Nirvana Ponies by Country | ||||||||
Argentina | Australia | Brazil | Colombia | France | Germany | |||
Greece | India | Italy | Japan | Macau | Mexico | |||
Netherlands | Peru | Scandinavia | South Africa | Spain | Venezuela |
Generation 1
In 1985 Hasbro licensed "My Little Pony" to the Japanese toy company Takara. The result was "Mai Ritoru Ponii - Osharena Poni" or "My Little Pony - Stylish Pony." They were marketed as poseable dolls that you could dress up and style their hair. There are 8 known different dolls, and at least 11 different outfits that could be purchased separately.
- Takara is also the company that came up with Transformers, they licensed it to Hasbro.
- Japanese Takara My Little Pony Commercial
- Woosie's Takara Info (originally here http://members.aol.com/brandiwst/index.html), was a site I saw referenced to many times for Takara pony details. However I guess it was taken down about four years ago. But thanks to my favorite time travel device, The Way Back Machine, I have resurrected the info (minus the pix) and put it up here. Beware I didn't edit it really, so there are weird links and broken jpegs everywhere.
- Takara Translations -ongoing translations of all Takara media
The Takara line as described by the packaging and catalog pages.
Only some of the toys are known by collectors to exist for sure, these items are noted down below. But here I will go ahead a layout everything that there is any evidence for whatsoever.
Japanese Vocabulary
- おしゃれ(な) ⇒ oshare(na)
- [adj.] smartly dressed; stylish; fashion-conscious
- [noun] someone who is smartly dress
- [verb] to dress up; to be fashionable
- きせかえ ⇒ kisekae
- dress-up
- ドレス ⇒ doresu
- dress
- かわいい ⇒ kawaii
- cute
- おちゃめ ⇒
- playfulness; mischief; urchin; wag
- コレクション ⇒ korekushon
- collection
- シリーズ ⇒ shiriizu
- series
アクセサリー ⇒ akusesarii
- accessory
- ヘアーデザイナー ⇒ heaa dezainaa
- hair designer
- ポニー ⇒ ponii
- pony
- マイ ⇒ mai
- my
- リトル ⇒ ritoru
- little
- Takara 1985 Catalog Pages
Before you get too excited, only about 1/4 of the toys from the catalog have been confirmed to have actually been produced.
And only a handful total have been found. So, you cannot expect to be able to collect these at all.
Confirmed Takara | ||
Pinky |
Several have been sighted. | |
Milky |
Several have been sighted. | |
Hair Designer - Milky |
Known to be owned by one collector and one japanese blogger. | |
Lily and Popo Carriage Playset |
Not known for sure, but a MIB fakie of this set that looks just like the catalog pic has been sighted. Also a loose baby as been sighted without the drain hole that the bathtub set babies have. | |
Lily and Popo Bathtub Playset |
One MIB set is known. | |
Ochame Fashion -Curly-Hair Doll |
One loose has been sighted. | |
Ochame Fashion -Fluffy-Hair Doll |
Several have been seen, but she is often mistaken for Pinky |
The main characters are Pinky and Milky who are twin sisters. Pinky is pink with darker pink hair. Milky is cream with pink hair.
They have younger twin sisters named Lily and Popo.
There are four additional Ochame Fashion friends who are the same size as Pinky and Milky.
There are 10 additional baby twin sets, the same size as Lily and Popo, which are all different kinds of animals.
Hair Designer
Both Pinky and Milky were released as Hair Designer Ponies. [1]
- Translation of text from catalog:
- Stylish Pony Deluxe Type comes with a dresser, a hair dryer, a hat, hair curlers,
- and various other accessories for styling hair, meant to increase your pony styling fun.
- Stylish Pony Hair Designer 2,400 yen
- Loose
- Oshare Pinky Doll -at least three releases
- Regular -purple dress with small hearts on it with a yellow tie.
- Regular -yellow dress
- Osharena Pony Color Wedding
- Oshare Milky Doll -at least three releases
- Regular -pink dress with a white lace hem and a light yellow bow at the neck
- Regular -light pink and white checkered dress
- Osharena Pony Color Wedding
Stylish Pony Color Wedding
Pony Kisekae Dress
"osharena ponii no kisekae doresu" or "Stylish Pony Doll Clothes Dress"
- There were at least 11 different outfits that could be purchased separately for the dolls 1
- The single outfit sets came with a dress, a necklace and two plastic bow shaped decorative hair picks/combs (one yellow and one pink).
- Kisekae Dress -clothing sets for the adult sized dolls
- single clothing set - at least 10
- double clothing set - at least one
Stylish Pony Color Wedding Pony Doll Clothes Dress
Ochame Fashion
- Aside from Pinky and Milky there were also four adult sized "ochame fashion" dolls sold separately. Ochame translates as playful or mischevious.
- -"kurukuru-hair" or "curly hair": pale green body with teal hair
- -"sarasara-hair" or "silky hair": very pale body with yellow hair
- -"amiami-hair" or "braided hair": pale blue body with blue hair
- -"fuwafuwa-hair" or "fluffy hair": pale pink body with darker pink hair
Pony Style House
Lily and Popo
- Only two baby ponies were made, Lili (pink with pink hair) and Popo (yellow with pink hair).
- The babies are called "kawaii ponii" or "cute pony"
- They were together in two playsets and as poseables.
- Baby Carriage Set (dolls don't have drain holes, probably)
- Bathtub Set (dolls have drain holes)
Kawaii Ponies and Bubble Bath
Kawaii Ponies (with a wagon)
Poseable Kawaii Ponies
Dream Capsule
Accessory Set
The Land of Close Friends
- Animal Friend Twins
- same scale as Lily and Popo
- 10 different sets
Fakie Babies
- Real Takara babies will have clear copyright information on their bottoms
- Fakies were produced by several companies, and while most have no information on their bottoms, a few have fainter takara copyright information because they were apparently cast from a genuine pony.
- There more baby sized fakies based on Takara ponies than real Takara baby ponies.
- Re-haired Takara Fakie Babies
- Takara Fakie Babies
Palau Toys
Lovely Pets
Fakie twins of various matching colors were sold in a three pack with a Remco fakie fakie. [2]
Generation 2

These keychains were released as G1 retro merchandise in G2 and only in Japan. They are very hard to find.
Japan Baby Milky Way
Japan Baby Dancing Butterflies
Japan Baby Sugarberry
Japan Baby Starbow
Japan Baby Rainribbon
Japan Baby Sunribbon
Japan green Baby Stockings
Japan red Baby Stockings
Phone Straps
Generation 3
A small amount of merchandise was available for G3.
Generation 4

G4 has hit Japan, and we are waiting for Japan exclusive merch!
See also