other ponies. Sets does not include collector cards.
Also some of them was released as Miniature Collections, which are similar to Sets, but does not always refering to some general theme. They usually consists of clearly visible through plastic fold 4-12 ponies, many of them tended to not be found in other sources. Such collections was often a targed exclusive toys, for example for Wallmart or Toys 'R Us stores, and some of them are hard to find nowdays. Only Toys 'R Us "Pony Collection Set" includes collector cards so far.
Other sources of figurines includes:
- Being parts of the games (e.g. Playhouse Puzzle, My Little Pony Chutes and Ladders Game or Regnbågsspelet Game)
- Individual packs with only one, but visible pony (all Mane 6 was released except for Fluttershy)
- 4-pack with four visible ponies (only one had been released so far with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash)
- 2011 Advert calendar (Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle)
- DVD releases (Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle)
- Mini Pony Collector's Guide book (Tealove)
None of those figurines had collector cards so far.
About Blind Bags
Every bag always have an unique imprinted code somewhere on the bag. As collectors have discovered, this code can be deciphered to reveal the identity of the pony within the bag. Inside each bag you will find: a pony mini figurine, collector's card, small parts warning sheet and sometimes a colorful pamphlet.
Previous Gens
G4 are not the first My Little Pony blind bags. See Blind Bag Ponies. The scale of G4 blind bag ponies is similar to Ponyville figurines of G3 and G3.5 (so they may be referred to also G4 Ponyville or G4 PV).
International Releases
Blind Bags, released in US and Europe markets have some minor differences:
- Subtle distinctions in bags cover art
- US collector cards are monolingual (English only) and tend to feature a longer description of a Pony
- European collector cards are multilingual (description are done in many EU's languages), and therefore info are somewhat reduced
- Colorful pamphlets (if they are found in blind bag) are differs in art arrangement, but pony's artwork itself are identical
The US distribution of blind bags mostly missed the first two waves. In their place were briefly packaged ponies on cards.
The initial delay spurred collectors to source their ponies from Taobao.
- Two Digit Codes
- Early European blind bags have two numerals lightly stamped on the outside of the bag on the top the back seam. These numbers correspond with the pony's number listed below.
- Five Digit Codes
- Up until the Neon set, all American blind bags and later European blind bags have a five digit code stamped into the flap on the back of the package. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th number is to confuse you. The second and forth numbers tell you which pony is inside. See the charts below.
- Two Letter Codes
- Starting with the Neon set, each bag has a two letter code stamped into the bottom flap of the bag. The first letter is A and the second letter tells you which pony is inside. See below for a chart matching ponies to letters.
Blind Bag Waves
Bland Bags released in "waves", usually 2-3 within a calendar year. Each wave consists of 24 unique (for this particular wave) ponies, sharing a common style (e.g. pastel colored ponies in wave 9, bright translucent in wave 8, etc.), but often includes a few "special" ponies, such as glittery versions of Pinkie, Twi and Dashie in wave 1; glow in the dark versions of Rarity, Twilight and Pinkie in wave 3, etc. In some countries (UK for sure) later waves was splitted in two sub-waves (consists of 12 ponies each), distinguishable by slightly different bags and boxes designs.
Although ponies are not repeated inside each wave, some of them can duplicate figurines from earlier waves, sets or other toys. Duplicate rate is around 30% if we count all known ponies from all known sources till October 2014 (and considering different molds, styles and paintings for one pony as different figurines), and is about 11% if we focus only on Blind Bags Waves from I to XI. Mane 6 receives the most of re-releases, as you can guess of course.
Each wave offers it's own, unique design for collector cards (with an exeption for the first two Waves and TRU Pony Collection Set, which shares the same design). So, for example, common Twilight Sparkle figurines from wave 3 and wave 5 will come identical, but have differing cards.
Early Blind Bag waves consisted solely of female ponies and were recolors of the Mane 6. At this point, Unicorns were based off of Twilight Sparkle or Rarity, while Earth Ponies were based off of Pinkie Pie or Applejack. All Pegasus Ponies were recolors of Rainbow Dash, including Fluttershy, one of the Mane 6. Later waves added more variety in molds, including male Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasus Ponies, and Alicorn Ponies. Also, while some early waves featured the Mane 6 and recycled G3 ponies, later waves tend to include more supporting and minor characters from the MLP:FiM.
Wave I

- The very first set of G4 Ponies
- Introduced 5 unique molds: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight and Pegasus pony (used for both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy)
- Each bag includes a mini pamphlet with 21 out of 24 Pony's pics and names
- Style: regular painted ponies
- Specials: translucent glittery versions of Pinkie Pie (#22), Twilight Sparkle (#23), Rainbow Dash (#24)
- Glittery Twilight Sparkle had pink body color instead of purple in early European releases. While many fans desired the show-accurate purple variant then, now pink version is quite rare and sought by some of the collectors
- G4 Blind Bag Ponies<ref
1. Pinkie Pie
2. Applejack
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Rarity
6. Fluttershy
7. Sugar Grape
8. Lily Blossom
9. Minty
10. Bumblesweet
11. Fizzypop
12. Flower Wishes
13. Roseluck
14. Sweetie Blue
15. Pepperdance
16. Lemon Hearts
17. Cherry Spices
18. Sweetie Swirl
19. Lucky Swirl
22. Glittery Pinkie Pie
23. Glittery Twilight Sparkle
24. Glittery Rainbow Dash
23.5. Glittery (Pink Variant) Twilight Sparkle
US Wave I
At first in the US/North America only the mane characters were released. Fluttershy at first only appeared in the US with the puzzle house (which is still quite rare), which drove her value up extremely high initially.
They have been packaged:
- as individually packed singles
- as a four pack
- as singles in a cardboard house with a puzzle
See Individually packaged mini ponies
The individual on card ponies have been sold in the US, Canada, and the UK so far.
US Wave I Numbering
The first set of blind bags appeared by the box (finally) on hasbrotoyshop.com February 2012, ie officially available in the US.
It seems that some/all of the first full run of blind bags released in North America do not have their collector card number punched into the packaging. Secretly however they do. Each of the two-digit numbers have been interspersed with the numbers: 2, 4, and 5. (Single digit numbers written with a zero ie 2 is written as 02). [2]
e.g. 02 + 245 = 20425.
- 20415 - Pinkie Pie (1)
- 20425 - Applejack (2)
- 20435 - Rainbow Dash (3)
- 20445 - Rarity (4)
- 20455 - Twilight Sparkle (5)
- 20465 - Fluttershy (6)
- 20475 - Sugar Grape (7)
- 20485 - Lily Blossom (8)
- 20495 - Minty (9)
- 21405 - Bumblesweet (10)
- 21415 - Fizzypop (11)
- 21425 - Flower Wishes (12)
- 21435 - Roseluck (13)
- 21445 - Sweetie Blue (14)
- 21455 - Pepperdance (15)
- 21465 - Lemon Hearts (16)
- 21475 - Cherry Spices (17)
- 21485 - Sweetie Swirl (18)
- 21495 - Lucky Swirl (19)
- 22405 - Sweetcream Scoops (20)
- 22415 - Firecracker Burst (21)
- 22425 - Pinkie Pie (Glittery) (22)
- 22435 - Twilight Sparkle (Glittery) (23)
- 22445 - Rainbow Dash (Glittery) (24)
Wave II
- Re-releases the Mane 6, and now includes the glitter versions of the rest of the Mane 6 (ie Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy). The set is about 1/3 characters that have been released as G4 full sized toys, 1/3 mane cast and 1/3 entirely new characters, but there are no new molds.
- First ever release of Cheerilee (which was later re-released in Pinkie Pie's mold in Pony Lesson Set)
- Each bag includes mini pamphlet with 21 out of 24 Pony's pics and names
- Style: regular painted ponies
- Specials: translucent glittery versions of Rarity (#22), Applejack (#23), Fluttershy (#24)
- This wave was never released in USA, making 17 new figurines (including 10 completely unique Ponies, 3 Ponies shared with Friendship Celebration Collection, which are rare too, and Cheerilee in Applejack's mold) are rather tricky to find nowdays. Only Tealove can be quite easily obtained with Mini Pony Collector's Guide book today.
1. Pinkie Pie
2. Applejack
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Rarity
6. Fluttershy
7. Feathermay
8. Blossomforth
9. Lulu Luck
10. Star Swirl
11. Tealove
12. Ribbon Heart
13. Cheerilee
14. Daisy Dreams
15. Stardash
16. Honeybelle
17. Dewdrop Dazzle
18. Rainbow Flash
19. Pudding Pie
20. Snowcatcher
21. Twinkleshine
22. Glittering Rarity
23. Glittery Applejack
24. Glittering Fluttershy
Wave III
- The set is the first G4 merchandise to feature male ponies [3] or anything glow-in-the-dark
- First ever release of Big Mac and Lyra (listed as Heartstrings), eeyup!
- Introduced stallion mold (Goldengrape, Big McIntosh, Meadow Song and Noteworthy)
- Style: regular painted ponies
- Specials: glow-in-the-dark versions of Pinkie Pie (#6), Twilight Sparkle (#12), Rarity (#18)
2. Rarity
3. Bitta Luck
4. Rainbowshine
5. Goldengrape
6. Pinkie Pie (glow-in-the-dark)
7. Rainbow Dash
10. Sea Swirl
11. Big McIntosh
12. Twilight Sparkle (glow-in-the-dark)
13. Pinkie Pie
14. Apple Dazzle
15. Lovestruck
16. Berryshine
17. Meadow Song
18. Rarity (glow-in-the-dark)
19. Applejack
20. Fluttershy
21. Cherry Berry
22. Heartstrings
23. Noteworthy
24. Lucky Dreams
Wave IV
- And now we learned that not only Mane 6 can glitter :). But no new molds, alas.
- First ever release of Great And Powerful Someone (Trixie, yep; listed as Lulamoon). Also there is another popular pony: Minuette, more known as "Colgate" among a fan community
- Style: translucent glittery ponies
- Specials: metallic, opaque painted Rarity (#12), Applejack (#18), Pinkie Pie (#24)
The secret ID number on some packaging may have five digits rather than two digit. (Single digit numbers written with a zero ie 2 is written as 02.)
The two-digit numbers have been interspersed with the numbers: 5, 4, and 2. [4]
So 02 + 542 = 50422.
Stock photos from Equestria Daily.
1. Applejack (glittery)
2. Fluttershy (glittery)
3. Lulamoon (glittery)
4. Crimson Gala (glittery)
5. Minuette (glittery)
6. Royal Riff (glittery)
7. Pinkie Pie (glittery)
8. Merry May (glittery)
9. Electric Sky (glittery)
10. Chance-A-Lot (glittery)
11. Berry Green (glittery)
12. Rarity - Special Edition (metallic silver)
13. Twilight Sparkle (glittery)
14. Rarity (glittery)
15. Sassaflash (glittery)
16. Peachy Sweet (glittery)
17. Twilight Sky (glittery)
18. Applejack - Special Edition (metallic gold)
19. Rainbow Dash (glittery)
20. Mosely Orange (glittery)
21. Amethyst Star
22. Twilight Velvet
23. Shoeshine
24. Pinkie Pie - Special Edition (metallic pink)
Wave V
- New Alicorn mold, making possible our beloved Princesses to come out
- New, better colored versions of Trixie Lulamoon and Lyra Heartstrings (and now they are named so also)
- There are no Earth Ponies or Stallions in this wave, only female Unicorns, Pegasus and Alicorns
- Collector cards in this wave have yellow main color. All, but one for Forsythia (#21) in European (not US) edition - it is pink, for whatever reason
- Style: regular painted ponies
- Specials: Princess Cadance (#2), Princess Luna (#7) and Princess Celestia (#19)
Stock photos from Equestria Daily.
3. Sunny Rays
4. Junebug
5. Breezie
9. Rainbow Dash
10. Flippity Flop
11. Gardenia Glow
12. Skywishes
13. Trixie Lulamoon
14. Diamond Rose
15. Cinnamon Breeze
16. Ploomette
17. Golden Delicious
18. Ribbon Wishes
20. Fluttershy
21. Forsythia
22. Flitterheart
23. Rainbow Wishes
Wave VI
Release date: November 2012 in online stores[5]
- This wave consists of regular versions of the glitter toys from wave IV, some of them with tridimensional cutie marks, Cherry Spices and Trixie Lulamoon with Twilight Sparkle's mold rather than the usual Rarity mold and Roseluck with new colors. The only new pony in this wave was #20 Magnet Bolt. No new molds.
- Style: regular painted ponies
- Specials: Twilight Sparkle (#3), Trixie Lulamoon (#9), Twilight Velvet (#10) - all with 3D, gem-stylized cutie marks
Photos from Strawberry Reef.
1. Pinkie Pie
2. Fluttershy
3. Twilight Sparkle - Special Edition (3D Cutie Mark)
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Rarity
6. Applejack
7. Minuette
8. Roseluck (new colors)
9. Trixie Lulamoon - Special Edition (3D Cutie Mark; Twilight Sparkle mold)
10. Twilight Velvet - Special Edition (3D Cutie Mark)
11. Mosely Orange
12. Berry Green
13. Merry May
14. Cherry Spices (Twilight Sparkle mold)
15. Electric Sky
16. Crimson Gala
17. Amethyst Star
18. Twilight Sky
19. Sassaflash
20. Magnet Bolt
21. Royal Riff
22. Peachy Sweet
23. Chance-A-Lot
24. Shoeshine
Wave VII
- This wave introduced the translucent, non-glittery pony miniatures. It featured three of the Wonderbolts with unique mold, two of which were pictured on the bag's art.
- Spitfire and Soarin had their names and descriptions mistakenly switched on corresponding collector cards, though they were named correctly on the box.
- Also here is a first ever release of Bon Bon, listed as Sweetie Drops and had her tail colors switched the blue and pink strands, but nevertheless - Lyra will be happy to have a friend!
- Style: translucent ponies with painted manes and tails
- Specials: Wonderbolt team - Misty Fly (#12), Spitfire (#17), Soarin (#23)
White background photos from 123toyuk.
1. Pinkie Pie
2. Fluttershy
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Rarity
6. Applejack
7. Cherry Pie
9. Banana Fluff
10. Lilac Links
11. Cherry Fizzy
12. Misty Fly
13. Banana Bliss
14. Sweetie Drops
15. Holly Dash
16. Berry Dreams
17. Soarin
18. Lucky Clover
19. Lily Blossom
20. Apple Stars
21. Barber Groomsby
22. Caramel Apple
23. Spitfire
24. Lily Valley
- Another translucent without glitter wave, like the previous one. Named "Neon Bright" on the box, but really there are not much style difference from Wave VII
- Seems to have a plenty of new molds and characters, but: Princess Cadance, Granny Smith, Lotus Blossom and Gilda the Griffon were presented earlier in miniature sets; Comet Tail is a new pony, but shares the same mold with Shining Armor (Pony Wedding Set)
- The only first ever released figurines here were Flim and Flam brothers, each shares a new unique mold
- Mane 6 are simply re-releases of those in previous wave, but tend to have more intense colors, with the except for Twilight Sparkle: although there ARE subtle color distinctions, but wheter figurines are placed side by side, you will notice that they really ARE very alike
- Other ponies are translucent versions of those being regulary painted in earlier waves
- Style: translucent ponies with painted manes and tails
- Specials: nope, for a change
The bags for this wave were changed so that there was no longer a center flap for the codes to be imprinted on. Instead, letters were imprinted along the bottom edge of the bags. The numbers for the ponies were changed to the corresponding letter of the alphabet skipping the letters "J" and "Q" and adding an additional A at the beginning. That made #1 Applejack's code "AA," #2 Big McIntosh's code "AB" and so on through "AZ" for #24 Twilight Sparkle.
1(AA). Applejack
2(AB). Big McIntosh
3(AC). Royal Riff
4(AD). Mosely Orange
5(AE). Gilda the Griffon
6(AF). Flam
7(AG). Flim Skim
8(AH). Fluttershy
9(AI). Skywishes
10(AK). Granny Smith
11(AL). Princess Cadance
12(AM). Golden Harvest
13(AN). Flower Wishes
14(AO). Pinkie Pie
15(AP). Sassaflash
16(AR). Comet Tail
17(AS). Rainbow Dash
18(AT). Sunny Rays
19(AU). Gardenia Glow
20(AV). Lemon Hearts
21(AW). Rarity
22(AX). Ribbon Wishes
23(AY). Lotus Blossom
24(AZ). Twilight Sparkle
Mane 6, that are repeats from the seventh wave, are brighter in the neon wave:
- Comparisons
Wave IX
- Rainbow-themed wave, Yay!
- Big Mac appears here again, with Fluttershy, now in her own unique mold (debuted in Elements of Harmony Friends set), Sea Swirl with two-toned mane, Noteworthy with (attention!) cutie mark on right flank (compare to Wave 3 Noteworthy), Nurse Snowherat sharing her mold with Nurse Redheart from Cake Family Babysitting Fun set, also here we will find Mr. Carrot Cake from the mentioned set; Amethyst Star now in Twilight mold, Shoeshine now in Pinkie's mold, Peachy Sweet in AJ mold
- Berryshine suddenly becoming an Earth Pony (compare her with Wave 3 release) and Lily Valley becoming a Pegasus (compare to Wave 7)
- Sprinkle Medley, Tropical Storm, Green Jewel, Lavender Fritter, Apple Honey, Honey Rays, Prism Glider and Grape Delight are all-new ponies in well-known molds.
- It seems that this wave hits the jackpot with the number of oddities. Already mentioned two ponies changed their race, but there is another funny thing: Prism Glider's card artwork clearly shows her as a colt, though her mold is female Pegasus pony. Also consider the description (US version): "glides across the sky with his friends!". So the gender changing is possible also, as we can see. Probably some powerful Alicorn magic, huh? :)
- Style: regular painted pastel ponies
- Specials: Rainbow Dash (#5), Rarity (#6), Princess Cadance (#12) - all painted in Rainbow accents theme. The coloring is different from those in Rainbow Pony Favorite and Daring Pony Story sets, though they came almost simultaneously and all accenting MLP:FiM Season 4 events
1(A). Applejack (pic from different wave)
2(B). Big McIntosh (pic from different wave)
3(C). Fluttershy (pic from different wave)
4(D). Pinkie Pie (pic from different wave)
5(E). Rainbow Dash
6(F). Rarity
7(G). Amethyst Star
8(H). Shoeshine
9(I). Noteworthy (pic from different wave)
10(K). Sea Swirl
11(L). Berryshine
12(M). Princess Cadance
13(N). Peachy Sweet
14(O). Lily Valley
15(P). Nurse Snowheart
16(R). Sprinkle Medley
17(S). Tropical Storm
18(T). Mr. Carrot Cake
19(U). Green Jewel
20(V). Lavender Fritter
21(W). Apple Honey
22(X). Honey Rays
23(Y). Prism Glider
24(Z). Grape Delight
Wave X

1(A). Applejack
2(B). Trixie Lulamoon
3(C). Fluttershy
4(D). Pinkie Pie
5(E). Green Jewel
6(F). Rainbowshine
7(G). Sunny Rays
8(H). Lotus Blossom
9(I). Ribbon Wishes
10(K). Snail Squirm
11(L). Diamond Mint
12(M). Princess Twilight Sparkle
13(N). Peachy Sweet
14(O). Flower Wishes
15(P). Snipsy Snap
16(R). Mosely Orange
17(S). Junebug
18(T). Rainbow Swoop
19(U). Sunshower Raindrops
20(V). Gilda the Griffon
21(W). Strawberry Sunrise
22(X). Sassaflash
23(Y). Royal Riff
24(Z). Lemon Hearts
Wave XI
- Breezies!
1(AA). Fluttershy
2(AB). Pinkie Pie
3(AC). Rainbow Dash
4(AD). Sunset Shimmer
5(AE). Flash Sentry
6(AF). Big Wig
7(AG). Helia
8(AH). Candy Apples
9(AI). Purple Wave
10(AK). Spitfire
11(AL). Neon Lights
12(AM). Wensley
13(AN). Cheese Sandwich
14(AO). Cloud Chaser
15(AP). Pursey Pink
16(AR). Swanky Hank
17(AS). Buttonbelle
18(AT). Luckette
19(AU). Lilac Hearts
20(AV). Royal Pin
21(AW). Ruby Splash
22(AX). Cloudia Breezie
23(AY). Sunny Breezie
24(AZ). Lilac Breezie
Origin unknown

Sunset Shimmer • DJ Pon-3 (plain version?)• Suri Polomare • Big Wig • Spitfire • Purple Wave • Emerald Ray (plain version?) • Flash Sentry • Rising Star • Apple Munchies • Lightning Dust • Pinprick • Violet Velvet • pale blue earth pony with magenta hair • dark pink stallion with light blue hair • lavender earth pony with dark pink hair • yellow earth pony with pink hair and purse cutie mark[6]
alternate colored Pepperdance
alternate colored Dainty Daisy
different colored Daisy Dreams
alternate earth G4 Forsythia
Collection Sets
Collection Sets are (all?) exclusive to North America. Each set is exclusive to a particular store. Stores such as Target and Toys 'R Us.
Collection Set I
Third Set of Ponies (12 Pieces)
- US Toys 'R US exclusive (US Wave II)
- released between Blind Bag waves II and III
The Toys 'R Us Exclusive 12-pack contains the mane six and six new G4 characters (different from Euro blind wave II), that are all G3 up-cycles.
Coconut Cream (see also G3 Coconut Cream)
Beachberry (see also G3 Beachberry)
Peachy Pie (see also G3 Peachy Pie)
Skywishes (see also G3 Skywishes)
Sweetsong (see also G3 Sweetsong)
Gardenia Glow (see also G3 Gardenia Glow)
Collection Set II
- Friendship Celebration Collection
- Toys 'R Us exclusive set containing re-releases of figures from the first two waves. As well as a few accessories.
- released between blind bag waves VI and VII
- Sweetie Swirl and Firecracker Burst
- Lily Blossom and Bumblesweet
- Lemon Hearts and Pepperdance
- Sugar Grape and Lulu Luck
- Rainbow Flash and Sweetie Blue
- Blossomforth and Flower Wishes
Collection Set III
- Pony Rainbow Collection
- Target Exclusive
- 7 piece set
- released between blind bag waves VI and VII
- Pony Rainbow Collection
- .jpg
The Pony Rainbow Collection versions of Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity are almost exact matches to the Wave 4 versions. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are darker than their Wave 1 versions. Twilight Sparkle is a brighter purple than Wave 1 as well. Fluttershy is darker than Wave 4 and slightly lighter but still close in color to her Wave 2 counterpart. Applejack is darker than in both Wave 4 and Wave 2. Rarity is more opaque than her Wave 2 version. With the exception of Emerald Ray, the Rainbow Collection does not have the black numbers stamped on the bottoms of their hooves differentiating them from the other waves.
- Comparisons
Collection Set IV
- Pinkie Pie and Friends Mini Collection
- Walmart Exclusive
- 12 piece set
- released between blind bag waves VI and VII
The Applejack included in this set did not have her hair ties painted.
Miniature Sets
- For more details on mini sets, see G4 Mini Ponies and Sets.
Wave I
- Apple Family
- Cloudsdale
- Pony Wedding
Wave II
- Spa Pony Set
Wave III
- Class of Cutie Marks Set
- Famous Friends Set
Wave IV
- Cake Family Babysitting Fun
- Elements of Harmony Friends
- Pony Lesson Set
Smarty Pants doll (not labeled in set)
- Groovin' Hooves Set
- Royal Surprise Set
Wave V
- Rainbow Pony Favorite Set
- Daring Pony Story Set
- Soaring Pegasus Set
- Ponyville Newsmaker Set
Board Games
Rainbow Magic
Game came with four blind bag ponies: Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy.
Chute and Ladders
My Little Pony version of the game came with three blind bag ponies to use as pieces - Princess Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.
- Chutes and Ladders
Funny facts
Ponie's cutie marks can rarely undergo minor appearance changes in re-releases. [here be pictures]
A few not vastly involved in MLP:FiM ponies had even managed to change their race due to mistakes in later waves:
- Berryshine: Unicorn (Wave 3) -> Earth Pony (Wave 9)
- Lily Valley: Earth Pony (Wave 7) -> Pegasus (Wave 9)
See also
- Blind Bags (all generations)
- Collector Cards (cards included in blind bags)
- Enterplay Trading Cards
- G4 Mini Ponies and Sets
- ↑ http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/blind-bags-are-identifiable.html
- ↑ http://www.toyreviewdaily.com/2012/01/17/code-number-list-my-little-pony-blind-bags-us-series-1-kiosk-ponies-2012-hasbro/
- ↑ http://www.bronycon.org/images/blindbags/wave3/
- ↑ http://mylittleponymadness.weebly.com/1/post/2012/05/wave-4-blind-bag-identification.html
- ↑ http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/10/complete-set-of-wave-6-blindbags.html
- ↑ http://mlparena.com/index.php/topic,349768.0.html