Something Old - Something New
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Revision as of 18:05, 10 August 2017 by ABrownCrayon (talk | contribs)
(the same that came with Wedding Confetti
This wedding wear set was available both in the US and the UK. While there are rumors that different sets existed, in reality they are identical save for [i]possible[/i] minor differences in the stitching.
Collectors should be aware that Satin 'N Lace's outfit is very similar to the ponywear set, however the lace on Satin's dress is stitched in a different pattern. There are 3 known variations of lace stitching on Satin 'N Lace's gown.
Wedding Bells Confetti (UK) had an identical dress to Something Old, Something New, however the silver stitching in her veil is different.
At least two "fakie" ponywear wedding sets exist as well, but they were not produced by Hasbro.
- Something Old, Something New
See also
- Confetti (Euro)
- Satin 'N Lace (mail order)