Moon Shadow
Moon Shadow has two separate releases, in 1998 as Moon Shadow and in 1999 as Lady Moonshine or Lady Moon Shadow. While her symbol is reused for 2002 Magician Pony Magic Diamond Glow, they are considered two separate characters and not variant releases.
- Moon Shadow Releases
[hide]Year Two (1998)
Magic Motion Moon Shadow
- Release Year: 1998
- Availability: Internationally
- Series: Magic Motion Friends
- Notes: Moon Shadow has Magic Motion E.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Manestraal (Moonbeam)
- Finnish:
- French:
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Ombretta (Shadow)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish: Pony Mágica (Magic Pony)
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Moon Shadow Pose
- Body Color: Pink
- Hair Color: “Fading” Pink and Bright Red Mane, Bright Red Tail
- Eye Color: Teal with White Crystal
- Symbol: Crescent Moon and Six Hypocycloid Stars
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
My Little Pony® is waiting for you in Friendship Garden™! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is you!
- She can wear the necklace and bracelet – store them in the dresser!
- Push her tail… she magically picks up the necklace!
- Magical rainbow joins garden fences together! (Comes with one fence.)
- Collect all the Magic of My Little Pony®!
MOON SHADOW™ is the MYSTERIOUS one. She wears disguises when she goes to parties so that everyone has to guess who she is. When she dresses, she nods her head to pick up the pretty necklace in her dresser drawer!
European English Card
Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Moon Shadow is the mysterious one. She wears disguises when she goes to parties so that everyone has to guess who she is.
- Push her tail – she magically picks up the necklace!
- She comes with a dresser, a necklace for her, and a bracelet for you!
- Magical rainbow joins garden fences together! (Comes with 1 fence.)
Welkom in de Vriendschapstuinen, de sprookjesachtige wereld van My Little Pony! Hier spelen de pony's en beleven zij allerlei geweldige avonturen! Kom erbij - de pony's zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes en ze zijn heel trouw!
Manestraal is heel geheimzinnig. Ze vermomt zich altijd als ze naar een feestje gaat, zodat iedereen moet raden wie ze is.
- Druk op haar staart - en ze pakt zomaar haar toverketting!
- Ze heeft een kaptafel, een halsketting voor zichzelf en een armband voor jou!
- De teverregenboog verbindt de tuinhekken met elkaar! (Inclusief 1 hek).
English Translation: Welcome to the Friendship Gardens, the fairytale world of My Little Pony! Here the ponies play and experience all kinds of great adventures! Come join us - the ponies love new friends and are very loyal!
Moonbeam is very mysterious. She always disguises herself when she goes to a party so everyone has to guess who she is.
- Press her tail - and she just grabs her magic necklace!
- She has a dressing table, a necklace for herself and a bracelet for you!
- The fairy rainbow connects the garden fences! (Including 1 fence).
Benvenuta nel Giardino dell'Amicizia; il magico mondo dei My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti! Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!
Ombretta e la più misteriosa. Quando va a qualche festa ha l'abitudine di mascherarsi, per create mistero tra tutti i suoi amici pony.
- Premi la sua codina... come per magia prenderà la collana!
- Ha un simpatico vestitino, una graziosa collana, e un bellissimo braccialetto per te!
- Il Magico arcobaleno unisce le palizzate del giardino (Include una palizzata).
English Translation: Welcome to the Garden of Friendship; the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures! Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical world!
Shadow is the most mysterious. When she goes to some party she has the habit of dressing up, to create mystery among all her pony friends.
- Press her tail... as if by magic she will take the necklace!
- She has a cute dress, a cute necklace, and a beautiful bracelet for you!
- The Magical Rainbow joins the garden fences (Includes a fence).
¡Bienvenida a Ponylandia, el mundo de Mi Pequeño Pony! Aquí los ponys juegan juntos y viven emocionantes aventuras. ¡Únete a ellos!... A los ponys les encantará que se conviertas en su nueva amiga.
¡Consigue toda la colección de Mi Pequeño Pony!
Pony Mágica es la más misteriosa. Siempre que va a alguna fiesta se disfraza para que rodo el mundo tenga que adivinar quién es. Mientras se viste, mueve la cabeza para coger el collar del cajón de su tocador mágico.
- Presiona su cola. ¡Cogerá el collar por arte de magia!
- ¡Tiene un tocador mágico, un collar y una pulsera para ti!
- El arco iris mágico sirve para unir las vallas del jardin entre sí (Incluye una valla).
English Translation: Welcome to Ponyland, the world of My Little Pony! Here the ponies play together and have exciting adventures. Join them!... The ponies will love that you become their new friend.
Get the entire My Little Pony collection!
Magic Pony is the most mysterious. Whenever he goes to a party he disguise so that the whole world has have to guess who it is. While you dress, move your head to pick up the necklace from her magic dresser drawer.
- Presses his tail. He will grab the necklace by magic!
- It has a magical dresser, necklace and bracelet for you!
- The magic rainbow is used to join the garden fences together (Includes a fence).
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Two (1998) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Mail Order Pony | Seabreeze | |
Magic Motion Friends |
Moon Shadow • Tipsy Tulip • Satin Splash • Sweet Berry | |
Sunny Garden Friends |
Basket Surprise with Sweet Berry and Ivy • Special Birthday Magic with Light Heart and Sundance | |
Playsets |
Year Three (1999)
Lady Moon Shadow/Lady Moonshine
- Release Year: 1999
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Royal Ladies
- Notes: Lady Moon Shadow’s English name is Lady Moonshine on the English/Danish/Swedish/Finnish Languages packaging. Lady Moon Shadow has Magic Motion A.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish: Lady Maneskygge (Lady Maneshadow)
- Dutch: Koningin Toverkracht (Queen Magic)
- Finnish: Lady Kuunhamy (Lady Moonface)
- French: Reine Mystérieuse (Mysterious Queen)
- German: Lady Mondschatten (Lady Moonshadow)
- Greek:
- Italian: Damina Ombretta (Lady Shadow)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish: Lady Mágica (Lady Magic)
- Swedish: Lady Månskugga (Lady Moonshadow)
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Ivy Pose
- Body Color: Pink
- Hair Color: “Fading” Pink and Bright Red Mane, Bright Red Tail; Silver Tinsel
- Eye Color: Teal with White Crystal
- Symbol: Crescent Moon and Six Hypocycloid Stars
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponyland castle! The ponies have lots of royal adventures and magical surprises to share with you. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU.
Lady Moonshine is the mysterious pony. She performs mysterious magic tricks from her Box of Magic.
- Put the ring in the box… it disappears! Then – abracadabra!
- You and Lady Moonshine magically make the ring re-appear!
- Make the dragon magically appear under Lady Moonshine’s crown! (Instructions included.)
My Little Pony venter på dig/deg i sit slot i Ponyland! Ponyerne har en masse eventyr og magiske overraskelser til dig/deg! Det eneste My Little Pony har brug for, for at alt det sjove/morsomme kan begynde/begynne, er DIG/DEG!
Lady Måneskygge er Gådefuld/Gårefull. Hun elsker gådefuld/gåtefull magi og er vild med magiske tricks.
- Put/legg ringen i æsken/boksen så forsvinder/torsvinner den! Og så abracadabra!
- Du og Lady Måneskygge tryller på magisk/magiskt vis ringen tilbage/til a vise seg igjen!
- Tryl på magisk vis dragen frem/ Få dragen til å vise seg under Lady Måneskygges krone! (Instruktioner/instruksjoner medfølger.)
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in her castle in Ponyland! The ponies have lots of adventures and magical surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs for all the fun to begin is YOU!
Lady Moonshadow is Enigmatic/Wonderful. She loves enigmatic/enigmatic magic and loves magic tricks.
- Put/put the ring in the box/box and it disappears/Thurs wins! And then abracadabra!
- You and Lady Moonshadow magically/magically conjure the ring back/to reappear!
- Magically conjure the dragon/ Make the dragon appear under Lady Moonshadow's crown! (Instructions/instructions included.)
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- 1 Koningin Toverkracht bereldt een toverkunstje voor! Leg de ring in de juwelenkist... en hij is verdwenen!
- 2 Abracadabra, een rikje met de toverstok... de ring vershijnt!
- 3 Koningin Toverkracht kan ook een draak tevoorschjin toveren onder haar kroontje!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- 1 Queen of Magic performs a magic trick! Put the ring in the jewelry box... and it's gone!
- 2 Abracadabra, a flick of the wand... the ring appears!
- 3 Queen Magic can also conjure up a dragon under her crown!
My Little Pony odottaa sinua Ponimaan linnassa! Poneilla on valtavasti ruhtinaallisia seikkailuja ja maagisia yllätyksiä, jotka ne haluavat jakaa kanssasi! Hauskanpidon aloittamiseksi My Little Pony tarvitsee vain SINUT!
Lady Kuunhämy on salaperäinen poni. Hän pitää mystisestä magiasta ja taikatemppujen esittämisestä.
- Laita sormus laatikkoon se katoaa! Ja Hokuspokus!
- Sina ja Lady Kuunhämy taiotte yhdessä sormuksen takaisin!
- Taio ësiin lohikäärme Lady Kuunhämyn kruunun alta! (Object mukana.)
English Translation:
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponimaa castle! The ponies have tons of princely adventures and magical surprises they want to share with you! All My Little Pony needs to start the fun is YOU!
Lady Moonface is a mysterious pony. He likes mystical magic and performing magic tricks.
- Put the ring in the box and it disappears! And Hocus Pocus!
- You and Lady Moonface will get the ring back together!
- Bring out the dragon from under Lady Moonface's crown! (Object included.)
- Collectionne toue Mes Petite Poneys el partage leurs marvelleuses aventures.
- 1 Reine Mystérieuse prépare un vrai tour de magie! Pose la bague dans le coffre...elle disparait!
- 2 Abracadabra un coup de baguette magique... el la bague réapparait!
- 3 Reine Mystérieuse peut ausai faire apparaitre un dragon sous sa couronne!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their wonderful adventures.
- 1 Mysterious Queen prepares a real magic trick! Place the ring in the disappears!
- 2 Abracadabra a wave of the magic wand... and the ring reappears!
- 3 Mysterious Queen can also make a dragon appear under her crown!
Herzlich Willkommen im Reich der königlichen Ladys vom Pony-Freundschaftsland, der zauberhaften Welt von "Mein Kleines Pony"! Hier erleben die Königs- Freunde die sagenhaftesten Abenteuer! Spiel doch einfach mit! Deine Ponys freuen sich riesig über einen neuen Freund und schenken Dir zum Dank einen zauberhaften Schatz aus ihrem königlichen Schloß im Pony-Freundschaftsland!
Lady Mondscharren liebt Geheimnisse! Gerne verzaubert sie ihre königlichen Freunde und führt ihnen ihre tollen Zaubertricks vor!
- Stecke den Ring in die Zauberbox er verschwindet!
- Sprich die Zauberformel "Abrakadabra ...und zaubere ihn wieder hervor!
- Wie durch Zauberei erscheint unter ihrer Krone ein niedlicher Drache! (Anleitung inliegend.)
Zauberhafte Ponys zum Sammeln!
English Translation: Welcome to the realm of the royal ladies from Pony Friendship Land, the magical world of “My Little Pony”! Here the royal friends experience the most fabulous adventures! Just play along! Your ponies are really happy about a new friend and as a thank you they give you a magical treasure from their royal castle in Pony Friendship Land!
Lady Mondscharren loves secrets! She loves to enchant her royal friends and show them her amazing magic tricks!
- Put the ring in the magic box and it will disappear!
- Say the magic formula "Abracadabra...and conjure it up again!
- As if by magic, a cute dragon appears under her crown! (Instructions included.)
Magical ponies to collect!
- Colleziona e gioca con loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nelle loro menangiosa avventure.
- 1 Damina Ombretta sta preparando delle magie! Posa l'anello nella scatola magica... sparrà!
- 2 Abracadabra, un colpo di bacchetta magica... e l'anello napparire.
- 3 Damina Ombretta può anche far apparir un draghetto sotto la sua corona!
English Translation:
- Collect and play with them: your My Little Ponies in their mesmerizing adventures.
- 1 Lady Shadow is preparing some magic! Place the ring in the magic box... she will shoot!
- 2 Abracadabra, a wave of the magic wand... and the ring appears.
- 3 Lady Shadow can also make a little dragon appear under her crown!
My Little Pony väntar på dig på Ponylands slott! Ponnyerna vill roa sig kungligt tillsammans med dig och bjuder på massor av magiska överraskningar! Det enda My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är - DIG!
Lady Månskugga är Mystisk. Hon gillar mystisk magi och fantastiska trick.
- Lägg ringen i lådan så försvinner den! Och - abra kadabra!...
- Du och Lady Månskugga gör så att ringen dyker upp igen!
- Gör så att draken på magiskt vis dyker upp under Lady Månskuggas krona! (Instruktioner medföljer.)
English Translation:
My Little Pony is waiting for you at Ponyland Castle! The ponies want to have royal fun with you and offer lots of magical surprises! The only thing My Little Pony needs to have fun is - YOU!
Lady Moonshadow is Mysterious. She likes mysterious magic and amazing tricks.
- Put the ring in the box and it will disappear! And - abra kadabra!...
- You and Lady Moonshadow make the ring reappear!
- Make the dragon magically appear under Lady Moonshadow's crown! (Instructions included.)
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Three (1999) | ||
♥ Nationwide distribution in the USA ended in 1999, but which ponies were available is still debated. Distribution and sales continued in Europe through 2003 and the brand relaunch of Generation 3. ♥ | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Princess Ponies |
Princess Crystal • Princess Ivy • Princess Morning Glory • Princess Silver Swirl • Princess Trixiebelle • Princess Twinkle Star | |
Royal Lady Ponies |
Lady Cupcake • Lady Light Heart • Lady Moonshine • Lady Sky Skimmer | |
Royal Friends |
Mystery Ball with Princess Sweet Berry and Lady Sky Skimmer • Royal Wedding with Princess Morning Glory and Prince Clever Clover | |
Holiday Ponies | ||
Playsets |
Sweet Berry's Magic Kitchen • Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunsparkle • Magic Rainbow Forest with Sunsparkle • Royal Castle Ballroom with Princess Morning Glory |
Media Appearances
See Also
Other ponies in the 1998 Magic Motion Friends Series:
Other ponies in the 1999 Royal Ladies Series: