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Nirvana Ponies by Country
Argentina Australia Brazil Colombia France Germany
Greece India Italy Japan Macau Mexico
Netherlands Peru Scandinavia South Africa Spain Venezuela

Generation 1


In 1985 Hasbro licensed "My Little Pony" to the Japanese toy company Takara. The result was "Mai Ritoru Ponii - Osharena Poni" or "My Little Pony - Stylish Pony." They were marketed as poseable dolls that you could dress up and style their hair.

  • Takara is also the company that came up with Transformers, they licensed it to Hasbro.

Pinky, Milky, Lili, and Popo

  • Two adult Characters are named, Pinky and Milky. They are twins. Pinky is pink with pink hair. Milky is yellow with pink hair. They are both girls.

Ochame Fashion

Ochame Fashion Backcard
  • Aside from Pinky and Milky there were also four "ochame fashion" dolls. Ochame translates as playful or mischevious.

-"kurukuru-hair" or "whirling hair": pale green body with teal hair
-"sarasara-hair" or "silky hair": very pale body with yellow hair
-"amiami-hair" or "braided hair": pale blue body with blue hair
-"fuwafuwa-hair" or "fluffy hair": pale pink body with darker pink hair

  • Woosie's Takara Info (originally here http://members.aol.com/brandiwst/index.html), was a site I saw referenced to many times for Takara pony details. However I guess it was taken down about four years ago. But thanks to my favorite time travel device, The Way Back Machine, I have resurrected the info (minus the pix) and put it up here. Beware I didn't edit it really, so there are weird links and broken jpegs everywhere.

Outfits (Kisekae Dress)

"osharena ponii no kisekae doresu" or "Stylish Pony [Changeable Doll] Dress"

  • There were at least 11 different outfits that could be purchased separately for the dolls 1

Fakie Babies

the bottom of a fakie, has no marks
  • Real Takara babies will have copyright information on their bottoms, these fakies are blank on the bottom.
  • There more baby sized fakies based on Takara ponies than real Takara baby ponies.

Generation 2


Japanese keychain backcard

These keychains were released as G1 retro merchandise in G2 and only in Japan. They are very hard to find.

Phone Straps


Generation 3

G3 Pinkie Pie plush keychain

A small amount of merchandise was available for G3.

Generation 4

shirts and tights by galaxxxy

G4 has hit Japan, and we are waiting for Japan exclusive merch!

See also
