Jewel and Sparkle
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Royal Twin Baby Ponies
- Notes: It is not specified on the package which baby is which; therefore, it has been standard practice within the collecting community to name them left to right as they appear in their packages. These twins also have body color variants – lighter for Jewel and darker for Sparkle. Their charm also has a reverse color variation.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian: Ædelsten/Edelstein og Brilliant (Gem/Gem and Brilliant)
- Dutch: Flonkertje en Glinstertje (Twinkle and Sparkle)
- Finnish: Jalokivi ja Tuike (Gem and Sparkle)
- French: Princesse Star et Princesse Strass (Princess Star and Princess Rhinestone)
- German: Prinzessin Schönchen & Prinzessin Krönchen (Princess Beautiful and Princess Crown)
- Italian: Esmeralda e Dorella (?)
- Spanish: Princesa Esmeralda y Princesa Brillante (Princess Emerald and Princess Bright)
- Swedish: Ädelsten och Briljant (Gem and Brilliant)
- Regional MOCs
[hide]Jewel Stats
- Pose: Baby Honey Berry Pose
- Body Color: Blue Violet
- Hair Color: Blue Forelock, Pink Mane, Violet Tail; Purple Tinsel
- Eye Color: Lavender with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Flagged Castle Tower and Three Stars Above a Wave
- Pony Features
Sparkle Stats
- Pose: Baby Tickle Heart Pose
- Body Color: Light Aqua
- Hair Color: Blue Forelock, Violet Mane, Pink Tail; Purple Tinsel
- Eye Color: Lavender with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Magenta Flagged Castle Tower and Three Stars Above a Wave
- Pony Features
Backcard Stories
Princess Jewel and Princess Sparkle are the prim-and-proper twins.
- 1 The Princesses love to wear their crowns!
- 2 Snap charms together and wear!
Prinsesse Ædelsten/Edelstein og Prinsesse Brilliant er de artige/flinke tvillinger.
- 1 Prinsesserne elsker at udsmykke sig/å kle sig fint!
- 2 Klem smykkerne/smykkene sammen og tag/ta dem på!
English Translation:
Princess Gem/Gem and Princess Brilliant are the nice/clever twins.
- 1 The princesses love to dress up/dress nicely!
- 2 Squeeze the jewellery/pieces together and wear/put them on!
Prinses Flonkertje en Prinses Glinstertje zijn fonkelende weellingpony's.
English Translation:
Princess Twinkle and Princess Sparkle are sparkling ponies.
Prinsessa Jalokivi ja Prinsessa Tuike ovat siistit ja hienot kaksoset.
- 1 Prinsessat pukeutuvat mielellään upeisiin vaatteisiin!
- 2 Napsauta riipukset yhteen ja käytä!
English Translation:
Princess Gem and Princess Twinkle are neat and beautiful twins.
- 1 Princesses like to dress up in wonderful clothes!
- 2 Click the pendants together and use!
Princesse Star et Princesse Strass sont toujours très distinguées, elles veulent être de parfaites princesses. Princesse Star a appris à marcher avec beaucoup d'élégance. Princesse Strass, elle, afin d'être toujours une véritable princesse, ne quitte jamais sa couronne!
- 1 Mets à Princesse Star et à Princesse Strass leur couronne sertie de pierres précieuses!
- 2 Clippe les 2 pendentifs ensemble et fais-en un superbe collier ou bracelet pour toi!
English Translation:
Princess Star and Princess Rhinestone are always very distinguished, they want to be perfect princesses. Princess Star has learned to walk very elegantly. Princess Rhinestone, in order to always be a true princess, never takes off her crown!
- 1 Give Princess Star and Princess Rhinestone their crowns set with precious stones!
- 2 Clip the 2 pendants together and make a stunning necklace or bracelet for you!
Principessa Esmeralda e Principessa Dorella sono le gemelline perfettino.
English Translation:
Princess Esmeralda and Princess Dorella are the perfect little twins.
Princesa Esmeralda y Princesa Brillante son las gemelas relamidas y estiradas y les gusta ser unas perfectas princesas. Princesa Esmeralda nunca corre porque dice que no es de señoritas. Princesa Brillante siempre lleva la corona ipara asegurarse de que siempre parece una princesa!
- 1 ¡Qué divertido es ponerse guapa!
- 2 ¡Engancha los amuletos y póntelos!
English Translation:
Princess Emerald and Princess Brillante are the snooty and uptight twins and they like to be perfect princesses. Princess Emerald never runs because she says she is not one for ladies. Princess Brilliant always wears the crown to make sure she always looks like a princess!
- 1 How fun it is to get pretty!
- 2 Hook the charms and wear them!
Prinsessan Ädelsten och Prinsessan Briljant är prydliga och korrekta tvillingar.
- 1 Prinsessorna älsker att klä upp sig!
- 2 Knäpp ihop berlockerna och ha dem på dig!
English Translation:
Princess Gemstone and Princess Brilliant are neat and proper twins.
- 1 The princesses love to dress up!
- 2 Snap the charms together and wear them!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Four (2000) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Bright Bramley • Wingsong (Secret Surprise II) | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Magic Motion Family Ponies |
Light Heart and Baby Tickle Heart • Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam • Sweet Berry and Baby Honeyberry | |
Light Up Family Ponies |
Ivy and Baby Fern • Morning Glory and Baby Dew • Princess Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly • Princess Twinkle Star and Baby Twinkles | |
Twin Baby Ponies |
Dart and Dash • Drifter and Dreamer • Polka and Dot • Stardust and Moondust | |
Princess Ponies | ||
Prince Ponies | ||
Royal Lady Ponies | ||
Royal Twin Baby Ponies |
Giggles and Wiggles • Jewel and Sparkle • Sweetheart and Trueheart • Fire and Flame | |
Other Releases | ||
Playset Ponies |
Princess Sweet Berry (Royal Castle) • Princess Sky Skimmer (Wedding Carriage) Baby Fleur (Wedding Carriage) • Baby Flitter (Giggle Garden Nursery) |
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Ponies in the 2000 Royal Twin Baby Ponies Series: