Mattel Girls Toys 1991 Repro Art Book

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Mattel Girls Toys 1991 Repro Art Book Cover
Mattel Girls Toys 1991 Repro Art Book Contents
Mattel Girls Toys 1991 Repro Art Book Back Cover

The Mattel Girls Toys 1991 Repro Art Book had 2 pages featuring Little Pretties and Playsets. Also, Baby Bibsy, a kitten, is referred to as Baby Bitsy Puppy even though the drawing is clearly a kitten(page 37).

The line drawings of some figures (Melody, Purple Paws, Snow Curl w/ Playset, Cherry Belle, and Happy Heather) from these pages were created from photos from the 1991 Pre-Toy Fair Sell Sheets.

Note Dates shown on the Repro Art Book will be copyrighted for the year before they were released. The cover sheet will say 1991 while the individual toy pages are dated 1990. The same is true for the other Mattel catalogs. This is because toys released in any one year had to be created (and photographed) the year before to make it to retail stores for the appropriate year.

