Giggles and Wiggles
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Twin Baby Ponies
- Notes: It is not specified on the package which baby is which; therefore, it has been standard practice within the collecting community to name them left to right as they appear in their packages. These twins also have less-common variants with purple tinsel and different colored symbols.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian: Trille og Tumle (Trill and Tumble)
- Dutch: Lachebekje en Harlekijn (Smiley Face and Harlequin)
- Finnish: Hyppy ja Heppa (Hoppy and Heppa)
- French: Princesse Joyeuse et Princess Éclat (Princess Merry and Princess Brilliance)
- German:
- Italian: Violetta e Giulietta (Violet and Juliet)
- Spanish: Princesa Risitas y Princesa Pizpireta (Princess Giggles and Princess Spirited Girl)
- Swedish: Hopp och Skutt (Jump and Shoot)
- Regional MOCs
[hide]Giggles Stats
- Pose: Baby Tickle Heart Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Yellow Forelock, Pink Mane, Aqua Tail with Pink OR Purple Tinsel
- Eye Color: Light Blue with White Crystal
- Symbol: Aqua “Shining” Star Wand
- Pony Features
Wiggles Stats
- Pose: Baby Sunbeam Pose
- Body Color: White
- Hair Color: Yellow Forelock, Aqua Mane, Pink Tail with Pink OR Purple Tinsel
- Eye Color: Light Blue with White Crystal
- Symbol: Aqua “Shining” Star Wand
- Pony Features
Backcard Stories
Princess Giggles and Princess Wiggles are the playful twins!
- 1 The Princesses love dressing up!
- 2 Snap charms together and wear!
Prinsesse Trille og Prinsesse Tumle er de legesyge/lekne tvillinger.
- 1 Prinsesserne/Prinsessene elsker at klæde sig ud/å kle seg fint.
- 2 Klem smykkerne/smykkene sammen og tag/ta dem på!
English Translation:
Princess Trill and Princess Tumble are the playful twins.
- 1 The princesses love to dress up.
- 2 Squeeze the jewelry/pieces together and wear/put them on!
Prinses Lachebekje en Prinses Harlekijn zijn de grappige tweelingpomy's.
- 1 Leuk om aan te kleden!
- 2 Klik de hangertjes aan elkaar en draag ze zelf!
Ze zijn altijd in de weer!
English Translation:
Princess Smiley Face and Princess Harlequin are the funny twin ponies.
- 1 Nice to dress up!
- 2 Click the hangers together and wear yourself!
Prinsessa Hyppy ja Prinsessa Heppa ovat leikkisät kaksoset.
- 1 Prinsessat pukeutuvat mielellään upeisiin vaatteisiin.
- 2 Napsauta riipukset yhteen ja käytä!
English Translation:
Princess Hoppy and Princess Heppa are playful twins.
- 1 Princesses like to dress up in wonderful clothes.
- 2 Click the pendants together and use!
Princesse Joyeuse et Princesse Éclat ne pensent qu'à jouer! Tout ce qu'elles font et disent amuse tout le monde. Si l'un de ses amis est triste, Princesse Joyeuse trouve toujours une pitrerie à faire pour lui redonner le sourire, quant à Princesse Éclat, sa bonne humeur attire toujours tout le monde !
English Translation:
Princess Merry and Princess Brilliance only think about playing! Everything they do and say amuses everyone. If one of her friends is sad, Princess Merry always finds a prank to do to make them smile again, as for Princesse Brilliance, her good humor always attracts everyone!
Η πριγκίπισσα Χαχανούλα και η πριγκίльно Διασκεδαστικούλα είναι οι παιχνιδιάρες δίδυμες
- 1 Τρελαίνονται να τις στολίζεις!
- 2 Βάλε τα κρεμαστά μαζί και φόρεσε το!
I prinkípissa Chachanoúla kai i prinkílʹno Diaskedastikoúla eínai oi paichnidiáres dídymes.
- 1 Trelaínontai na tis stolízeis!
- 2 Vále ta kremastá mazí kai fórese to!
English Translation:
Princess Laughter and Princess FUn are the playful twins.
- 1 They go crazy when you decorate them!
- 2 Put the pendants together and wear it!
Principessa Violetto e Principessa Giulietta sono le gemelle giocherellone.
- 1 Che divertimento mascherarsi!
- 2 Unisci i ciandoli e indossali!
English Translation:
Princess Violet and Princess Juliet are the playful twins.
- 1 How fun it is to dress up!
- 2 Put the charms together and wear them!
Princesa Risitas y Princesa Pizpireta son las gemelas juguetonas. iTodo lo que dicen y hacen hace sonreír a la gente! Si Princesa Risitas encuentra a un amigo triste, hace alguna tontería para animarle. iPrincesa Pizpireta se divierte tanto que todo el mundo quiere jugar con ella!
- 1 ¡Qué divertido es disfrazarse!
- 2 ¡Engancha los amuletos y póntelos!
English Translation:
Princess Giggles and Princess Spirited Girl are the playful twins. Everything they say and do makes people smile! If Princess Giggles finds a friend sad, she does something silly to cheer them up. Princess Spirited Girl has so much fun that everyone wants to play with her!
- 1 How fun it is to dress up!
- 2 Hook the charms and wear them!
Prinsessan Hopp och Prinsessan Skutt är de lekfulla tvillingama.
- 1 Prinsessorna älsker att klä upp sig.
- 2 Knäpp ihop berlockerna och ha dem på dig!
English Translation:
Princess Jump and Princess Shoot are the playful twins.
- 1 The princesses love to dress up.
- 2 Snap the charms together and wear them!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Four (2000) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Bright Bramley • Wingsong (Secret Surprise II) | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Magic Motion Family Ponies |
Light Heart and Baby Tickle Heart • Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam • Sweet Berry and Baby Honeyberry | |
Light Up Family Ponies |
Ivy and Baby Fern • Morning Glory and Baby Dew • Princess Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly • Princess Twinkle Star and Baby Twinkles | |
Twin Baby Ponies |
Dart and Dash • Drifter and Dreamer • Polka and Dot • Stardust and Moondust | |
Princess Ponies | ||
Prince Ponies | ||
Royal Lady Ponies | ||
Royal Twin Baby Ponies |
Giggles and Wiggles • Jewel and Sparkle • Sweetheart and Trueheart • Fire and Flame | |
Other Releases | ||
Playset Ponies |
Princess Sweet Berry (Royal Castle) • Princess Sky Skimmer (Wedding Carriage) Baby Fleur (Wedding Carriage) • Baby Flitter (Giggle Garden Nursery) |
Media Appearances
See Also
Other Ponies in the 2000 Royal Twin Baby Ponies Series: