Stardust and Moondust
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Twin Baby Ponies
- Notes: It is not specified on the package which baby is which; therefore, it has been standard practice within the collecting community to name them left to right as they appear in their packages. These ponies’ symbols are only on their display sides, a design characteristic that became core to Generation 3.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch:
- Finnish:
- French: Confetti et Cotillon (Confetti and Party Favors)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian:
- Spanish: Pony Celeste y Pony Lucero (Sky Blue Pony and Bright Star Pony)
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
[hide]Stardust Stats
- Pose: Baby Sunbeam Pose
- Body Color: Dark Pink
- Hair Color: Seafoam Green Forelock, Aqua Mane, Violet Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Green Crystal
- Symbol: Three Turquoise Daisies and Five Dots
- Pony Features
Moondust Stats
- Pose: Baby Tickle Heart Pose
- Body Color: Light Pink
- Hair Color: Seafoam Green Forelock, Violet Mane, Aqua Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Green Crystal
- Symbol: Three Turquoise Daisies and Five Dots
- Pony Features
Backcard Stories
Confetti et Cotillon sont toujours de bonne humeur. Elles adorent porter leurs costumes de fées et organiser des fêtes avec leurs amis. Et regarde bien! Il y a même des fées qui dansent et chantent dans le jardin de Mes Petits Poneys!
English Translation:
Confetti and Party Favor are always in a good mood. They love wearing their fairy costumes and having parties with their friends. And look carefully! There are even fairies dancing and singing in My Little Ponies' garden!
¡Colecciona todas las Gemelas Bebés!
- 1 ¡Qué divertido es disfrazarlas!
- 2 ¡Encaja los dos amuletos para crear un precioso amuleto de rosa!
Pony Celeste y Pony Lucero son mágicas. Les encanta disfrazarse de hadas y reunir a sus amigas para hacer una fiesta. El jardin se llena de brillantes hadas que rien y bailan con los ponys.
English Translation:
Collect all the Baby Twins!
- 1 How fun it is to dress them up!
- 2 Match the two charms together to create a beautiful rose charm!
Sky Blue Pony and Bright Star Pony are magical. They love dressing up as fairies and gathering their friends to have a party. The garden is filled with bright fairies who laugh and dance with the ponies.
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Four (2000) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Bright Bramley • Wingsong (Secret Surprise II) | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Magic Motion Family Ponies |
Light Heart and Baby Tickle Heart • Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam • Sweet Berry and Baby Honeyberry | |
Light Up Family Ponies |
Ivy and Baby Fern • Morning Glory and Baby Dew • Princess Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly • Princess Twinkle Star and Baby Twinkles | |
Twin Baby Ponies |
Dart and Dash • Drifter and Dreamer • Polka and Dot • Stardust and Moondust | |
Princess Ponies | ||
Prince Ponies | ||
Royal Lady Ponies | ||
Royal Twin Baby Ponies |
Giggles and Wiggles • Jewel and Sparkle • Sweetheart and Trueheart • Fire and Flame | |
Other Releases | ||
Playset Ponies |
Princess Sweet Berry (Royal Castle) • Princess Sky Skimmer (Wedding Carriage) Baby Fleur (Wedding Carriage) • Baby Flitter (Giggle Garden Nursery) |
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Ponies in the 2000 Twin Baby Ponies Series: